ade explains

bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

Shall we put it into the classics?
bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

For fucks sake, get over yourself will you!

Seriously bizzbo, im woried about the effect this has had on you?
alera said:
Who cares why does it matter if he wears a tsirt with Arsenal badge on it ? Maybe he threw it in the case by mistake, maybe he has a little more on his mind at the moment to notice.

Does it really matter, does any one really care ? I certainly dont biggest non issue since the sacking of Hughes.

Under normal circs, it would matter a hell of a lot.
blueinsa said:
bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

For fucks sake, get over yourself will you!

Seriously bizzbo, im woried about the effect this has had on you?

I was thinking the same I am more worried about bizzbo now that ade.
bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

What a fucking drama queen. If you choose to believe every bit of pr you see and hear then good luck to you. If you think that entitles you to remind anyone about it for a long time, then good luck to you again. Hope it makes your life worth living.
I think it's disgusting, I saw him in his shirt and really didnt care, you could feel how his perceptions of what is right or wrong with club vrs club politics etc were a million miles from where his mindset was or is. His mate died in his arms ffs, truely staggering it really is. I dont think i've ever wanted a player to come back and do the business as much as him, ever before.
Didsbury Dave said:
Someone please name and shame the fucking knobs from that thread. Please.

Every one of them should publicly apologise.

apologise for what??? that our star striker was pictured wearing a rival's shirt...

he shouldnt of but its finished now
moomba said:
bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

What a fucking drama queen. If you choose to believe every bit of pr you see and hear then good luck to you. If you think that entitles you to remind anyone about it for a long time, then good luck to you again. Hope it makes your life worth living.

none of you get it at all do you. it was out of order to slate someone in a vulnerable state. it was a totally unacceptable way to behave to one of our own players. this club does sometimes make my life worth living and I'm not about to let it go to down the shitter because of a few people who just don't know how to act. I have standards that I will defend until the cows come home, whatever you wanna call me, that's fine, makes no difference to me.
I missed "shirtgate", as I was in the pub all yesterday afternoon, commemorating my mate's 23 year old kid brother, who passed away a year ago yesterday.

First I heard of it was when a rag mate came bounding in, all excited at having something to have a pop at me about! Now I was pretty pissed by this time, so you would think, prone to a little irrational thinking. I can however, honestly say, that my reaction to him was that if that was the best him & his fellow small minded toss-pots could throw at us, then they could bring it on, because its fucking pathetic & shows them for what they are - a bunch of hypocritical shitbags who like to give it out when others suffer tragedy, but run to the press whenever anyone has a dig at theirs! I'm not condoning either set of supporters in this by the way, just making a point!

Anyway, those on here who say they are passionate about City & this is why they felt the need to jump down Ade's throat are missing 2 points! One - as passionate as I am about City (and trust me, my mates get exasperated sometimes by the lengths I'll go to in order to defend them), my passion for my club is probably outweighed at the moment by the feelings running through Ade's mind, and anyone who can't see that is just choosing to be ignorant, in order to serve some perverse agenda which probably has more to do with their view of him as a player, than it does his choice of fashionwear (in my view)!

Secondly, they give wankers like my mate from last night & his bunch encouragement to have a go at OUR CLUB, therefore undoing whatever good it is they think they're doing in support of the club anyway!

Seeing as I had to tell my mate last night that I thought he was a pathetic wanker for so gleefully trampling on another man's grief in order to score cheap points, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say the same for those I've read on here who've come out with similar fucking nonsense!

I don't expect anyone to apologise by the way, I don't care & its nothing to do with me, but I do think you're wankers!

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