ade explains

garyowensgolfclubs said:
about the arsenal shirt on SSN shortly

It's very sad he feels he needs to after such a sad experience. And it's a f**king sad world when something like this is taken so out of context from the events surrounding it, and actually deemed of any importance by anyone.

I hope he doesn't feel that City fans have pressed this on him, because most are pretty sensible people. He should get our 100% support ( i.e. we're supporters ), not our condemnation for something so trivial against the background of an all out gun battle. I'll say it again with no shame. God bless you Ade and all your collegues and friends, and you'll be in my prayers.
rastus said:
Its you who overreacted. or is that too difficult for you to understand?

Yeah, I said that he shouldn't face any punishment or even a bollocking. Also said that there shouldn't be any consequences from the crowd, and that I will give him a big cheer when he returns.

Big overreaction, some of you are so concerned about slagging anyone that doesn't think exactly the same as them they don't even bother picking the right targets.
not my fault! said:
Graceyboy said:
To be honest, I it would not suprise me if the reason is down to the team supported by one of the unlucky guys that was killed being Arsenal, and it was his way of a mark of respect.

If it is, I expect all those chumps who slated him to be big enough to come on here and apologise to him

Why? He should have explianed in the interview rather than us having all this. One sentence would have cleared it up but now 24 hours later he bothers to? Very sad what has happened but still should have mentioned it at the time. Oh and he wasnt "stuck" in front of a camera as someone else has said, he was given the option and decided to speak about it in an Arsenal shirt.

FFS Some of you guys beggar belief. Oh, maybe because his PR man had died in his arms he didn't know what to do or say ......Clown!
Bluemoon115 said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
(i forgive him)
I bet he's so glad you did that, because who knows how much not having some insensitive pillock forgive him may have hurt him.

oh sorry mr. perfect you ignorant prick

why dont we all just make assumptions about people based on a few words and what mood we're in. oh yeah lets go round calling people insensitive too just cos they dont share our opinion... dickhead
Bluemoon115 said:
not my fault! said:
Why? He should have explianed in the interview rather than us having all this. One sentence would have cleared it up but now 24 hours later he bothers to? Very sad what has happened but still should have mentioned it at the time. Oh and he wasnt "stuck" in front of a camera as someone else has said, he was given the option and decided to speak about it in an Arsenal shirt.

"..and my best friend died in my arms. By the way, I'm borrowing this shirt because I've got nothing else to wear..."

Don't be so fuckin stupid.

I'm far from stupid but hey ho...
As for not having anything else to wear... Come on wake up get real will you, he's worth millions and I'm sure he could have bought something or even said "you know what it would be best I didnt put that on live on sky" Seen as we gave a mins silence as a mark of respect too. I understand both side of the argument here but my opinion (as I'm entitled to) is that he was stupid for going live on TV (a few days later remember once he had travelled home, not stright away as some are making out) in an Arsenal shirt. So the ONLY shirt he could find was a gooners one? Look I've got my opinion and you all have your's neither of us is right or wrong so whats the point? Yesterday I was angry today I think he is daft but I cant be arsed now as nothing will come of it.
Just maybe just maybe someone has told him the error of his ways and said how rightly upset some of city supporters were , if he had agreed to do an interview surely he must of had another top . Just because he said it doesnt mean its true , remember Ade has been prone to a few white lies in the past . But whatever it doesnt take much for fellow blues to call each other knobs and tell each other to fuck off for rightly expressing an opinion.Whatever the situation people live for there club so when a player of our club wears another teams colours it is bound to cause unrest , Ade was very badly advised and it seems someone has now advised him to explain, if that explanation was the truth great , if not at least he realised he cocked up ,so a happy ending all round...Come on City...lets ave it
mansour's tow ropes said:
Bluemoon115 said:
I bet he's so glad you did that, because who knows how much not having some insensitive pillock forgive him may have hurt him.

oh sorry mr. perfect you ignorant prick

why dont we all just make assumptions about people based on a few words and what mood we're in. oh yeah lets go round calling people insensitive too just cos they dont share our opinion... dickhead
Nothing to do with not sharing my opinion, it's to do with you having a go at a guy in such a situation because of what shirt he wears, which does make you insensitive (maybe you should look the word up, you don't seem to be too bright).
belly2000 said:
not my fault! said:
Why? He should have explianed in the interview rather than us having all this. One sentence would have cleared it up but now 24 hours later he bothers to? Very sad what has happened but still should have mentioned it at the time. Oh and he wasnt "stuck" in front of a camera as someone else has said, he was given the option and decided to speak about it in an Arsenal shirt.

FFS Some of you guys beggar belief. Oh, maybe because his PR man had died in his arms he didn't know what to do or say ......Clown!
Roberto Mancini also eats in Ferdinands Restaurant at top of King Street. Now what does that make him? Does it make him a Rag? Lets get this all into perspective or should we all start a 'Mancini Out thread'
The big man contacted the excellent MCFC Communications Team who have beeen in contact with VMC today to be deeply touched by the impeccably observed minutes silence afforded to Togo before the Blackburn game on Monday and is seriously concerned he has upset City's fans.

Explaining away the Arsenal shirt, Ade revealed that he lost all his luggage in the sustained 30 minutes machine gun attack and that his brother gave him an Arsenal polo top.

found on VMC. I spoke to Danny Wilson who works in comms at city and he said Ade had contacted the club and said these things aswell
blueinbolton77 said:
garyowensgolfclubs said:
about the arsenal shirt on SSN shortly

It's very sad he feels he needs to after such a sad experience. And it's a f**king sad world when something like this is taken so out of context from the events surrounding it, and actually deemed of any importance by anyone.

I hope he doesn't feel that City fans have pressed this on him, because most are pretty sensible people. He should get our 100% support ( i.e. we're supporters ), not our condemnation for something so trivial against the background of an all out gun battle. I'll say it again with no shame. God bless you Ade and all your collegues and friends, and you'll be in my prayers.

Dont be daft. i dont think about 40 or 50 people posting their disapproval on an internet site, would make Ade think "oh shit I better put the record straight".

I like many others on here, believed there would be a logical reason for wearing the shirt, he should not have had to come out and explain his reasons, so soon after the awful events of last Friday!!

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