ade explains

SalfordCityBlue said:
The only thing this incident has proved is that there are some complete and utter tools who post on this site lol.

No perspective on life. No compassion. No class.

Did we think Ade was an Arsenal fan when he was sticking it in the back of the net against them and busting a gut to rub it in their faces.

Some City fans cannot wait to have a pop at our players. It's sad, but it's a fact. We all know it. This was worse though, given the circumstances. I agree it was a new low.

I'm sure all the sane posters living in the actual world would agree with me when I say looking forward to welcoming you back to OUR club Ade. Whenever you're ready mate.

Did I really read someone saying he should have been thinking about fucking marketing lol. Unbelievable.
Top post mate.

Comments like 'well he is a millionaire so he should of bought a new shirt' are very embarassing
andypandy said:
What Ade has done has been viewed by fans on here anywhere between not giving a stuff because of what he went through to bordering on damnation.

Everyone is fully entitled to their own opinion though

I really doubt that Ade wore the Arsenal shirt deliberately to piss off his employers as well as City supporters - he just made a mistake.

^^^ This is how I feel, nothing against the player and my heart goes out to him but a stupid think to do on live TV in my eyes.
badge said:
i'm amazed at what a bunch of mugs we seem to be. did anybody think that he was going to come out and say "i wore the shirt because i still love arsenal"? of course not. he was always going to come up with an "explanation". so the only shirt he could have possibly borrowed was an arsenal top? he couldn't have swapped with any of the other players? miraculously a city shirt is available the next day. how gullible can you get? at least he didn't pull the trauma card.

I'm amazed that you can even think about such fucking trivialities without even a hint of compassion for what one of OUR players has just gone through.

Just stop and think about it for a second. Put yourself in his shoes. Then try and give a fuck about what you are saying is a 'crime'.
not my fault! said:
garyowensgolfclubs said:
Roberto Mancini also eats in Ferdinands Restaurant at top of King Street. Now what does that make him? Does it make him a Rag? Lets get this all into perspective or should we all start a 'Mancini Out thread'

Get a grip will you, like I say we have different opinions end of. So calling me a Clown makes you feel better? And I'm the petty one eh, lol. If he had done the interview on the day or even the day after then I'd agree with you but he had been home Five days and couldnt find a shirt? It's laughable.

So eating in a restaurant is the same as being on TV in an oposing teams shirt? lol. ffs, it's ok for you to both have an opinion but I cant?

My view is he was an idiot, Five days after the event he's at home in his own country and he has no clothes so has to borrow an Arsenal shirt? Think about it eh, he's had five days to buy or find a shirt. Like I say very sad events (watch a mate die myself) but having an interview (his choice) in a competitors shirt I find wrong.

Maybe I was a bit harsh calling you a clown - Apologies. (More to do with some of the other "blues" in the original Ade thread). But he returned home to Togo on Sunday and gave the interview yesterday, Tuesday - Hardly 5 days, more like 2 days by my reckoning. Can you not see though how his mind may have been elsewhere after all that happened?
I don't like what he did.
It's 3 days after, he can be socked, afraid, unsure, lost in his thoughts.
But not unpolite. I can't beleive an Arsenal shirt was the only one available to borrow.
I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose or for declaring something, he just didn't care.
We're no big rivals with Arsenal, it's not a matter between us & them. It's about his character.
Even in my darkest hour i would have the decency to respect other people.
It's a minor thing, no boos & abuse for Ade are acceptable, i just don't trust him much.

Good luck Ade, come back and score for us and be a big boy from now on ...
mancitymick said:
No one should have to apologise for what they thought. They had there thoughts but got it wrong, So what. Lets move on please from the shirtgate please

That is where you are completely and utterly wrong. If people had kept their thoughts as thoughts then fine. However, many so called fans found it necessary to vent their spleens and spout utter drivel and bile against a guy who had almost lost his own life and saw his friends and colleagues gunned down before him. Unfortunately most of these idiots, when asked to feel some empathy towards the guy for what he had just experienced, probably turned on gears of war or some other such video game and thought to themselves, "whats the problem you just have to duck". You can ask some people to engage their brains and reflect on things they have mistakenly said but unfortunately you will never get through to mindless MINORITY.
80s Shorts said:
Unfortunately most of these idiots, when asked to feel some empathy towards the guy for what he had just experienced, probably turned on gears of war or some other such video game and thought to themselves, "whats the problem you just have to duck".

lol, beautifully put. Hadn't thought of it that way.

Excellent post all around, although hugely depressing.
I am sickened by the thought that any City fan should consider that Adebayor has done anything wrong whatsover. Totally sickened.

As has been said elsewhere, given the circumstances the guy could have worn a rag shirt as far as I am concerned - it is totally and utterly irrelevant when placed in the context of what he gone through with his team-mates and friends and as a victim of this terrorist attrocity.

There should be no silent majority on these kind of issues guys - time to make your views known, and those that posted any kind of criticism of Adebayors choice of shirt should be seriously ashamed.
moomba said:
bizzbo said:

the people involved have upset the rest of us very badly

you can expect to cop it for the forsee-able future, until you apologise or show some understanding of just what has upset us so much

this was bluemoon's darkest episode by a long, long way

What a fucking drama queen. If you choose to believe every bit of pr you see and hear then good luck to you. If you think that entitles you to remind anyone about it for a long time, then good luck to you again. Hope it makes your life worth living.

Moomba, Ade had just been shot at and nearly died. His friends / colleagues did die. He dragged a team mate who had been shot and was bleeding all over the place under a seat next to him to try and save his life. The men were crying, screaming and totally terrified. Apparently the bus driver died almost instantly. The others who died, died slowly in agonising pain. NOW CALL ME A DRAMA QUEEN YOU GODFORSAKEN ****.
badge said:
bluwilpgs said:
The hysteria on this site is quite laughable.

Everyone coming on here spouting their moral high ground is pathetic.

Calling other City fans for having an opinion, demanding that they make apologies. FFS get over yourselves!

My personal opinion is that he should not have worn that shirt regardless of the situation. He is paid a good salary by his employers and part of his role should be to represent the best interests of the club at all times - Any shirt without another clubs brand would not have been a problem so why take the risk? If you say that the emotion of the situation etc., to me that doesn't stack up. I presume he dressed himself.

Tribute or not it was at best ill-judged.

Just an opinion - and no I will not apologise for it.

on the nail!

i'm amazed at what a bunch of mugs we seem to be. did anybody think that he was going to come out and say "i wore the shirt because i still love arsenal"? of course not. he was always going to come up with an "explanation". so the only shirt he could have possibly borrowed was an arsenal top? he couldn't have swapped with any of the other players? miraculously a city shirt is available the next day. how gullible can you get? at least he didn't pull the trauma card.
Why should he have to explain anything to you or anyone else?
Whilst he is on City duty he will wear City clothing when he is not he can wear what he likes,
And your comment about not playing the trauma card is uncalled for.
Newwsflash.... not all City players are City fans.

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