ade explains

SalfordCityBlue said:
badge said:
i've got compassion. i've got sympathy for what he's been through. but if you just believe that everything that somebody tells you is the truth, that's a shame. of course there's going to be an excuse. i said that yesterday! i mean, we all know the club reads this website and that particular excuse was offered by some of the apologists on here.

It's not about believing or not believing anything, it is about the fact that some people's moral compasses are so horrifically skewed that they can be outraged about a shirt given the events he has been through.

The fact that people think Ade should have been thinking about marketing, or our feelings, or even what he was wearing for our benefit is staggeringly self involved IMO.

fan opinion is obviously split right down the middle on this one. however i very much doubt the club will have been too impressed. they're not going to bollock him, like they would had there been no traumatic event, but you can be assured he'll have been told it's never to happen again. i'd be very surprised if this incident didn't trigger a new contract clause (that's if it isn't already in place!)
80s Shorts said:
Moomba, Ade had just been shot at and nearly died. His friends / colleagues did die. He dragged a team mate who had been shot and was bleeding all over the place under a seat next to him to try and save his life. The men were crying, screaming and totally terrified. Apparently the bus driver died almost instantly. The others who died, died slowly in agonising pain. NOW CALL ME A DRAMA QUEEN YOU GODFORSAKEN ****.

Everyone knows what happened, everyone has empathy for what he and the others went through.

Like I've said, I think it was a stupid thing to do. Nothing more than that, no punishment, no bollocking, no fines, no boos from the crowd. I said that we should deliver a truckload of city kit to his house, and another truckload for the community, and said that I will give him a big cheer when he comes back to the side.

It's drama queens such as yourself who are trying to turn that into something it is not.
deynaskaz said:
BringBackSwales said:
you fucking prick. I once witnessed a relativey trivial looking car accident, stopped to check everyone was ok, when I got to the car I looked down and the passenger door of it was embedded in the old lady
passenger's leg, I stayed with her til the ambulance and fire got there and I was utterly distraught - checked the local hospitals over the weekend and it turned out she died later in hospital. I could not drive properly for about 3 bastard months. Now we are talking about a guy who was under machine gun fire for 30 fucking minutes, thought he was a dead man, had a mate die in his arms, and you and others have the fucking neck to criticise him about a shirt he was wearing 2 days after something like that - you fucking stupid, selfish moron, how fucked would your head be after something like that

I have never swore like that on here before but this is a fucking disgrace

Look after yourself Ade mate (BLUE!), I can only imagine how bad you feel, some people just havent got a clue

Did you put an arsenal shirt on two days later..

That it for me, time for a break. Can only hope most of em are Rags on here to wind people up. If they are "City Fans" I give up.
badge said:
SalfordCityBlue said:
It's not about believing or not believing anything, it is about the fact that some people's moral compasses are so horrifically skewed that they can be outraged about a shirt given the events he has been through.

The fact that people think Ade should have been thinking about marketing, or our feelings, or even what he was wearing for our benefit is staggeringly self involved IMO.

fan opinion is obviously split right down the middle on this one. however i very much doubt the club will have been too impressed. they're not going to bollock him, like they would had there been no traumatic event, but you can be assured he'll have been told it's never to happen again. i'd be very surprised if this incident didn't trigger a new contract clause (that's if it isn't already in place!)

Reports suggest that MCFC are to give all the time he needs and counselling if needed (NOT about the polo shirt before anyone cracks a joke!!).
Chid said:
blueinbolton77 said:
It's very sad he feels he needs to after such a sad experience. And it's a f**king sad world when something like this is taken so out of context from the events surrounding it, and actually deemed of any importance by anyone.

I hope he doesn't feel that City fans have pressed this on him, because most are pretty sensible people. He should get our 100% support ( i.e. we're supporters ), not our condemnation for something so trivial against the background of an all out gun battle. I'll say it again with no shame. God bless you Ade and all your collegues and friends, and you'll be in my prayers.

Dont be daft. i dont think about 40 or 50 people posting their disapproval on an internet site, would make Ade think "oh shit I better put the record straight".

I like many others on here, believed there would be a logical reason for wearing the shirt, he should not have had to come out and explain his reasons, so soon after the awful events of last Friday!!

It truth I typed in haste, because I wanted to say "I hope he doesn't feel that City fans have pressed this on him, because most are sensible people and this is something highlighted by the media.

But now I've read some of the other posts concerning the whole affair, I think it's a bit of a cheek to call me daft in anyway shape or form.

Reply if you like, but forgive me for being rude and not answering on it, not you or your opinion, but this thread is now being dumped in my mental recycle bin where it belongs..
deynaskaz said:
BringBackSwales said:
you fucking prick. I once witnessed a relativey trivial looking car accident, stopped to check everyone was ok, when I got to the car I looked down and the passenger door of it was embedded in the old lady
passenger's leg, I stayed with her til the ambulance and fire got there and I was utterly distraught - checked the local hospitals over the weekend and it turned out she died later in hospital. I could not drive properly for about 3 bastard months. Now we are talking about a guy who was under machine gun fire for 30 fucking minutes, thought he was a dead man, had a mate die in his arms, and you and others have the fucking neck to criticise him about a shirt he was wearing 2 days after something like that - you fucking stupid, selfish moron, how fucked would your head be after something like that

I have never swore like that on here before but this is a fucking disgrace

Look after yourself Ade mate (BLUE!), I can only imagine how bad you feel, some people just havent got a clue

Did you put an arsenal shirt on two days later..

fuck off you juvenile, when you have been to as many games as I have then come back and lecture me about clothing, sad little small minded shit
I'm not posting on this anymore either. It would be easier if I was actually surprised by what is being posted, or I could believe it was mischief by other clubs but we all know it's not...

Some people have bought fully into that bullshit quote 'not life and death, it's more important than that' it seems, and I find that totally abhorrent.
The people who moaned and whined about it and said Ade probably doesn't even know what the score of our matches have been should feel ashamed. It was very easy to see that Ade had been through a lot in the last few days and to jump at him over something as trivial as that was wrong anyway but to have him come back and have to explain what happened is dreadful considering what happened. Ade saved someone's life in that attack, to have a go at him over what shirt he had on was idiotic anyway, he should be getting called a hero, not having to put up with people moaning about a shirt. It's like the fashion police gone mad! Well done and thank you for the explanation Ade but I don't think the explanation was needed. It did help to shut up the other fans who are stupid enough to look for any excuse to have a go at City at the moment though so thanks for that!
80s Shorts said:
deynaskaz said:
Did you put an arsenal shirt on two days later..

That it for me, time for a break. Can only hope most of em are Rags on here to wind people up. If they are "City Fans" I give up.

Oh my god what a bunch of drama queens , most people on here have been through traumatic times ,move on and lighten up we all feel for Ade of course we do but calling someone a fooking twat on what is a forum for debate is a joke something the real swales would of done ,and then relating your events to Ade s ,well i never .

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