ade explains

SalfordCityBlue said:
badge said:
i'm amazed at what a bunch of mugs we seem to be. did anybody think that he was going to come out and say "i wore the shirt because i still love arsenal"? of course not. he was always going to come up with an "explanation". so the only shirt he could have possibly borrowed was an arsenal top? he couldn't have swapped with any of the other players? miraculously a city shirt is available the next day. how gullible can you get? at least he didn't pull the trauma card.

I'm amazed that you can even think about such fucking trivialities without even a hint of compassion for what one of OUR players has just gone through.

Just stop and think about it for a second. Put yourself in his shoes. Then try and give a fuck about what you are saying is a 'crime'.

i've got compassion. i've got sympathy for what he's been through. but if you just believe that everything that somebody tells you is the truth, that's a shame. of course there's going to be an excuse. i said that yesterday! i mean, we all know the club reads this website and that particular excuse was offered by some of the apologists on here.
Let`s just get behind the fella and show him that we love him. The more love he get`s from the fans the better he will perform. It`s just great that he is alive and I wish him all the best and hope that he scores plenty of goals.
Time to put this thread to bed!

Some think he was wrong, some think it was not a problem.

Those that have slated the man for an error of judgement (or not) should maybe reflect on the nature of the 'offence'.

In my opinion he made an error, not a big thing, but an error all the same. None of the 'arguments' on here have made me change my mind.

In perspective it bears no comparison with Garry Cook welcoming Uwe Rosler to the Manchester United hall of fame or whatever it was.

Just an opinion, that's all.
harry the plumber said:
Why should he have to explain anything to you or anyone else?

That really fucks me off to be honest. The fact that during this time - undoubtedly the darkest of his life, and having endured events the like of which hopefully no one on here will ever have to deal with - someone has had to go to him and bother him with this nonsensical, childish bullshit.

The fact he knows it has caused an issue amongst City fans and he has had to take time out to comment is something I find hugely embarassing.
Matt Diablo said:
fair do's fella, but maybe Blueinusa is right, maybe I shouldnt be on here anymore as if this is a "debate" with "fans", then i'm not sure I want to part of it anymore tbh, anyway i've got a life to get back to...

I agree Matt, this whole "debate" has left me feeling rather sad. The lack of humanity and general decency displayed by some over the last couple of days has left me a little bewildered. I dont thnk I will be on here much more in future. (cue the trolls saying bye bye then).
badge said:
i've got compassion. i've got sympathy for what he's been through. but if you just believe that everything that somebody tells you is the truth, that's a shame. of course there's going to be an excuse. i said that yesterday! i mean, we all know the club reads this website and that particular excuse was offered by some of the apologists on here.

It's not about believing or not believing anything, it is about the fact that some people's moral compasses are so horrifically skewed that they can be outraged about a shirt given the events he has been through.

The fact that people think Ade should have been thinking about marketing, or our feelings, or even what he was wearing for our benefit is staggeringly self involved IMO.
badge said:
bluwilpgs said:
The hysteria on this site is quite laughable.

Everyone coming on here spouting their moral high ground is pathetic.

Calling other City fans for having an opinion, demanding that they make apologies. FFS get over yourselves!

My personal opinion is that he should not have worn that shirt regardless of the situation. He is paid a good salary by his employers and part of his role should be to represent the best interests of the club at all times - Any shirt without another clubs brand would not have been a problem so why take the risk? If you say that the emotion of the situation etc., to me that doesn't stack up. I presume he dressed himself.

Tribute or not it was at best ill-judged.

Just an opinion - and no I will not apologise for it.

on the nail!

i'm amazed at what a bunch of mugs we seem to be. did anybody think that he was going to come out and say "i wore the shirt because i still love arsenal"? of course not. he was always going to come up with an "explanation". so the only shirt he could have possibly borrowed was an arsenal top? he couldn't have swapped with any of the other players? miraculously a city shirt is available the next day. how gullible can you get? at least he didn't pull the trauma card.

you fucking prick. I once witnessed a relativey trivial looking car accident, stopped to check everyone was ok, when I got to the car I looked down and the passenger door of it was embedded in the old lady
passenger's leg, I stayed with her til the ambulance and fire got there and I was utterly distraught - checked the local hospitals over the weekend and it turned out she died later in hospital. I could not drive properly for about 3 bastard months. Now we are talking about a guy who was under machine gun fire for 30 fucking minutes, thought he was a dead man, had a mate die in his arms, and you and others have the fucking neck to criticise him about a shirt he was wearing 2 days after something like that - you fucking stupid, selfish moron, how fucked would your head be after something like that

I have never swore like that on here before but this is a fucking disgrace

Look after yourself Ade mate (BLUE!), I can only imagine how bad you feel, some people just havent got a clue
SalfordCityBlue said:
harry the plumber said:
Why should he have to explain anything to you or anyone else?

That really fucks me off to be honest. The fact that during this time - undoubtedly the darkest of his life, and having endured events the like of which hopefully no one on here will ever have to deal with - someone has had to go to him and bother him with this nonsensical, childish bullshit.

The fact he knows it has caused an issue amongst City fans and he has had to take time out to comment is something I find hugely embarassing.

Agreed. Cringingly awful isn't it?
80s Shorts said:
moomba said:
What a fucking drama queen. If you choose to believe every bit of pr you see and hear then good luck to you. If you think that entitles you to remind anyone about it for a long time, then good luck to you again. Hope it makes your life worth living.

Moomba, Ade had just been shot at and nearly died. His friends / colleagues did die. He dragged a team mate who had been shot and was bleeding all over the place under a seat next to him to try and save his life. The men were crying, screaming and totally terrified. Apparently the bus driver died almost instantly. The others who died, died slowly in agonising pain. NOW CALL ME A DRAMA QUEEN YOU GODFORSAKEN ****.

Then he went home put the kettle on and borrowed a shirt off his brother 2 days later ,oh it just happened to be an
arsenal shirt.Ade cocked up city fans rightly questioned his decision to do it and some thought he was well wrong , me included ,now he has given a explanation or a long story we can allpick which one we prefer ,a forum will be fullof people with different view s , get over it .
BringBackSwales said:
badge said:
on the nail!

i'm amazed at what a bunch of mugs we seem to be. did anybody think that he was going to come out and say "i wore the shirt because i still love arsenal"? of course not. he was always going to come up with an "explanation". so the only shirt he could have possibly borrowed was an arsenal top? he couldn't have swapped with any of the other players? miraculously a city shirt is available the next day. how gullible can you get? at least he didn't pull the trauma card.

you fucking prick. I once witnessed a relativey trivial looking car accident, stopped to check everyone was ok, when I got to the car I looked down and the passenger door of it was embedded in the old lady
passenger's leg, I stayed with her til the ambulance and fire got there and I was utterly distraught - checked the local hospitals over the weekend and it turned out she died later in hospital. I could not drive properly for about 3 bastard months. Now we are talking about a guy who was under machine gun fire for 30 fucking minutes, thought he was a dead man, had a mate die in his arms, and you and others have the fucking neck to criticise him about a shirt he was wearing 2 days after something like that - you fucking stupid, selfish moron, how fucked would your head be after something like that

I have never swore like that on here before but this is a fucking disgrace

Look after yourself Ade mate (BLUE!), I can only imagine how bad you feel, some people just havent got a clue

Did you put an arsenal shirt on two days later..

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