deynaskaz said:BringBackSwales said:you fucking prick. I once witnessed a relativey trivial looking car accident, stopped to check everyone was ok, when I got to the car I looked down and the passenger door of it was embedded in the old lady
passenger's leg, I stayed with her til the ambulance and fire got there and I was utterly distraught - checked the local hospitals over the weekend and it turned out she died later in hospital. I could not drive properly for about 3 bastard months. Now we are talking about a guy who was under machine gun fire for 30 fucking minutes, thought he was a dead man, had a mate die in his arms, and you and others have the fucking neck to criticise him about a shirt he was wearing 2 days after something like that - you fucking stupid, selfish moron, how fucked would your head be after something like that
I have never swore like that on here before but this is a fucking disgrace
Look after yourself Ade mate (BLUE!), I can only imagine how bad you feel, some people just havent got a clue
Did you put an arsenal shirt on two days later..
FFS Mods - Are you not going to do anything about this shite? People have opinions, but this guy is the scum of the earth and deserves to get banned - Get rid of this scum!!!!