Ade off?

gman07 said:
Its going tits up... the sky is falling on our heads, players want out, fans dont respect a point away at WHL because we play negative, Its like fbloke was right... and its kinda depressing for me as a fan to hear all this rumours, flapping, negative talk about my beloved club...

Complaining about 1 point away to a top four club (yes, Tottenham is a top four club this season..) is crazy.

I think City dealt with the task masterfully, Tottenham really pushed us and we managed to balance the team and keep the ball out of our own goal.

What people SHOULD focus on in that game is the fact that so many of our players sprinted back and threw down critical tackles, put their body in the line of fire and really worked HARD to win... That is something City lacked all last season and the one before.

THAT is why it was a good game and why we will do great this season.

Oh and the fact that Tottenham rarely were dangerous on corners/set pieces thanks to yaya heading out 90% of the attempts.. another area we were weak last season. Thanks big-guy!
fbloke said:
I cannot wait for TH to return to -

a) Apologise and say it was a wind-up

b) Confirm it was bollocks

c) Confirm the transfer request has been made

d) reveal his true identity as 'Inigo Montoya, you keeeled my father.....

which is TH?

gman07 said:
Its going tits up... the sky is falling on our heads, players want out, fans dont respect a point away at WHL because we play negative, Its like fbloke was right... and its kinda depressing for me as a fan to hear all this rumours, flapping, negative talk about my beloved club...

Batten down the hatches time as this is just the start...................
Danamy said:
gman07 said:
Its going tits up... the sky is falling on our heads, players want out, fans dont respect a point away at WHL because we play negative, Its like fbloke was right... and its kinda depressing for me as a fan to hear all this rumours, flapping, negative talk about my beloved club...

Batten down the hatches time as this is just the start...................

portentous stuff - the boils are to lanced!
johnny crossan said:
Danamy said:
Batten down the hatches time as this is just the start...................

portentous stuff - the boils are to lanced!

But I am still a WUM bastard who makes stuff up according to some.

Deedum deedum.
Mancio said:
de niro said:
yes please, either would do.

ibra and balo shares the manager. who i really doubt would put them in the same team competing for a place...

wasnt one of the good things about balo was that he can play, striker, supporting striker, or right wing? maybe there could be some ibra/balo with tevez in the hole action. haha
The last thing we need is more changes in the squad. Mancini should tell the players who are in the 25 they are staying + Milner if he arrives and announce publicly that is the end of transfers. Then we can get a settled squad and build for the season, any more changes and it will be christmas 2011 before the team can gel.

We saw the advantages of a settled squad at WHL, making small improvements in the squad at this time will delay getting settled and happy players who are aware of their job within the team.

Or do we want to be 15 points behind 4th spot before we start.
Scoople said:
The last thing we need is more changes in the squad. Mancini should tell the players who are in the 25 they are staying + Milner if he arrives and announce publicly that is the end of transfers. Then we can get a settled squad and build for the season, any more changes and it will be christmas 2011 before the team can gel.

We saw the advantages of a settled squad at WHL, making small improvements in the squad at this time will delay getting settled and happy players who are aware of their job within the team.

Or do we want to be 15 points behind 4th spot before we start.

how many prem games in the next two weeks? 2?

Mancini is balancing on a pinhead, but he thinks he can scrape through until then. I think he probably will, we got away with it a bit at Spurs but we still got a good point. Better to get it right now, get the best squad possible.

But I agree, it's pretty unnerving. Hold tight!

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