Adebayor (merged)

Re: Adebayor!

badge said:
this is absolutely fantastic news! according to the arsenal fan i work with. he's been wanting shut of him for ages. arsenal fans are split down the middle on him apparently which, isn't really very promising. with eto'o, there are no doubters.

There are no doubters over his class, but his attitude has been questioned more than once, just like Ade really - you cant question his class.
Re: Adebayor!

Ja Salford Blue said:
"He is exactly the same type of player that Jo is. Ok he is Prem tried and tested, but why not give Jo the experience he needs?"

You have surley got to be an Everton fan, who is desperate for us to take him back

Yeah thats right, im an everton fan you clown, and tonight im gonna rob your house.

What, cos i make a comparison on a player, it makes me a fan of another club?

(This site is becoming full of dickheads.)

Im sure if you'd been on here long enough you'll know im a blue, if you need picture proof i'll more than happy share it with you.


If, your post wasn't meant to piss me off, please ignore the above ;)
Re: Adebayor!

Ricster said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
"He is exactly the same type of player that Jo is. Ok he is Prem tried and tested, but why not give Jo the experience he needs?"

You have surley got to be an Everton fan, who is desperate for us to take him back

Yeah thats right, im an everton fan you clown, and tonight im gonna rob your house.

What, cos i make a comparison on a player, it makes me a fan of another club?

(This site is becoming full of dickheads.)

Im sure if you'd been on here long enough you'll know im a blue, if you need picture proof i'll more than happy share it with you.


If, your post wasn't meant to piss me off, please ignore the above ;)

Give us the picture proof anyway Ric, I love the pic of you with the giant Fergiepenis


(because the penis is funny, not because I am in love with you...fuck me, this is quite the hole I'm digging eh? ;)

It would be decent kudos for Arsenal to keep one of their big players even though they, and he, are being offered big bucks. It would reassure their nervous fans that the players believe in them and that they are not a selling club.

City and Arsenal have agreed this to increase the pressure on Barca who are shitting themselves as they have no buyer for Eto'o and need the money for Villa.
Didsbury Dave said:

It would be decent kudos for Arsenal to keep one of their big players even though they, and he, are being offered big bucks. It would reassure their nervous fans that the players believe in them and that they are not a selling club.

City and Arsenal have agreed this to increase the pressure on Barca who are shitting themselves as they have no buyer for Eto'o and need the money for Villa.

Yes im sure Arsenal have agreed to be dragged through the media, causing unrest yet again, so City can sign Eto'o. A player who was told to politely feck off by the Sheikh. Please get over Eto'o.
Didsbury Dave said:

It would be decent kudos for Arsenal to keep one of their big players even though they, and he, are being offered big bucks. It would reassure their nervous fans that the players believe in them and that they are not a selling club.

City and Arsenal have agreed this to increase the pressure on Barca who are shitting themselves as they have no buyer for Eto'o and need the money for Villa.

Do you write the scripts for Spooks?
I'd be happy if we signed Adebayor, he's a quality player. However...

We shouldn't really be after another striker unless that striker is "world-class" otherwise it isn't worth the hassle, and it'll just create disharmony within the dressing room. Adebayor, (as good a player as he is) doesn't differ that much from what we already have, and comes with his fair share of baggage;

He has a questionable attitude

Is regarded as "lazy"

Said himself he doesn't like paying upfront on his own

Is a similar player to RSC

And according to SSN his chance to conversion ratio is a measly 18%

Now I'd be happy if we signed him, but I dont buy the whole "look at where we've come from, don't you remember Samaras?" argument.

We're a completely different side with completely different ambitions to the one we were 3 years ago, and we should target players accordingly. I think we're more than adequately covered up front, if we sign Adebayor it'll just create trouble within the ranks - trouble which IMO wouldn't be worth it... the only player who'd be worth that potential trouble is Eto'o.

Any less and we should just count ourselves lucky and leave well alone.

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