Adebayor (merged)

Bergkamp said:
Danny St.helens CTID said:

welcome mae, by the way are you worried little city may be a top 4 challenger next year?

Don't think there's any "may" about it...

However, I think it "may" take your team a good 2-3 months to gel together so you may have to be patient for max another year. If they gel straight away then you're definitely gonna be right up there.

Like I explained in another post; I am quietly confident that it won't be us you'll be kicking out of the top 4.

I'd rather knock chelsea out or obviously the rags instead of you lot, but I do think that you will be the team we'll be aiming for mate

Welcome to the board

As for Adebayor. He either works hard and earns his place or he fucks off
just been told off a mate who is freinds with ireland that ireland has told him adebayor has signed

he did tell me about roque about 3 days before it was confirmed too so i do believe him
*singingtheblues* said:
Project said:
If Hughes can get a work ethic out of Elano, I say it's a done thing he can do the same with Adebayor

Personally I don't think he got anything out of Elano - that was the problem.

Any hard work, or graft on Elano's part was put in on the grim realisation that he was never getting first team football, due to petty disputes and the poor man-management of our stubborn manager - and that's why he won't be wearing sky blue in August.

you kind of prove the point. Hughes dropped him for poor work ethic, poor attitude. The same criticisms leveraged at Adebayor. Hughes brought him back into the side andhe was a different player - put in a shift, could last more than 70 minutes and picked up 3 MoMs in a row. Any other manager would be praised. That Hughes seemingly would rather not put up with the whining in the press about his methods is neither here nor there. It can't be argued that he got an extra 30% out of the player in the end.
I think its brilliant how City conduct their transfer business these days.

Semblence of the Barry transfer just seems to have come from nowhere and then its signed sealed and delivered brilliant!
I think he will be a great signing and just what we need.
However If he doesn't do it then I am sure he will sit on the bench and get splinters.
Things have changed at city and we can now afford to take a stance with players that don't want to play.
Arsenal did not have that chance last season. If he was fit he played.
We now have options. If he doesn't play then SC, Bellamy,Boj will all be waiting in the background. If they don't do it then expect someone in Jan to take their place.

Now for the defence.
Wrighty Wrexham said:
I think its brilliant how City conduct their transfer business these days.

Semblence of the Barry transfer just seems to have come from nowhere and then its signed sealed and delivered brilliant!

THink its fair to say Arsenal were easier to deal with than Barca
The Fat el Hombre said:
Bergkamp said:
Danny St.helens CTID said:

welcome mae, by the way are you worried little city may be a top 4 challenger next year?

Don't think there's any "may" about it...

However, I think it "may" take your team a good 2-3 months to gel together so you may have to be patient for max another year. If they gel straight away then you're definitely gonna be right up there.

Like I explained in another post; I am quietly confident that it won't be us you'll be kicking out of the top 4.

I'd rather knock chelsea out or obviously the rags instead of you lot, but I do think that you will be the team we'll be aiming for mate

Welcome to the board

As for Adebayor. He either works hard and earns his place or he fucks off

Thanks for the welcome to you and all the others. Papers always write us off and pick on us to be out of the top 4 every season so I don't blame you guys for aiming for us especially since we had a poo season last year... but to be fair we were a team in turmoil. Half the squad was p*ssed at Ade earning more than them, the other half p*ssed at Gallas as the captain etc. Both of those have now been resolved. Now we just need rid of Toure who isn't half the man he was 2 years ago.

As for Adebayor... Sing Adebayors name and he will perform. He lives off the fans.

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