Adebayor (Merged)

A sensible thing would have been to wear a City shirt as a gesture to the club and its fans for supporting him and his country during this difficult period, that may have upped his stock and brought him closer to our affections. I have to question his thinking behind wearing that shirt knowing full well the world would be watching the interview.
A sensible thing would have been to wear a City shirt as a gesture to the club and its fans for supporting him and his country during this difficult period, that may have upped his stock and brought him closer to our affections. I have to question his thinking behind wearing that shirt knowing full well the world would be watching the interview.
could it be his way of saying sorry to the arsenal fans for how he celebrated in front of them - the trauma he experienced made him realise he was out of order.
he always spoke of the love from City fans.
i aint happy but show the man love ffs.
though i always back anyone in a City shirt not like many others.
never leave early, never boo, proper City
Not read through all 14 pages of this, so apologies if this has already been said, but didn't the bus carrying all their luggage get ransacked as well? If so, isn't he likely to be a bit short of clothes at the minute, and since this is his first trip back to Togo since we signed him, he's not had a chance to take his collection of 'Ireland is Superman' t-shirts.

As someone as already pointed out, does anyone really think that his choice of t-shirt was the most important thing on his mind this morning?
not my fault! said:
Out of interest has anyone looked on the Arsenal forums to see how they have perceived this? Just wondered what they have had to say.

Yep laughing there cocks off!!!

I just cant see what he was thinking. No matter how fucked your head is you know who you work for!! And why not just wear normal clothes not like he is too short to buy a tshirt rather than wearing an arsenal one is it!
Gonna leave this thread now. Rowed with too many blues over the Hughes debacle, so i'm not about to start rowing about one of our players too. Will leave you with this though. Not one of you, me included, knows the circumstances leading up to Ade's donning of the Arsenal polo shirt. I would like to think it was as a mark of respect to one of the dead who could have been an Arsenal fan, and seeing as Ade played for them, he did it at the families request. If that is how it was, and the family did ask him to wear it, the most disrespectful thing Ade could have done would be to say no, considering the circumstances. Its not like he's all smiles and happiness, doing a post-Togo victory at the ACON and wearing it then, that would be out of order and almost bizarre. My theory could be far-fetched, but the truth is none of you know why he did it. Wait and see if HE feels he has anything to explain. I don't think he does as if i'm right, and he wore it because the family of one of the dead asked him too, it proves there is more to life than kicking a fucking football about. Ifi i'm wrong and he comes out with something like he wore it as he still has a light burning for Arsenal, well then that will be out of order, but under the circumstances, I will forgive him. I don't think its fair though, the grief he is getting, when not one of us know why he wore it. Laters.
What an idiotic thing to do.

But, hey, he's a professional footballer; they're not well known or respected for their intellectual contributions to society.
Never mind why he was wearing it, why did he have it in the first place. Why is he taking one over with him to Africa when he hasn't been involved with that club since July.

Always thought he was a knob when he was at Arsenal and even though he is a City player and i'll support him while he wears the shirt, he's still a fucking knob.
mad4city said:
I've had a good long think about this... wieghed up the arguments on both sides - and I do mean all of the arguments. the reasoned, well-thought out ones and the idiotic, hysterical, hypothetical and borderline-racist ones too and you know what..?

Three people got shot. Two of them are dead and another is in serious difficulty.

If people want to get all morally indignant about what one of our players was wearing, that's their right. Truth be told, I'm less than gruntled myself about it but, that said, I'd respectfully suggest that this point has now been more than well made and that it might be best to let it drop. There's a time and a place for every argument (including this one) and whilst this may well be the right place, surely it's not the right time?

Maybe I'm wrong. I have been before (no, honest!) but, in my heart of hearts, I don't think that I am.

So please, let it go, eh? We're better than this.

Hear what your saying but... If he had just done an interview based on the ACON in the same shirt (No incident etc) how would you feel? Regardless of what has happened (as sad as it is) he is a City player and as such he is representing us everytime he is in the press, off the field and while being paid by us at any time! He was that upset he went on TV to discuss it wearing an Arsenal training top, a club he no longer represents in any capacity on or off the feild of play. Imho the events of last week are no excuse for him to disrespect us as fans or us as a club in general. Back to my point, should there have been no event last week then how would you feel about him doing an interview in the same top? About seeing Tevez being interviewed in a United top as another example?

Get rid please Mancini. This is the final straw. He would have done this regardless of the shooting. Lazy fucking mercenary prick.

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