Adebayor (Merged)

Re: For all the Adebayor apologists

Could you not have put this on the thread that is 5 pages long
Oh no it may have got missed
Re: For all the Adebayor apologists

pee dubyas crayons said:
Were you defending Garry Cook after his slip up? Probably not.

Why are you defending the indefensible? I say indefensible despite the fact the likes of the Hull back four found it pretty easy to defend him. This clown has proved on more than one occasion that he's a lazy mercenary who couldn't give a shit about city.

The sooner Mancini gets rid, the better.

And if you're thinking of playing the race card ala TheMightyQuim, please don't because it has precisely fuck all to do with it.

I share your sentiments BUT i do think you are being a little harsh - i think we need to judge him on his actons over the coming weeks
Re: For all the Adebayor apologists

pee dubyas crayons said:
Were you defending Garry Cook after his slip up? Probably not.

Why are you defending the indefensible? I say indefensible despite the fact the likes of the Hull back four found it pretty easy to defend him. This clown has proved on more than one occasion that he's a lazy mercenary who couldn't give a shit about city.

The sooner Mancini gets rid, the better.

And if you're thinking of playing the race card ala TheMightyQuim, please don't because it has precisely fuck all to do with it.

Maybe because Gary Cook hadn't just been involved in a terrorist attack you prick. Grow the fuck up. Its a fucking football shirt for crying out loud.

I hope you never have to go through what Ade has in the last few days
Re: Adebayor

blueinsa said:
Pigeonho said:
Funny though how people didn't hammer Robinho when he said he thought he was going to play for Chelsea. Its the same thing, both on tele, both 'against' us, but noooooo, Robbie was our new hero so we surely couldn't slag him off now could we? Fucking joke to be honest. Who cares what he is wearing, for fucks sake.

Lots of Blues care, thats who.

Wearing the colours of a rival team is indefensible!

Im not calling for his head, but he needs a word in his ear and he needs to apologise.

No he doesn't, and to be honest if I was him and I had lost colleagues in such a manner like he did, and I knew that the fans of my club were more concerned about what i'd wore rather than concerned about me, I would want out straight away. I bet you that when you lose someone close to you, you don't give a flying fuck about what you wear for the few days following. Like I say though, no one made a fuss about Robinho when he said 'Chelsea' instead of Man City, and in my eyes that is slightly more goofy and disrespectful, as it shows he didn't even know who we were. What if on the next game, Bobby Manc accidentally puts on his beloved Inter scarf, will you cry into your cornflakes then too? All it is, is people already have an agends with Ade, and what better way to have a pop than to use this? Robbie was our new hero when he boobed, so no slagging off was done. Its a joke and you should be ashamed of yourselves, thos who are that insensitive you care more about what he's wearing rather than show some concern for the lad after what he's gone through.
Re: Adebayor

He wore it Eurosport as a joke with his brother. Are we direct rivals od Barca? Have we ever berated and used racist songs towards Yaya? No is the answer. Although Lordeffingham is perhaps being a bit harsh what Ade done is inexcusable. He has shown himself up to be either thick or ignorant. You decide?
Re: For all the Adebayor apologists

New manager who everyone loves, unbeaten run, up into 4th and still the forum fuckwits feel the need for a witch hunt.

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