Adebayor (Merged)

C_T_I_D said:
scottyboi said:
You seen 2 of the comments on their?

Yes I saw them and they're completely out of order. Allegiance should not matter whatsoever when an event like this occurs. This is beyond rivalry, it's beyond football. This is not a football player, this is a human being revealing his emotions and the fact he's dying inside because of it. These weren't just his team-mates, they were his friends and it's going to take him a hell of a long time to get back to wanting to concentrate on his football again. He needs to be psychologically fit, it's no use to us him being just physically fit. He needs to be in the right frame of mind on his return and hopefully this will be the case. He should take as long as he feels is necessary as the club have permitted him.

Even though I know all this and accept it, I didn't like seeing him in that shirt. We can understand it but none of us has to like it and I just didn't.
Been interviewed tonight in a City top!

Seems distraught dont know when we will see him play again!

Thought playing might be good therapy!
I suppose I have adapted the approach that we all make mistakes and though I did not like it at the time, I now find it acceptable given the circumstances. I'm more interested in him being physically and mentally fit for when he is ready to return after such an awful ordeal, rather than what he has done in the past. He has explained and we should accept his explanation and move on to support the player. There is nothing else we can do about it now.
C_T_I_D said:
What I think may be beneficial is for one of us to create a 'messages of support' thread for Adebayor. Forget the t-shirt saga, standing by our player is more important than his choice of clothing at the moment.

I think it would say more about us if we posted messages of support and messages of condolence to not only Adebayor but also members of the Togo national team, those that were sadly lost due to this sheer act of brutality and the families and friends that will suffer as a result of their losses.

Can people not see that this is not about anything other than our strikers mental and physical health after what he's been through? Can't people see that this is when he needs his supporters most? Come on ladies and gents, we are City, lets give him the backing he deserves right or wrong. This is bigger than an explanation of his wardrobe choice, this is life and death.

Feel free to tell me to get off my high horse etc. I don't give a shit. I care about Adebayor, I think he needs our messages of support and to know that we're with him 100% of the way and that we look forward to supporting him on his return.
Surely we can agree on this?

Agreed. You're not on a high horse mate - common sense and decency at last.

Excellent post.
Pam said:
C_T_I_D said:
Yes I saw them and they're completely out of order. Allegiance should not matter whatsoever when an event like this occurs. This is beyond rivalry, it's beyond football. This is not a football player, this is a human being revealing his emotions and the fact he's dying inside because of it. These weren't just his team-mates, they were his friends and it's going to take him a hell of a long time to get back to wanting to concentrate on his football again. He needs to be psychologically fit, it's no use to us him being just physically fit. He needs to be in the right frame of mind on his return and hopefully this will be the case. He should take as long as he feels is necessary as the club have permitted him.

Even though I know all this and accept it, I didn't like seeing him in that shirt. We can understand it but none of us has to like it and I just didn't.

it's fair enough pam. i wouldn't hold that against anyone. I didn't see you screaming at him, stamping your feet, or, as was the fashion for a while, using block capitals and a huge font to tell him to eff off.

the fact is this is a public forum and there are standards for behaving towards other people in public, even when they aren't there, you just don't viciously slate people who are in a vulnerable state. certainly not over a football shirt. to do it to one of our own? yes, it made me genuinely angry. some people say that's being over dramatic, but it was never about me, it was about our player.
This thread sickens me, and embaresses city fans, do you think he gives a shit what he is wearing? This guy has been through a traumatic experience, I'd expect that he is not spending hours in front of the mirror diciding wether what he is wearing might upset some immature small minded prick thousands of miles away. Wear what you like Ade, just get well soon.
I'm not going to look through the entire thread, but who cares if he was wearing an Arse shirt? Are we supposed to believe that means he still wishes he played for them? Because I'd have thought the whole celebrating in front of their fans and kicking Van Persie in the face would have put that to rest a while ago.
Its all sorted now, and good to see one or two agreeing they were wrong. What would be best now is for the thread to be locked IMO. Ade has said why he wore it, so nothing more to debate, and the late comers putting their views on could just stir it all up again. The main thing is Ade getting the support he needs and looking at that interview I don't expect to see him playing again till March at the earliest, perhaps not even at all this season.
I'm not going to look through the entire thread, but who cares if he was wearing an Arse shirt? Are we supposed to believe that means he still wishes he played for them? Because I'd have thought the whole celebrating in front of their fans and kicking Van Persie in the face would have put that to rest a while ago.

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