Aguero: I could never join Real - INCL tweets after RM game

Re: Aguero: I could never join Real

cleavers said:
If he's said this its hardly a big shock is it ?

If I could have played for Real Madrid I probably would, but they didn't make me an offer either.

Since they never made an offer, he went where the best offer was, I'd have done that.

Footballers often say stupid things, many of them are not very clever, I'd put this in that bracket.

I'm sorry, but there's no way of spinning this apart from disrespectfully.
Re: Aguero: I could never join Real

RandomJ said:
Obviously realised he dropped a bollock and is furiously trying to dig himself out of it.

yep, he didn't denied it at all. Just run his spanish tweet through translate and it's not - just to clear what I said but just to clear what I have meant.

Not the clever one Kun..

some of journos tweets about his words already have hundreds of retweets. rags and company will be delighted to use this with all their merc stuff.
Re: Aguero: I could never join Real

he's posting on twitter now

he's posting messages about city

Just to make it clear - I'm very happy to be in @MCFC. It's the best decision I could have taken.

I feel comfortable and appreciated in @MCFC - it's a project I feel involved in. We want more titles and we'll get them!
Re: Aguero: I could never join Real

I see City's PR team are still awake.

He said what he aid. The rest is damage control
Re: aguero tweeting now

brilliant bit of work by Mancini taking him to Real, he probably was never going to play, but just him being on the bench on the world stage raises our profile.
Re: aguero tweeting now

Did R Madrid tap him up or something. Why does he have to "make things clear"?I thought they already were.

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