Aguero to Barca?

Dzeko to Dortmund
Aguero to Barca

At this rate we will be left with Guidetti as our sole CF.

Tevez being sold after Mario left suggests we are building our team around Aguero so this smells of BS
the problem i have with madrid and barca is, if they go after a £40m player, they release press stories, tap the player up etc, and hope to eventually get them for half the fucking price. they never ever end up paying top whack for a player (other than tranny, and even that worked out as a bargain)

Fucking jog on you set of cunts
Dzeko to Dortmund
Aguero to Barca

At this rate we will be left with Guidetti as our sole CF.

Tevez being sold after Mario left suggests we are building our team around Aguero so this smells of BS

I nearly sent you a bottle of valium until I read the last line....ah well more for me :)
On what planet would Aguero be worth 26m? Even in fiction that's a hell of a stretch.
This is just Barca starting their Fabragas strategy hoping to eventually unsettle their target so they can nab them on the cheap. I've said before I only think we'll get one more season out of Aguero before he wants to leave for one of the Spanish clubs. But if we do end up selling him next season we best play hardball like all the other teams and say nothing under £50 millon will be accepted.

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