
Marvin said:
bluemoonno1 said:
hes going for a scan, but they dont think its as serious as first thought
Just got in. Gutted.

Where did you hear it's not as bad as first thought. Mancini said they wouldn't know until he had a scan in 2 days

They have to wait until the swelling goes down. But this is what pisses me right off about the stupid transfer window rules. If it's a bad one, who the fuck could we bring in with only a few days to go.
Just got home. This was the low point of an otherwise ok day.

I love Sergio,his enthusiasm is second to none. Please let the footballing gods be kind.

The Saints fans who were giving it to him are a joke.

Has Sergio posed anything on his twitter account
Niall Quinn walked off the pitch when he injured his knee in 1993-94. It turned out that he'd torn his knee ligaments and was out for nine months.

On the flip side of the coin I saw an RL player stretchered off and everyone was convinced he'd snapped his cruciate and would be out for the season. He played the following week.

It's all speculation at the moment. No-one will know anything till there is a scan but whether he walked off or not is of little relevance with such injuries.
Sparkys-Army said:
bluebobom said:
Robinhosthumb! said:
It looks like you have gained a few friends on here ;) was a bit daft though.

Just winding people up... Obviously I hope Aguero will be ok. I do like Thundercunt, though...

Seems to be too many 'wind-up' merchants like you around these days. I personally think you typed complete shit and realised your mistake from the replys. IMO.

DD said:
Niall Quinn walked off the pitch when he injured his knee in 1993-94. It turned out that he'd torn his knee ligaments and was out for nine months.

On the flip side of the coin I saw an RL player stretchered off and everyone was convinced he'd snapped his cruciate and would be out for the season. He played the following week.

It's all speculation at the moment. No-one will know anything till there is a scan, but, whether he walked off or not is of little relevance with such injuries.

The scary thing for me about it was his reaction when he was on the ground. He knew right at that moment something was not right, Its a reaction you only see when it's serious. Unless he is a flapper :-) but I very much doubt it. Im keeping everything crossed.
bluebobom said:
I know. On the other hand, a mid- to long-term injury to Aguero might be a blessing in disguise - more playing time would really let the other forwards gel.
At least when were 4th we can be so proud all the strikers are happy.
A bosnian news portal just published that preliminary diagnosis on Kun is collateral ligament rupture and that he might be out for 6 months...??

I'd post the link but its not in might be bullshit speculation, but it's a scary headline anyway.

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