
bluemoonno1 said:
hes going for a scan, but they dont think its as serious as first thought
Just got in. Gutted.

Where did you hear it's not as bad as first thought. Mancini said they wouldn't know until he had a scan in 2 days
bluebobom said:
Robinhosthumb! said:
bluebobom said:
I know. On the other hand, a mid- to long-term injury to Aguero might be a blessing in disguise - more playing time would really let the other forwards gel.
It looks like you have gained a few friends on here ;) was a bit daft though.

Just winding people up... Obviously I hope Aguero will be ok. I do like Thundercunt, though...

Seems to be too many 'wind-up' merchants like you around these days. I personally think you typed complete shit and realised your mistake from the replys. IMO.
Marvin said:
bluemoonno1 said:
hes going for a scan, but they dont think its as serious as first thought
Just got in. Gutted.

Where did you hear it's not as bad as first thought. Mancini said they wouldn't know until he had a scan in 2 days

A few players (Nasri and Kompany) have tweeted since the match, neither mentioning Aguero, if it was very serious I would've thought they would mention him, wish him well etc. unless they have been told not to mention it ofcourse
A bit of advice do not go on Twitter, all sorts of rubbish at the moment,

Good luck Kun.<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:06 pm --<br /><br />A bit of advice do not go on Twitter, all sorts of rubbish at the moment,

Good luck Kun.
Gotta say it don't look good. I've torn both acl's and watching sergio im not to optimistic.
Like a previous post stated you can walk and even light jog in a straight line just after it happens so thats not really any kind of indicator. Watching the way his leg went and the reaction on his face it brought back bad memory's. I hope its something less serious but im not holding my breath. good luck sergio.
theres only one carlito said:
Gotta say it don't look good. I've torn both acl's and watching sergio im not to optimistic.
Like a previous post stated you can walk and even light jog in a straight line just after it happens so thats not really any kind of indicator. Watching the way his leg went and the reaction on his face it brought back bad memory's. I hope its something less serious but im not holding my breath. good luck sergio.
Ditto. Dont want to sound like a doom and gloom type but I did my ACL once and it looks like that to me. That **** Vidic walked off the pitch after doing his last year as I recall, unfortunately its not a reflection of the damage done. I hope its not this.
Mëtal Bikër said:
bluebobom said:
I know. On the other hand, a mid- to long-term injury to Aguero might be a blessing in disguise - more playing time would really let the other forwards gel.

AD4 said:
Marvin said:
bluemoonno1 said:
hes going for a scan, but they dont think its as serious as first thought
Just got in. Gutted.

Where did you hear it's not as bad as first thought. Mancini said they wouldn't know until he had a scan in 2 days

A few players (Nasri and Kompany) have tweeted since the match, neither mentioning Aguero, if it was very serious I would've thought they would mention him, wish him well etc. unless they have been told not to mention it ofcourse
He wanted to play on. If it was really serious he wouldn't have waked off as he wouldn't have been able to put weight on knee ligament damage.

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