
He had to play midfield to get a touch last night because he was marked by 4 defenders. The closest city player to him was 30 yards further back and was called yaya toure. Give it a go see how you get on....

Both kdb an augero were poor not because they are shit players because Madrid management had a plan to nullify our play. They were swamped by Madrid as soon as a ball came near them. It's called studying the opposition and finding their weaknesses and strengths and plan accordingly.

Our plan was go out and play football as best you can.we won't have even watched Madrid videos or had any plan. Same as Southampton. The manager does not give a fuck.

Fair enough points,however during a game,that's any game,someone will get through a few times behind the immense defence,we did last night on only a few occasions like Sterling did,but when the cross comes in,our striker is further back than a midfielder that's burst into the box,am sorry I love Aguero to bits,he's by far the best player we have,but he was off the pace for some reason last night,just when we needed him,just imagine having him ON IT for a full season,maybe next one with a bit of luck
He had to play midfield to get a touch last night because he was marked by 4 defenders. The closest city player to him was 30 yards further back and was called yaya toure. Give it a go see how you get on....

Both kdb an augero were poor not because they are shit players because Madrid management had a plan to nullify our play. They were swamped by Madrid as soon as a ball came near them. It's called studying the opposition and finding their weaknesses and strengths and plan accordingly.

Our plan was go out and play football as best you can.we won't have even watched Madrid videos or had any plan. Same as Southampton. The manager does not give a fuck.


maybe the plan was just to not play football, play with a faux rhytm but what end up doing nothing can't defend can't press can't play forward get schooled in front of millions of people what a shit advertisement for the club

as for aguero the fale yesterday show one the reasons why he has neveer been player of the year or even part of the team if the year. he doesn't impress when it matter
Exactly - it was the decision to start with an immobile Yaya that cost us - look at the performance once the change was made, Sergio dropped deeper and had one great shot. Manager selection was why we lost the game. Missed opportunity because I didn't think Real were that good. Lack of preparation and wrong to play Yaya in such a big game after such a poor season.

I thought we were better first half when Toure was on (not saying that is down to Toure). I thought our biggest failing was in not going for it at all in the last 20 mins and Aguero dropping deep did nothing to help us at all.
I can't believe what I'm reading on this thread!

There are a few reasons his performance has dipped. One of them is that he has no support whatsoever, Pepe and Ramos are experienced players, he cannot just run after them or he'd have been burnt out after 15 minutes. HE needs someone up there with him

Also, the build-up play(if you can call it that) is so slow he's marked by the time the ball gets there. Couple that with no support and you have the reasons why he comes deep. Him coming deep, no-one running past him and slow play is the reason that we could still be playing now and not have scored

What, you mean lumping long balls to him in the air wasn't a good plan?

I agree with your every word, by the way. Honestly we would have been more effective playing Bony as lone striker, playing like we did.
Makes me laugh when people say he wasn't interested. It was a Champions League semi final against one of the biggest names in the game, if he's not "interested" in that then he would be working in a bank by now having never become a professional footballer. The fact was three of our big game players: Kun, Yaya and De Bruyne all went missing when we needed them the most. Yaya in particular in the past has shown he's no big game bottler so maybe the blame lies more with the manager.

I don't think it's that he wasn't interested and I do think Pellegrini's game management was abysmal. Aguero was so isolated and uninvolved he dropped into midfield to pick up the ball, only to just pass it two yards like the rest of the side. We were clueless.

Fernando couldn't pass forwards, Fernandinho was doing his best to get into decent positions and actually move, the rest were static. Yaya was trotting about trying to dictate play but we so slow on the ball it was incredibly easy for Real to limit his passing options. Aguero was so static. De Bruyne was wide and clearly prefers to be more involved centrally, he came to life a bit more in the second half - but had a bad game by his standards.

I said in the first leg that Aguero's lack of movement was part of the reason we didn't create much. Even when Silva was on. Real have Pepe and Ramos, they love a physical battle and they'll win that all day because they're seasoned pros who will man handle, push and do all the dirty work required to win the ball. Aguero might be stocky but he's not going to beat them in that sort of battle. But yet again he played to their strengths and was too static.

I do blame the manager completely for last nights poor showing. There was no real gameplan other than to counter attack - we didn't have a clear method of counter attacking and we should have. Ronaldo wasn't covering at all in the first half and Marcelo was getting forward as much as possible. That wasn't a shock on the night for anyone who knows Real Madrid. The gameplan should have been for Aguero to be central on the pitch and then make a darting run into that space vacated by Marcelo so the outball was into that area. Runners, i.e Navas, De Bruyne, Yaya (can he run?) should have then been looking to provide support on the overlap/in the box.

Instead the outball was more often than not an attempt to find Aguero to feet and the ball was easily won back. It's a basic gameplan and we were really poor.

The team didn't look like it knew how to play together. They were all static and walking for most of the game.

Is it that much of a surprise that our best chances in both games came from midfield runners drifting into space? Sterling made an excellent run in the home leg, we'd lacked that all game and whilst he should have scored, at least he got into the position and put Real's defence under pressure. Similarly, Fernandinho drifting into space created the chance in Madrid.

Apart from that though we were playing at walking pace. I remember two runs in behind Aguero made at home. One Silva overplayed the pass, the other he was offside. That was it. But that was how we needed to play to win the game. Get those centre backs on the move and stretched. Modric and Kroos are not defensive midfielders, it would have been easy to escape their attentions and get into space.
Completely isolated last night and against 2 of the best centre backs in world football. If we had Navas and Sterling pinning the full backs back all game and De Bruyne 30 yards further up the pitch Aguero might've been able to do something.
I don't think it's that he wasn't interested and I do think Pellegrini's game management was abysmal. Aguero was so isolated and uninvolved he dropped into midfield to pick up the ball, only to just pass it two yards like the rest of the side. We were clueless.

Fernando couldn't pass forwards, Fernandinho was doing his best to get into decent positions and actually move, the rest were static. Yaya was trotting about trying to dictate play but we so slow on the ball it was incredibly easy for Real to limit his passing options. Aguero was so static. De Bruyne was wide and clearly prefers to be more involved centrally, he came to life a bit more in the second half - but had a bad game by his standards.

I said in the first leg that Aguero's lack of movement was part of the reason we didn't create much. Even when Silva was on. Real have Pepe and Ramos, they love a physical battle and they'll win that all day because they're seasoned pros who will man handle, push and do all the dirty work required to win the ball. Aguero might be stocky but he's not going to beat them in that sort of battle. But yet again he played to their strengths and was too static.

I do blame the manager completely for last nights poor showing. There was no real gameplan other than to counter attack - we didn't have a clear method of counter attacking and we should have. Ronaldo wasn't covering at all in the first half and Marcelo was getting forward as much as possible. That wasn't a shock on the night for anyone who knows Real Madrid. The gameplan should have been for Aguero to be central on the pitch and then make a darting run into that space vacated by Marcelo so the outball was into that area. Runners, i.e Navas, De Bruyne, Yaya (can he run?) should have then been looking to provide support on the overlap/in the box.

Instead the outball was more often than not an attempt to find Aguero to feet and the ball was easily won back. It's a basic gameplan and we were really poor.

The team didn't look like it knew how to play together. They were all static and walking for most of the game.

Is it that much of a surprise that our best chances in both games came from midfield runners drifting into space? Sterling made an excellent run in the home leg, we'd lacked that all game and whilst he should have scored, at least he got into the position and put Real's defence under pressure. Similarly, Fernandinho drifting into space created the chance in Madrid.

Apart from that though we were playing at walking pace. I remember two runs in behind Aguero made at home. One Silva overplayed the pass, the other he was offside. That was it. But that was how we needed to play to win the game. Get those centre backs on the move and stretched. Modric and Kroos are not defensive midfielders, it would have been easy to escape their attentions and get into space.
Correct......blame the manager. None of our players were at fault last night. Also it's easier to blame the manager as he's leaving. Aguero is becoming a Flat Track Bully!
I don't think it helped not playing him against Southampton, I know we feared injury but the manager has stated previously that Aguero plays better when he plays every game. So makes it daft to rest him so close to the end of the season in a game we needed to get something from. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a little cheesed off
Looks like he's not that bothered. Doesn't press, doesn't make the runs, fluffs his first touch, misplaces passes, then ambles around for ages. Time for a striker with less ability but more hunger ?
Christ all mighty! Yes he had a poor game like everyone else but to say he wasn't bothered is ridiculous. Aguero was getting frustrated with the lack of service, that's why he ended up coming deep to try & get into the game.
Correct......blame the manager. None of our players were at fault last night. Also it's easier to blame the manager as he's leaving. Aguero is becoming a Flat Track Bully!

The players didn't perform as well as they should have but they hadn't been drilled with any gameplan of how to win that game. If you play on the counter you usually target an area of the pitch to get success. Leicester City have done it all season. The whole side know where Vardy will be looking for the ball. When our midfielders/defence had the ball they had Yaya Toure as the only option, and he was between our centre backs. When he had the ball his options were non existent as everyone was marked. It's easy to mark someone who isn't moving. Pellegrini should have been screaming for more movement.

Aguero has been in excellent form this season but in the CL we're not getting the best out of him by leaving him isolated.

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