Ajax Vs City CL In Game Discussion Thread

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Disappointing to concede late.
We've been largely poor in possession , gave it away too easily too often.
That being said, they've not threatened too much and I think we deserve to be level.
The midfield is unbalanced though, which leads to chances like the one they've put away.
Nasri has to work harder when we haven't got the ball .
that cross in for their goal looks worse every time you see it. just screaming for someone to cut it out
They are decent but it seems like we always struggle against teams who play this style, there are chances to win the ball high up the pitch but we don't have enough urgency to do it.
Ironic maybe but De Jong would be great in the middle.
Got no worries me, we are playing bit casual but can step it up next 45 mins, Ajax wont keep up that start for much longer.
Jaskosss said:
super_city_si said:
jimharri said:
We didn't deserve to be ahead. As per usual in Europe, we just can't keep possession.
Yes, we're getting absoloutely bossed. Dzeko probably coming off, stick Aguero where he belongs and get Tevezon to buzz around. Doesnt solve that left sided problem though. We are getting over run on the left.

Actually, bring on kolarov.

you want to sub our best player?

We just need to change our tactics... we're playing cowardly and I don't know why
Dzeko our best player? hes hardly touched the ball
super_city_si said:
taconinja said:
super_city_si said:
Yes, we're getting absoloutely bossed. Dzeko probably coming off, stick Aguero where he belongs and get Tevezon to buzz around. Doesnt solve that left sided problem though. We are getting over run on the left.
We might be better off sticking Kolarov in front of Clichy to support the left side.
Yeah, i thought of that after i posted. I would deffo bring kolarov on.
Saw your edit after posting. If we can't do it with one striker, I don't think we can advance at this level.
Mr Partridge said:
Whoever we play against, home or away, every game we play in the Champions League seems to pan out exactly the same. The other team moves the ball really quickly and maintains a very high tempo, good movement off the ball and get in our faces when we're in possession, and we always do the opposite and look really slow.

It doesn't help that every team we play against seems to have the game of their lives against us, but we only have ourselves to blame really. Even if we win tonight we still have a hell of a lot to learn at this level.

To be honest it's about time our team had the game of their live in a CL game!
greasedupdeafguy said:
Jaskosss said:
super_city_si said:
Yes, we're getting absoloutely bossed. Dzeko probably coming off, stick Aguero where he belongs and get Tevezon to buzz around. Doesnt solve that left sided problem though. We are getting over run on the left.

Actually, bring on kolarov.

you want to sub our best player?

We just need to change our tactics... we're playing cowardly and I don't know why
Dzeko our best player? hes hardly touched the ball
That's what I was thinking also. He's had the ball maybe 4 times?
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