Ajax Vs City CL Post Game Discussion Thread

hisroyalblueness said:
It was uncomfortable to watch and I had to turn the sound off to cut out rat-boys sarcastic crowing . . that was bad enough but coming onto this forum to see fellow blues ripping into both manager and team . . same manager and same team that have taken us to where we are as PL Champs. Well, that takes the biscuit.
There are some fickle twats on this forum who feel that bad-mouthing our own is a cool thing to do . . feel proud of yourselves lads because if you think that the team and manager are shite then look to yourselves and you'll see shite supporters.

People in glass houses huh.

not slagging the team just mancini, hes fucking up citys biggest games, and should get criticism for that, any manager wins us the title spending that much
well a bad night like many others in CL or EL

look at Malaga first time in history they play in CL without cazorla, rondon but with Santa Cruz :) 9 points in 3 match but more than the results the way how the team play losing or winning nice football

1. I think the coaching is for something and when i say coaching is not about buying RVP, De rossi Martinez to proove yeahhh we are good coaching is more about trying to find the right players, formation improving them
2 maybe also bad luck, Mancini is like a black cat :) look at Inter

anyway i'm hoping for better next time
The zonal marking system ....

I just don't get it. For the second goal we were stood in a matrix and didn't move and they got the run and jump on us. Lescott was static n Clichy marking no-one.

I know the pundits highlighted it and I have to agree it doesn't work for us

Man for man, who would beat Kompany, Richards, Lescott n Dzeko in the air ?

Imagine the old crazy gang running at us... all 8 of them !!

I'm not trying to be critical coz I love the club but I can't see the benefit and just want some reasoning.

SamTheGuru said:
I am starting to think, we purposely threw this game. There are so many things that aren't right...

What shocked me was when we scored and the players responded with the minimalist of celebrations. Kim ell lads its the Champions league away from home at least look like your fucking interested in it.
Where do you start with that lot? Lescott had a shocker, he looks so shaky with the ball at his feet, Barry and Milner were chasing shadows all night. I hope we don't get europa spot either, like last year, the players won't be up for it and another night of embarrasment awaits. Swansea is now a very big game for Mancini.
Really disappointed but CL is very different to our premier league and look at how the other English teams have struggled with inferior teams and groups. Let's not forget we are in the group of death!!
Rome wasn't built in a day........and it's not over till the fat lady sings!! Believe :)
kun said:
Terrible match, I'm embarrassed, and so should Mancini and the players (well, not all of them, Milner for instance), It's probably the worst second half performance we have played for a long while. There was a mix of bad mistakes, tactical blunders and misfortune resulting in a defeat - but these happen, players have off days and if our banana skins now are Ajax away, I am happy with that we haven't lost to Peterborough or Chesterfield, we have lost at the home of the Dutch champions. Don't get me wrong, this is a big disappointment but it's not as bad as people are making out.
One thing I really feel needs stressing is that we need to qualify for the Europa League and go as far as possible so that we can qualify for pot A by improving our European co-efficient, eliminting us from a group as bad as this next year.

Agreed but the way we play in europe we will get embarrased in UEFA as well. We were better in 2008/9.
Re: The zonal marking system ....

It was nothing to do with zonal marking, if a player does not jump he will always be beaten to the ball. Lescott was at fault, not zonal marking.

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