Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I'm a functioning alcoholic. I drink everyday. I still manage work because I'm good at what I do. If you've got on a plane with a trent ten strapped to the wing then there's parts in that engine I've signed off.
I gave up last year for six months. That was weird, nobody noticed.
Anyone else a useless alcoholic like me?
Stumbled upon this.
Without trying to be pithy.
I do wonder sometimes how easy would it be for me to drift that way.
I don’t really sway that way myself but do see a family leaning towards it and … and ….
what is it? Well my uncle definitely threw it all away through alcoholism but my father, as a barman, just totally had a handle on it. What a man.

I stop myself sometimes and look, just look.
I look at my father and realise, if I achieve half of what I never appreciated in him, I’ll have got there. and it’ll be up to my son to realise it, in his own time.
I’m down to one night a week now. That was last night. I suspect a fair few are going out less because so many pubs locally are dead. I hear there was three in where I used to drink before it went rubbish.
Never really found an alcohol-free beer I’ve been able to tolerate. I gave up for nearly 3 months a few years back and Cobra was about the best I could find.

Recently though I’ve been introduced by a pal to the delights of Erdinger Alcohol-Free Wheat Beer. It’s in some pubs, and it’s also £1.25 a half litre bottle in Tesco, and when it’s cold from the fridge it’s really moreish.

Basically, I’d recommend it.
When i went teetotal for a few months I tried the six bottle lager from aldi,didnt really like it,someone on here recommended the lidl version,i tried it and it was much better,nice drink i thought if served cool,cheap too.

I'm a very light drinker these days, pubs bore me now. If I go abroad, aside from the weather being better, things are going on and nearly every bar has live entertainment. If you know where you are going you can watch some decent talent and all for the price of a pint, which can be as little as €2.50. Over here hardly any pubs makes an effort to attract customers.

On the subject of money one of my mates I drink with told me he spends £150 a week on booze....that's £600 a month, £7200 a year. Quite frightening when you break it down. He only drinks at weekend but will often do 12 pints a night. Strangely he mixes his drinks, lager, cider and then Guinness, all the expensive stuff. I suppose your money has to go on something and you can't take it with you.

It's funny as you age how you change. I used to be out 7 nights a week when I was young and if you told me I'd be happy staying in at a weekend, or just doing one night out I'd have thought you were insane. Funny old life.
I'm a very light drinker these days, pubs bore me now. If I go abroad, aside from the weather being better, things are going on and nearly every bar has live entertainment. If you know where you are going you can watch some decent talent and all for the price of a pint, which can be as little as €2.50. Over here hardly any pubs makes an effort to attract customers.

On the subject of money one of my mates I drink with told me he spends £150 a week on booze....that's £600 a month, £7200 a year. Quite frightening when you break it down. He only drinks at weekend but will often do 12 pints a night. Strangely he mixes his drinks, lager, cider and then Guinness, all the expensive stuff. I suppose your money has to go on something and you can't take it with you.

It's funny as you age how you change. I used to be out 7 nights a week when I was young and if you told me I'd be happy staying in at a weekend, or just doing one night out I'd have thought you were insane. Funny old life.
I'm not trying to be a clever sod here but £150pw on drink = £7,800 over the year.
Whatever - it's a hell of a lot of money to be spending on booze.
I spend about £15-30 pw on alcohol free beer (sometimes less) and am very aware of what I am spending.
I'm a very light drinker these days, pubs bore me now. If I go abroad, aside from the weather being better, things are going on and nearly every bar has live entertainment. If you know where you are going you can watch some decent talent and all for the price of a pint, which can be as little as €2.50. Over here hardly any pubs makes an effort to attract customers.

On the subject of money one of my mates I drink with told me he spends £150 a week on booze....that's £600 a month, £7200 a year. Quite frightening when you break it down. He only drinks at weekend but will often do 12 pints a night. Strangely he mixes his drinks, lager, cider and then Guinness, all the expensive stuff. I suppose your money has to go on something and you can't take it with you.

It's funny as you age how you change. I used to be out 7 nights a week when I was young and if you told me I'd be happy staying in at a weekend, or just doing one night out I'd have thought you were insane. Funny old life.
£150 in a week is easy. If I added taxis, food, juke box and anything else to a big night then I could clear that in one Saturday. Not that I do.
I've actually not had a drink since 29th August (29 days) and feel great for it. Feel like I'm slowly losing weight, walking and running more, I'm sleeping better and actually going into work earlier so I can finish early!

I'm going Wolves Saturday which will be my first away where I haven't had a drink in a very long time. I'm debating either having a few at Arsenal and being more sensible (4/6 pints limit) or going completely dry.
Usually I'd have 4/5 cans on the train down, more before the game a few in the ground and then more after. Which was a struggle in the week until I felt better and then did it again!

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