Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I can sink a few 330ml cans most nights if I wanted to do that. Sometimes I go on a weekly run. Other times I go Monday to Friday without a drink. I always drink on Saturday and Sunday. I never drink in the morning or in the afternoon. I drink more when the weather is warmer. And when football is on. I’m not an alcoholic. But I drink too much. When I’m out I know when to stop drinking. When I’m at home I can drink until 1am in the morning at weekends. I tend to stick to 2 different beer brands at home. I never mix my drinks. I don’t drink spirits, wine or cider. I drink IPA’s at home and in pubs. I don’t think I have a drink problem, but I shouldn’t drink as much as I do. One more for the road! :-)
If you’re thinking you don’t have a drink problem you probably do…..
If you’re thinking you don’t have a drink problem you probably do…..
I think it's when you start planning your life arround the booze, or it's becomes part of your routine then you possibly have an issue. That has definitely occurred with me, although it is only social drinking it is very regular. That said, I can and have abstained for periods and have days most weeks where I don't drink. I still feel I have an alcohol dependency.
If anybody is struggling with finding decent alcohol free beers then have a look on wisebartender website because it’s brilliant but not the cheapest. I try beers from there and if I like them I’ll buy them off the breweries website because they are cheaper. If you like stouts try Ilkley Brewery milk stout (stunning drink), if you like lagers Lucky Saint or Drop Bear do belters, if you like ipa’s then Beavertown, Tiny Rebel and Big Drop are breweries that do really good ones. Honestly there’s so much choice it’s brilliant and I wish I’d give up sooner than I did. Since giving up alcohol my skin is clear, I have more energy, my anxiety is more controlled, no brain fog, no feeling like shit in a morning and my moods are so much better.
If anybody is struggling with finding decent alcohol free beers then have a look on wisebartender website because it’s brilliant but not the cheapest. I try beers from there and if I like them I’ll buy them off the breweries website because they are cheaper. If you like stouts try Ilkley Brewery milk stout (stunning drink), if you like lagers Lucky Saint or Drop Bear do belters, if you like ipa’s then Beavertown, Tiny Rebel and Big Drop are breweries that do really good ones. Honestly there’s so much choice it’s brilliant and I wish I’d give up sooner than I did. Since giving up alcohol my skin is clear, I have more energy, my anxiety is more controlled, no brain fog, no feeling like shit in a morning and my moods are so much better.
Tesco have a good selection. The lucky Saint one is a belter. The wines are best avoided as they don’t taste anything like wine.

That’s a mad one, too. Non alcoholic gin. It’s £25 a bottle.
Tesco have a good selection. The lucky Saint one is a belter. The wines are best avoided as they don’t taste anything like wine.

That’s a mad one, too. Non alcoholic gin. It’s £25 a bottle.
I’ve tried alcohol free wine and like you say it’s fucking awful. Tesco is really good and they do leffe 0/0% which is honestly amazing. Is the gin any good? I know prices are fucking scandalous and should be nowhere near the cost of full alcohol versions. I get the process is the same minus the alcohol but it’s a real piss take.
I’ve tried alcohol free wine and like you say it’s fucking awful. Tesco is really good and they do leffe 0/0% which is honestly amazing. Is the gin any good? I know prices are fucking scandalous and should be nowhere near the cost of full alcohol versions. I get the process is the same minus the alcohol but it’s a real piss take.
I’ve not tried it. No way I’m spending that. If I ever see they are giving tastes of it I’ll have a go.

I’ve had the leffe, it really is a lovely alternative. I find they (alcohol free beers in general) get too gassy after a few.
I’ve not tried it. No way I’m spending that. If I ever see they are giving tastes of it I’ll have a go.

I’ve had the leffe, it really is a lovely alternative. I find they (alcohol free beers in general) get too gassy after a few.
Yeah I find that too and this is why I adore Guinness 0.0 :)

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