Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

Had a few pains in abdomen the last few mths, had some scans and I've got liver scarring. I drink quite a lot and regularly. Although I do have break. But I am now considering giving up the booze completely, I'm a regular down our local, I enjoy that so will have to go No Alcohol beer. Any advice tips welcome.

Don't try and do it on your own pal. Good support network is key. It's one thing giving it up it's another being comfortable with it and enjoying not drinking. You've had a scare pal, some people don't even get that. Into my 7th year sober and I've now seen far too many knock it on the head, go back, and are now in the ground. Absolutely zero positives in drinking. None
Don't try and do it on your own pal. Good support network is key. It's one thing giving it up it's another being comfortable with it and enjoying not drinking. You've had a scare pal, some people don't even get that. Into my 7th year sober and I've now seen far too many knock it on the head, go back, and are now in the ground. Absolutely zero positives in drinking. None
Was out for a 40th this weekend, first drink ive had for a while hated it no longer enjoy the taste of anything like Guinness surprised me. Had 5 pints and was still ill as fuck the next day, made me realise im finished with it now enjoy other forms of socialising more now.
Cheers, that's my thoughts. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, although I definitely have a dependency. I just need to look at the bigger picture and change things.
Another way to look at it (it helped me) was to accept that you now have a kind of ALLERGY towards alcohol. It will now make YOU ill. You now have a condition that alcohol will make worse. It's not good for YOU any more. Don't think about how much others around you can still drink and be okay...they're not you. Fuck them!! haha. You now have to see alcohol as something that is poisoning you.
I thought they did have it on draught. Yeah...they need to hurry up with that. I've only had the cans a home. What a treat! A game changer. By the 2nd can, my brain sussed out there was no alcohol in it! Still nice though...proper flavour.

Some pubs have it. Not sure if draught or not though.
Had a few pains in abdomen the last few mths, had some scans and I've got liver scarring. I drink quite a lot and regularly. Although I do have break. But I am now considering giving up the booze completely, I'm a regular down our local, I enjoy that so will have to go No Alcohol beer. Any advice tips welcome.
I wish I’d never been introduced to the stuff.

I’m now 54 and have added smoking to my drinking. I’ve never smoked until last year.

I finish work (at home) and buy beer, wine and ten cigs. I indulge in it from around 3pm until now, which typing this I’m on my last glass of wine and the cigs are gone. When I go to bed I say tomorrow will be purely water.

It never is.
I wish I’d never been introduced to the stuff.

I’m now 54 and have added smoking to my drinking. I’ve never smoked until last year.

I finish work (at home) and buy beer, wine and ten cigs. I indulge in it from around 3pm until now, which typing this I’m on my last glass of wine and the cigs are gone. When I go to bed I say tomorrow will be purely water.

It never is.
Didn’t think they sold fags in 10 now

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