Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I’m not giving up and probably only had around 25/30 drink free days last year. I would drink about 6/7 units a night generally so not huge but still too much. I’ve set myself a goal of 150 drink free days for the year and done 14 in Jan so far (Only started on the 8th so only drank on 3 days since then and less then 10 units in total. Found it relatively easy so far when I thought I wouldn’t. Been drinking a flavoured tonic at night and that does the job. Hopefully will stick at it.
I posted in here 21 days ago regarding my relationship with alcohol and that it had to change, and change it has. 10 pints in the last two weeks (that includes two City home games where 8/10 pints is the norm over the day/night) and definitely feeling better for it. I was never going to stop all together, I don't really want to, but not having it as a focal point of has certainly got me heading in the right direction. Some great tales of change on here, keep it up.
Day 24 of Dry Jan and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, saved a bastard fortune too.

I’ve gone hardcore and mixed it in with doing intermittent fasting, 18/6 rather than 16/8, cut back on carbs and also doing gym, spin, footy or running every day.

Feel great, lost loads of weight, I’d been drinking far too much last year so it’s certainly helped to break that cycle and I intend keeping most of this going through Feb with a “dryish” month.

I just drink loads of water to get through the evenings and been bingeing tv series with the missus which has kept her happy too.
Really good reading all these recent posters adding to the regulars on here. It feels like an ever-growing community of healthier drinking BMooners.

For whatever your reasons, here's wishing you all the strong will to achieve your goals. You'll get all the encouragement you need on here.
Will be interesting to hear if any doing Dry January will extend their personal challenge further
I have cut right down since being diagnosed with cirrhosis, gone from probably 40 pints a week to 10 the big test is 4 days in Leipzig etc when your away with city also dropped a jeans size which helps other issues
Well done, sorry to hear that news, but great start. Can cirrhosis be reversed by stopping drinking?
I have cut right down since being diagnosed with cirrhosis, gone from probably 40 pints a week to 10 the big test is 4 days in Leipzig etc when your away with city also dropped a jeans size which helps other issues

How you afford to drink that much some effort that. Even 10 pints a week adds up. The sooner you realise going out and enjoying yourself doesn't have to involve getting pissed the better it changes everything.
How you afford to drink that much some effort that. Even 10 pints a week adds up. The sooner you realise going out and enjoying yourself doesn't have to involve getting pissed the better it changes everything.
£650-700 a month and around 10,000 calories (around 5 days worth of food for an average male).

Scary when you see it written down like that.

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