None really. Just the keywords you used and the suggestion that it was a 'fringe' tactic.

Military Tendency, Trussonomics (market fundamentalists) , Europhobic MPs defecting to UKIP, Change UK?

All fringe groups that used entryism or something very similar.

All eventually wiped out and unsuccessful apart from Militant's ill fated control of Liverpool Council and UKIP manipulating a complacent pig fucker into calling a referendum.
He has a mandate to do what? Employ 50,000 nurses? To be fair, they‘re up to 40,000 on this one. Mind you, 46,000 have left so maybe no quite so good.
Build 40 ’new’ hospitals? None built yet and turns out only 5 are new hospitals with 35 being new bits of hospitals.
At least there’s the £350M a week for the NHS. Nope.

He got Brexit done though. Well, if by getting it done you mean ballsing it up, agreeing something he didn’t understand, lying to everyone about it and threatening to break international law, at the same time as castigating other countries for ‘breaking international law’.

He at least passed his laws on sorting out social care, so all those ambulances sitting outside hospitals with people being treated on trolleys must be being made up by woke lefties?

20,000 more police on the streets by the party of law and order? Not happened and numbers still well below 2010 levels, following 13 years of Marxism.

Immigration down as promised though. Oops, another whopper.
Building lots more houses? Nope. As you can see, there’s a theme here.

Lastly of course, there’s the man himself. When the financial turmoils began, he went on holiday. Afghanistan war ending, holiday. Would he come back during these tumultuous days? No chance.
Chucked out as PM but decided to stay on for 6 weeks, did nothing at all other than go on holiday. Renting his flat out so staying on at Chequers, rent free.

A sniff of being king again and he’s back off holiday quicker than shit off a shovel.

Seriously, he’s the best they’ve got?

Yeah, but apart from all that....

I really feel like I've gone into some kind of parallel universe, or I'm living an episode of Black Mirror. Johnson was so toxic his own party got rid of him, but now, a matter of weeks later some people are actually suggesting with a straight face that he's the best person for the job. Even more depressing than that is that it might even happen. In this world gone mad nothing would surprise me.
I’m just watching Granada Reports and they are interviewing people in Burnley. The scary thing is they are all saying Boris for pm, evidence people shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
I think the TV are deliberately only showing the people who want Boris back, they are biased trying to influence the election.
luckily it’s down to Parliament
I think the TV are deliberately only showing the people who want Boris back, they are biased trying to influence the election.
luckily it’s down to Parliament

It does seem odd that on any Thursday of Friday afternoon the TV news be it BBC, SKY, ITN or local news the only people they can find to speak to are pensioners who want Johnson back - C4 news being an honourable exception
Political persuasion really shouldn’t come into it. A man that illegally prorogues parliament, knowingly hires a sex pest that subsequently acts again, puts someone with links to the kgb into the House of Lords and is likely to be found to have misled parliament(and that’s just a few of the lowlights…) should never again be a PM, let alone only three months after he resigned from that job because he couldn’t form a cabinet from the same MPs that are still there. Even right now, parliament only sits for 22 weeks and yet he’s off on holiday!

It really has got to the point where anyone who wants Johnson should be questioning themselves if they’re responsible enough to vote at all. Some parliamentary MPs at least have the excuse of being selfish in trying to get themselves on the gravy train but anyone in the electorate that wants him back at this point has to be a moron, a **** or a moronic ****.
As much as I despise the scruffy ****, the holiday thing may have been a ploy to stay out of the new PMs way tbf. It's not nice to have your predecessor hanging about, look at the piss can at the rags.
As much as I despise the scruffy ****, the holiday thing may have been a ploy to stay out of the new PMs way tbf. It's not nice to have your predecessor hanging about, look at the piss can at the rags.

This would normally be a valid suggestion but given his track record of being a lazy, corrupt cowardly, self serving shit bag then I'd say he was probably only there out of self interest.

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