Alexis Sanchez

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Good post. Let's be honest, if we went down the road of responding to every post on here that contained an opinion that the club didn't give a fuck about (which must be the vast majority of posts in the entire forum) by pointing out that the club didn't indeed give a fuck then it would be a pretty tedious forum. You are perfectly entitled to your opinions and should keep on voicing them. Even if they are mostly bollocks. ;)
You feel me! That's all im saying :)
Alright you've talked me down to almost accepting 40m as a realistic price but if it was actually pulled off for that price I would consider it beyond amazing. I think there's a couple things that you aren't weighing in heavily enough? The first is the top 4 rival fee. Surely that has to bring the number up to the 55 range which would be around where the club assessed him unless you're saying that's how you went from 25 to 40.

You also have to take into consideration, I dunno what to call it, 'the elite player' bonus fee. There's a hundred different players that are just the same that you can buy for say 50m but there's only 5 or so players that pop out on the sanchez level. Say you price him at 75m...and Mahrez at 50m. Are you taking the value or paying the's obvious to me that you pay the premium even though the 'value' wasn't there. Disagree? Food for thought at least.
Yes you ate right, the 40nmillion in my mind considers the rival upcharge. Otherwise, had we been getting him from Dortmund, he'd be a 25 million player. You know, kinda like how the one time best midfielder in Germany was a 21 million player to us.

And for what its worth, while Sanchez is a top player in England, I won't say he pops out uniquely. And Mahrez should be worth more, seeing as he has 5 extra years of playing time and a longer contract.

Again your add ons, were already built in in my view, a non Messi/R onaldo 30 year old with one year left on his conyract, simply isn't worth more than 40 million.

Paying more would be paying for accomplishments already achieved at another club rather than projecting what can be achieved at yours.

Dembele at 100 million is a far better value than Sanchez at 40 million.

I take it you are a fan of American sports, why do experienced 29 year old stud running backs often get traded for 4th or 5th rd picks?

Its not coz the likelihood of getting a player of the 29 year old's quality is remotely likely, bit rather its because you know where the 29 year old is most likely to be in 3 years: On TV with a suit on!

True the drop off in football ( of the real variety here) is not as steep as that of football ( of the American variety here), but the reasoning is the same... Older players with fewer years left on their contract are worth less than market value.

Almost all the time. The question then becomes whether Sanchez is of the level of quality to make exceptions for... Personally, I'd say No! Today only Messi and Ronaldo fit that bill on my humble opinion.

But I understand others might see it otherwise. I just don't. I think he has at most, this season and next as a top player. That too me isn't worth 55 or 60 million
Sure based on how are purchases escalated as the season went on, perhaps.

But if one were to step back and view it safely, I'd say Sanchez was worth about 60 to 70 Million tops.

He is 2nd level superstar ( A rung below the Messi, Neymar Suarez, Ronaldp tier), then add the fact that he is 29, so at best 2 peak years and then may 3 declining but still good years left. So again you'd rank him fee wise below rising stars like Coutihno, Dembele" Isco and Lemar ( even if he is still currently better, he won't be in 2 years). So definitely worth less than 90 million. At best 80 million

Now add the fact he has one year left... You can split his fee by half conservatively, or perhaps even 1/3.. So we are talking somewhere between a good deal at 25 million to a slighly expensive deal at 40 million.

Anything above that, knowing all the facts seem insane.

I mean put differently, David Silva is on about the same level as Sanchez, perhaps a little older, but assuming City wanted to sell him with 2 years left on his contract. How much can we get?

My guess would be 30 million tops... So why would we pay doubme that for someone with even less time on his Contract and more dependent on his Athletism?

Don't get me wrong, teams pay these exorbitant fees every now and then, but more often than not they are mistakes..

This is a function of risk and not uncertainty ( to bring my freakonomics knowledge to bare :p)... These things should be easily calculateable.
£30m wouldn't buy you half a Perisic!
Liverpool didn't turn down jack shit mate. They postured like that, but they were sat waiting for a fax that never arrived as Barca chose Dembele instead at a cheaper price.

If you walk into a shop and say "how much is that item?" you aren't obliged to buy it. This is essentially what happened, and Liverpool got ahead of themselves.
Not what I've read. They turned down several offers above 100m euros.
Yes you ate right, the 40nmillion in my mind considers the rival upcharge. Otherwise, had we been getting him from Dortmund, he'd be a 25 million player. You know, kinda like how the one time best midfielder in Germany was a 21 million player to us.

And for what its worth, while Sanchez is a top player in England, I won't say he pops out uniquely. And Mahrez should be worth more, seeing as he has 5 extra years of playing time and a longer contract.

Again your add ons, were already built in in my view, a non Messi/R onaldo 30 year old with one year left on his conyract, simply isn't worth more than 40 million.

Paying more would be paying for accomplishments already achieved at another club rather than projecting what can be achieved at yours.

Dembele at 100 million is a far better value than Sanchez at 40 million.

I take it you are a fan of American sports, why do experienced 29 year old stud running backs often get traded for 4th or 5th rd picks?

Its not coz the likelihood of getting a player of the 29 year old's quality is remotely likely, bit rather its because you know where the 29 year old is most likely to be in 3 years: On TV with a suit on!

True the drop off in football ( of the real variety here) is not as steep as that of football ( of the American variety here), but the reasoning is the same... Older players with fewer years left on their contract are worth less than market value.

Almost all the time. The question then becomes whether Sanchez is of the level of quality to make exceptions for... Personally, I'd say No! Today only Messi and Ronaldo fit that bill on my humble opinion.

But I understand others might see it otherwise. I just don't. I think he has at most, this season and next as a top player. That too me isn't worth 55 or 60 million

Gotcha I see where you're coming from. I think you know that I'm an ageist like you are and would have preferred ousmane or mbappe by a wide margin. I just don't really give a shit if we have to overpay to get our targets. Yes, it's a leak in the current model at this time but the model was necessary to begin with for us to ascend and surpass+humble+embaress the the rag ****s among others.. I have no doubt that we'll start correcting that as more and more success comes along. I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be anyway. Raz, KDB, Bernardo, Jesus, and you could possibly add sane/ederson in there as well as fantastic value buys.

I would have taken sanchez but I'm not overly bothered by it at all. I'm picturing 3 years from now where we have a player that's effectively forced to stay here because he's unmovable. It's obvious that the model from the beginning of the takeover doesn't give two shits about resale value as they are perfectly content extending players past their due or letting them walk for nothing. For that reason I dont really give two shits about what we pay because it's been by design and I'm sure the adjustments have been in motion for quite a while.
Not what I've read. They turned down several offers above 100m euros.

My feeling(and yes, its all it is) is Barca asked how much a few times and Liverpool thought they could quote stupid money.

It really appears that Barca never actually stepped in and pursued, it certainly went dead as soon as Dembele was mentioned for less money.
Now add the fact he has one year left... You can split his fee by half conservatively, or perhaps even 1/3.. So we are talking somewhere between a good deal at 25 million to a slighly expensive deal at 40 million.
No player has a value that is calculable and is the same to all clubs . What they are worth to a club depends on the success they can bring to a club and the impact that success will have on the bottom line so the same player can have a very different value to different clubs .
It would be insane for Fleetwood town to pay £50M for a premiership player and they would not be worth it but they might be worth far more than that to Barcelona .
Selling clubs adjust their asking price as well as buying clubs .
In terms of the number of years left on Sanchez's contract they make absolutely no difference whatsoever to how much he is 'worth' to City, he will be on a different contract.
Clearly the fact that he is on a one year contract means he is worth less to Arsenal but that does not always translate into a lower fee.
I don't think talking about the price of players is a worthless discussion but berating others who think a player is worth more or less is a pretty futile exercise.
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