all i wanted was a burger

Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

I wasn't there, however the service was shite, the beer overpriced and if I did get served any food at all it was that bad I wouldn't have fed it to my dog.......
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

to be honest at a game last season 2 guys couldnt understand, 3 pints of cider please, 3 pints cider, tap pump and 3 do they get through a bloody interview with so limited english, still the cider wasnt bad
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Have to disagree with the poster in 117, it took me the best part of 5 minutes to order a pint of fosters and John Smiths as the lad behind the bar had little grasp of english even pointing at the pumps didn't help.Also as we were the first in my Mrs ordered a coffee and they couldn't find the lids.Shame the heniken wasn't on either but at least we won.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

just in case noone read this article...THE FAN IS KING (in Germany)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ier-league</a>

and pricelist table last season........we are getting to the top as now £3.90....question needs to be asked about improving fans 'match experience'.... I think club is taking piss big time on this one!

Chelsea - £4
Arsenal - £3.50
Manchester City - £.3.50
West Ham - £.3.50
Fulham - £.3.50
Tottenham Hotspur - £.3.30
Sunderland - £.3.20
West Bromwich - £.3.20
Newcastle - £.3.20
Aston Villa - £.3.20
Everton - £.3.20
Manchester United - £.3.00
Liverpool - £.3.00
Stoke - £.3.00
Hull - £.3.00
Blackburn - £.3.00
Portsmouth - £.3.00
Bolton - £.2.90
Middlesbrough - £.2.80
Wigan - - £.2.70
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The service and the price of things was as commented a complete joke and no the funny kind.

I had a friend with me who couldn't believe the prices. Last time I attempt to order anything inside the stadium.

I have no issue with people trying to earn a living but basic English would be a good starter when applying for work where you have to communicate with people.

Oh and again the prices are taking the piss........................
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

No draught was disappointing, or not really because it usually tastes of fairly liquid first few games of the season anyway. Didn't have any food - far too expensive for me, especially the meal deal - bottle of fosters and a pie for £6.30? No thanks.

But I think the staff were much better that previously - we were in East Level 3 and all the staff there were attentive and quick. Did try to sell me a beer in addition to a boost bar but you can't blame them for trying.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

i dont like to complain but last season service was shite, worse than shite! I almost jumped over bar and poured my own beer and not the only one....yesterday we bought 3 beers at £3 ferking 90 each and one tasted like soap and took back....does not look any better. Girl with us only wanted half pint but they dont do half pints. Beer pump was not labelled and had to ask what type of beer was it...dont blame staff as much as I have worked behind bar but the quality of training still looks dire!

Forget all this blue square and painting concrete bricks and the mercer way....there is a recession on, alot of us stuggle to buy season ticket and get to games and when we do we get robbed by a club who promote the fact they are improving our experience...

and another thing....if they support the offical supported clubs and fans where is the bar located this year? The broom cupboard? Was a joke last season as not even draught beer and £2.70 for a warm bottle....not improved this year and no effort as far as I know despite promises last season....shape of things to come as fan profile changes...

Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

What is wrong with you people? Sheikh Mansour has so far spent over half a billion on buying our club, and turning it round. We have a playing staff we could only have dreamed of 2 years ago and are heading in to the season with a genuine hope of getting CL football and, if United continue to look poor, finish above them!!

The fair play rules are no joke. They will stand and we need to come in line with them which means buying stuff is going to cost more money. Is this not a reasonable price to pay for potential success?

Of course, if you want to go back to a cheap pie, rubbish beer and rubbish football you could try Edgely Park.

FFS, get a grip you moaning shits.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

nhsuperstar said:
Just got back from the game and i have to say the catering staff at the ground are notthing short of a joke.
at half time i took my lad to one of the outlets in the Colin Bell stand and asked for a burger meal and the guy just looked at me. I repeated and he just stared looking totally lost. i tried to simplify by pointing to the board to show him what i wanted. He then called another fella over to help and he looked completely lost too. Seriously most of them cant even speak or understand basic English.
I walked away in total dismay and told my lad i'd get him something on the way home.
Seriously City. This needs sorting out. its an embarrassment

They probably speak perfectly good Enlgish they just couldn't understand your accent. You're not geordie or Scouser are you? ;)

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