Altercation at Terminal 2

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If i agree that its perhaps wrong make a definite decision on the Officers guilt due to only seeing CCTV (and tbf you are correct) I guess i have offered my opinion on the legal matter on whether guilty or not. And as im not the Judge i agree the fact that the Officer kicking the shit out of some restrained guys head isnt for me to say whether its criminal or not. However, its surely somewhat contradictory for you (or anyone) to then say the actions of the 2 males are "undoubtedly criminal' . Otherwise you are effectively saying your opinion overrides law whereas mine doesn't. In reality neither does, any my initial point remains which is - its up to the courts to decide and my opinion is that both will be found guilty and i struggle to see what either side can possibly utilise in defence other than 'in my opinion i acted reasonable' which wont help either as the law says otherwise.
I don't think the word restrained is needed in your statement as the guy wasn't restrained he was on the floor unrestrained and could have got back up. Any legal team would jump on that with ease
Isn't that the point, if he can't keep a lid on it when the shit hits the fan then he just isn't cut out for it.
Not sure what you define as "shit hitting the fan" but what I saw looked like the the shit definitely hit the fan to me and in that situation there was two people I'd have wanted. The policeman and the police women that tasered him both did amazingly well
OK two people then, you and him. Everyone else can see what happened
Wrong again, I'm starting to think you just see what you want to see, unheard of on bluemoon:-) Anyhow as you are totally incapable of balance or admitting a mistake then we may as well leave it there as dishonest posters aren't of much use.
He had already discharged his Taser though.
What you need to understand about the X2 Taser is that it has a two shot capability. Once those two shots have been used, if you haven't achieved NMI (Neuro Muscular Incapacitation) then you may as well throw it at your assailant. The truth is, they have a surprisingly high failure rate due to any number of outcomes. The assailant in this incident had already shown an extreme intention by committing GBH on at least 2 police officers. He was not restrained, the recovery time from a Taser activation is pretty instantaneous. If he was allowed back to his feet to resume his assault he is taking on the same officers of which two were pretty much out of the fight. If he had managed to get hold of any 'conventional firearm' do you think, given his propensity for extreme violence that he would not have pulled the trigger? A risk that could not possibly be taken in my view. A kick to the head is an extreme response, but these were extreme circumstances. Anything but complete admonishment for the officer in question should result in every armed officer relinquishing their Firearms authority due to a lack of support from the force, and the government.
They are, after all, volunteers, they do not get paid extra and it would not be classed as 'going on strike'. Let's see how safe people feel using the only airport on the planet without an armed response capability.
By far the best take on the situation to date.
Hope you're the Judge appointed when it comes to court.
Not sure what you define as "shit hitting the fan" but what I saw looked like the the shit definitely hit the fan to me and in that situation there was two people I'd have wanted. The policeman and the police women that tasered him both did amazingly well

One kept her cool and the other lost control of himself after they fought so hard to gain control of the situation again.

He let himself down there.
And why didn't he taser the suspect himself when he had the weapon drawn rather than kick him?

Suggests he did know that weapon was already deployed by his colleague.
He's got one shot and two suspects. He had a chance to take one out without firing the shot leaving it as a back up for the second guy just in case he decides to jump in again. Correct decision by the copper
Wrong again, I'm starting to think you just see what you want to see, unheard of on bluemoon:-) Anyhow as you are totally incapable of balance or admitting a mistake then we may as well leave it there as dishonest posters aren't of much use.
There's no mistake. I'm fully capable of balanced thought and I'm human unlike you by the looks of it
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