Altercation at Terminal 2

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Surprised at the number of people supporting someone behaving like a football hooligan against someone already under restraint on the ground just because he’s a copper. The police are trained for situations like this and the only reason that would make a kick and stamp acceptable would be if the recipient of the kick was in a position to do serious harm to someone else, and not as retribution for what he’d already done.
I personally think that If the police think a threat of any kind when guns are nearby and at an airport then anything to stop that is fair enough. Better than a bullet to his head which is what he could have got if they felt he was a potential threat to life.

However if not then he will have to answer the questions that will be coming his way. Without the full footage it’s hard to know what the situation was and how much of a threat they were deemed to be.
The guy that was kicked in the head was flat out having been tasered
I don't see any taser lines going into anyone, I think we need the full facts before reaching a verdict, otherwise we'll sound like rags and dippers - looks OTT but we need the full story. If it is unnecessary force, throw the book at them, if there was an intention to grab a weapon and run amok, then maybe not so much
I just looked at the video again. The big lad who kicked the man in the face and stamped on his head has totally lost control. There is another Asian guy sitting with his hands on his head totally compliant. He pulls and orders him onto the floor but quickly stamps on his knee as he feels he isn't moving quickly enough.
It's easy to say they are trained and should be capable of restraint but they are still human. They've rushed into a violent situation where a female colleague has had her nose broken and two more assaulted. Extreme violence has been shown to.the officers before their arrival so they will take no chances and go in hard. I did hear one of the men attempted to grab a firearm. That then becomes a matter of life and death.
I'm not taking sides just my assumption from the details out there. I'd be surprised if that officer keeps his job though when the dust settles.
Surprised at the number of people supporting someone behaving like a football hooligan against someone already under restraint on the ground just because he’s a copper. The police are trained for situations like this and the only reason that would make a kick and stamp acceptable would be if the recipient of the kick was in a position to do serious harm to someone else, and not as retribution for what he’d already done.
Nah, fuck him.
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