An apology - P12 British tourist dies after being struck by helicopter rotor blades

I should add that the OP at least stood by his comment and admitted it couldve been better worded. Fair play sir @DrBlueBob. We may disagree but at least you did so respectfully and agreed it was an error and thats better than most would.
Im not calling you anything my fellow blue. Just trying to say that there are better things in life than to respond to a news article in such a manner. Of course he should have been more sensible. I agree fully with that. Perhaps better to just post the article without comment but then again each to their own. No offense by me meant in the slightest as im sure there wasnt by you. Just a tragic situation for those involved.
None taken Blue. I am aware that it was potentially insensitive but I actually knew that people would have differing opinions so I wanted to know where my thoughts stood in terms of what is "right".

I hope that my feelings have been explained a bit beyond the initial post.
I read one report that said he had been escorted to a private lounge to await his connecting private flight to London, then broke away from the group and went back towards the chopper, despite the staff shouting at him to stop. It will all come out in the wash I suppose, just a shame for his poor family, probably straight off the back of a great family holiday and then this, the worst of times for his parents.

Yeah it's a bit of a weird one, this.

At first I thought he was killed when exiting the chopper, but then have seen these reports saying he had left the scene to then return shortly after.
If that is the case, I wonder if he's then gone towards the rear to grab a video/selfie and totally misjudged the situation or the distance needed from the blades?
As you say I'm sure all will be revealed, but it is a bit of a curious one.

What an awful, albeit quick, way to go, and undoubtedly an awful thing for his friends/pilots/staff to witness.
Come on dude. The worst thing the young lad did was to try and take a selfie from a moment he was likely excited about. Silly?Yes probably so. Going on a football forum to specifically state your lack of sympathy of his death? Not Cool man. Lets be better than that.
Duuuude, like, totaaally
Terrible story….but it didn’t affect me as much as the news reports from Ukraine tonight. The treatment of the disabled and mentally ill was truly horrific and images that will remain with me for a very long time.
Terrible story….but it didn’t affect me as much as the news reports from Ukraine tonight. The treatment of the disabled and mentally ill was truly horrific and images that will remain with me for a very long time.
Yes wasn't pleasant viewing......

Back to the helicopter and I can't see how physically you can get so near to the blades and not think...."this is too close"
It's not like the blades come around once every 5 seconds and you can dodge in-between them.......
Could he have decided to take his own life?
I should add that the OP at least stood by his comment and admitted it couldve been better worded. Fair play sir @DrBlueBob. We may disagree but at least you did so respectfully and agreed it was an error and thats better than most would.
Whilst I can agree with what you've said and I'm sure the good Dr has realised his initial post was probably a bit on the insensitive side, I've gotta ask, after being on here for 14 years and not posting much, what the fuck drew you to this thread??
Just curious.
Whilst I can agree with what you've said and I'm sure the good Dr has realised his initial post was probably a bit on the insensitive side, I've gotta ask, after being on here for 14 years and not posting much, what the fuck drew you to this thread??
Just curious.
Not my question but………reefer madness!

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