An apology - P12 British tourist dies after being struck by helicopter rotor blades

I kind of agree. Sort of why I posted the thread to see if I am a twat.

Turns out that I am.

But still, just to compound my error, isn't it rather obvious to be careful when getting out of a helicopter?

I'll apologise and leave it there .

Mate, we all have a fuck up, here and there.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Still a quality poster in my book.
At first glance; what a tragedy.

After reading the first article I saw, I had little sympathy.

After reading that he was killed whilst allegedly trying to take a selfie my sympathy levels plummeted even further.

Obviously a waste of a life and he will be missed by loved ones but is this Darwinism in all it's glory?
Wow your not 'mincing' your words there
Whilst I can agree with what you've said and I'm sure the good Dr has realised his initial post was probably a bit on the insensitive side, I've gotta ask, after being on here for 14 years and not posting much, what the fuck drew you to this thread??
Just curious.
haha good question. i actually read all threads, just dont post v much. I think the answer to your query may be linked to my aspergers. I obviously dont know how another person feels, i only know how i feel and in this instance the article posted made me feel sad. Not in anyway am i trying to call out the OP mind as he has been very open and polite to all in his responses and he's entitled to his own opinion. I just find it fascinating how people are different in how and why they say things and how some are affected by news of a stranger dying and some are not. I'm not saying there is a right or wrong response - i just find it interesting. For example there is a comment in one of the posts above about "faux sympathy" but its not for me, i feel it and perhaps others do and others dont,we just dont know, and thats not a bad thing its just what makes humans different from one another and that in itself is probably a good thing. We dont want a world where we are all identical as then society wouldnt function. Jesus Christ this is a waflling answer isnt it *shuts up and goes to the pub.
He’s a young lad with a brain that’s not yet fully formed, which takes most people until they’re about 25. It’s why younger people are disproportionately affected by doing ‘stupid‘ things‘, as their perception of risk is way off.
It’s why they make good soldiers in war and why it’s the first age group to be conscripted!

As I never met the lad, I’d rather celebrate a 22 year old, being and acting 22, not bemoaning him being stupid, or anything similar.

He now joins at least 230 recorded incidents of ‘death by selfie’. I look forward to the WHO, and some government ministry, suggesting banning phones that can take pictures.……
Pretty much my take on it mate, it’s an awful tragedy and would prefer people celebrate the time he was here, we’ve all done stupid things in our youth, I’m gobsmacked at times that I’m actually still here looking at some of the things I did back in the day, I’d fuckin die at the thought of my kids/grandkids doing even a small percent of what I (and mates) got up to.
fast spinning blades are pretty invisible, we are made aware at work about them, and you really cant see them
It can be difficult to see them, but you can certainly feel the heat and the draft if you get close enough.

It sounds like a poor safety brief and not enough supervision from the crew that did it for him.

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