An Important Message For Cyclists

I'd like to think that most cyclists regard me as a nice considerate driver, who waits patiently for a suitable overtaking opportunity. But the one's who get together in big groups on a Sunday morning wearing identical Lycra uniforms, and think it is ok to obstruct the road riding in a peloton formation no doubt think I am a total twat.
I'd like to think that most cyclists regard me as a nice considerate driver, who waits patiently for a suitable overtaking opportunity. But the one's who get together in big groups on a Sunday morning wearing identical Lycra uniforms, and think it is ok to obstruct the road riding in a peloton formation no doubt think I am a total twat.
Believe it or not (I don't do this myself, I ride solo mio) but it IS stated in the Highway Code to be aware of cyclists who ride two abrest.

Rule 154 – “When meeting groups of cyclists riding two abreast, they may choose to move to single file if they deem it safer to do so. They are under no compulsion to do so and it can be safer and easier for you to overtake a compact group, when conditions allow, rather than a longer line of cycles.”

This discourages close overtakes and encourages driver to wait for a safe overtake, as they would any car or long vehicle.
Believe it or not (I don't do this myself, I ride solo mio) but it IS stated in the Highway Code to be aware of cyclists who ride two abrest.

Rule 154 – “When meeting groups of cyclists riding two abreast, they may choose to move to single file if they deem it safer to do so. They are under no compulsion to do so and it can be safer and easier for you to overtake a compact group, when conditions allow, rather than a longer line of cycles.”

This discourages close overtakes and encourages driver to wait for a safe overtake, as they would any car or long vehicle.
I've no problem at all with riding 2 abreast. It's the one's that ride 2 abreast and 8 deep that fuck me off. I might be a bit unlucky with the number I come across living in the sticks.
I've no problem at all with riding 2 abreast. It's the one's that ride 2 abreast and 8 deep that fuck me off. I might be a bit unlucky with the number I come across living in the sticks.
We've all been saying for years that Britain's roads need a complete overhaul and a better infrastructure, one that works for the safety of cyclist and the convenience of motor vehicles.
Do wear a helmet, don’t wear lycra, and don’t go through red lights. Apparently if all cyclists did these things then all drivers would be calm and courteous.

I agree that cyclists should abide by the rules of the road but why does them risking only their own lives (when it IS only their own lives) make car drivers so angry? Seems like every driver has an inner Clarkson they need to channel.

I don't know maybe not wanting to harm another human being badly even a fuck nut. Not wanting your own vehicle damaged, the hassle of going thru insurance. Not wanting to see a cyclist take out a pedestrian.

Anyhow it seems odd not to comment on situations where people do daft things that could cause self harm. But obviously you have never done that:-)

Tis just a forum where people comment on all sorts of important and non Important things.
The fact the driver got away with it, despite not driving to the conditions, and the cyclist doing everything they could to try and protect themselves is beyond me.
magistrates and juries tie themselves in knots to let drivers off lightly when they harm cyclists. this guy deliberately drove his van into someone to knock them off the bike, got out the van and went over to them where they were still lying on the floor, and punched them unconscious. He got a suspended sentence and wasn't even banned from driving. (and it wasn't even his first such offence).
Taking a test doesn't seem to save drivers' lives.

There's always the CPT, or Bikeability, which you should do, at least to make you more aware of the dangers of the road. But... it's a bike; it's about as difficult to learn as walking.
I meant it as you mentioned, to highlight the dangers on the road. Besides that, bikes should really only be used by school boys and factory workers going to work.

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