An open letter to Garry Cook......

Bellamy's Caddy said:
m27 said:
Are any of you posters slagging Cook off the ones who were sticking up for him after the Uwe shambles at the Hall of Fame 'do'? Myself and a few others pointed out that Cook was a bumbling incompetent who should be replaced for his ever increasing number of gaffs. We were shouted down and told he was doing a great job. He isn't though is he? It seems lots of you have been seduced by his 'man of the people' routine.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm delighted with yesterday's decision. It was the right decision and it is indeed fit and proper that Mancini should be lined up and in place before the sacking is formalised. What do you want? Hughes sacked and then we have a managerial vacuum? Get real. However, the whole day was surreal even by our standards and something wasn't right about it.

If Cook is to blame, which is debatable, how many more cock ups is he going to be allowed? Personally, I believe that Cook's replacement will be being lined up as I type. I posted the other day that once Hughes had gone Cook would be out the door close behind him and I believe that still to be the case. I envisage more movement behind the scenes in the not too distant future.

Agree with alot of what you say mate. Although I think the club could have announced Hughes' dismissal yesterday and waited till Monday before announcing Mancini. Personally I wanted Hughes to stay but thats beside the point.

Agree completely about Cook, however, seeing as he's meant to be fronting the Press Conference tomorrow wouldn't that indicate he wont be leaving any time soon? Presumably tomorrow he'll be waffling on about how Mancini is the man to lead City forward etc, surely if City were going to get rid of Cook they'd have announced it when they sacked Hughes and the coaching staff? Unfortunately I think Garry may have his feet well under the table so we'll have to put up with some more cock ups from the speciality king.

Cook will go, like Hughes, when they have a replacement of the standard required and a deal agreed in principle. This may take some more time but I can't see him having a long-term future at the club.
m27 said:
Bellamy's Caddy said:
Agree with alot of what you say mate. Although I think the club could have announced Hughes' dismissal yesterday and waited till Monday before announcing Mancini. Personally I wanted Hughes to stay but thats beside the point.

Agree completely about Cook, however, seeing as he's meant to be fronting the Press Conference tomorrow wouldn't that indicate he wont be leaving any time soon? Presumably tomorrow he'll be waffling on about how Mancini is the man to lead City forward etc, surely if City were going to get rid of Cook they'd have announced it when they sacked Hughes and the coaching staff? Unfortunately I think Garry may have his feet well under the table so we'll have to put up with some more cock ups from the speciality king.

Cook will go, like Hughes, when they have a replacement of the standard required and a deal agreed in principle. This may take some more time but I can't see him having a long-term future at the club.

Hope you're right mate.
Tueartssocktags said:
Dear Mr Cook,
I am writing to express my feelings further to the events of yesterday as a loyal seasoncard holder and Manchester City supporter for over 40 years.
It is my personal view that Mark Hughes was making good and steady progress for our club following the breathtaking and overwhelming support we have received from our new owners.
However, if the consencus of the profesional people who own and run our club is that Roberto Mancini can develop the club more effectively than Mr.Hughes then I for one am more than willing to support and back that judgement.
What rankles with me, and I suspect a great many City fans, is the terrible and disrespectful manner in which the club have handled this decision.
Since the takeover we have been villified extremely unfairly in almost every quarter of the media, overnight we went from 'loveable little City with the great fans' to a club determined to 'ruin football' with delusions of grandeur above it's station.
As supporters we have been slowly but surely coming to terms with this and learning to live with daily dross written about our beloved club. Throughout all of this time Mark Hughes handled himself with incredible dignity and fought our corner in an admirable, determined manner clearly with the clubs best interests at heart.
Unfortunately Mr Cook I cannot say the same for you.
To be issuing statements relating to Mr Hughes' future whilst a game is in progress and to clearly have been in discussions with his successor well in advance of his demise is utterly despicable and has heaped damage on our club's reputation, giving the gutter press yet more ammunition.
Additionally by handling matters in this way you have massively increased the pressure on Mr. Mancini to succeed whilst doubtless alienating the vast majority of our squad from him.
For someone with your obvious integrity and experience in business I am staggered and quite frankly appalled at the way you have handled this matter and feel strongly that you owe Mr. Hughes and indeed all of us supporters a full and frank explanation of the events.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Billings, seasoncard holder block 228.

Disagree with the bold part. To do it all on a match day was what was wrong. To make sure you have a manager to replace the outgoing one (especially in a hectic Christmas/New Year period) should be commended, or atleast understood.
Dear Gary,
Have a think next time pal, all is forgiven and i think apart from that little mistake your doing a great job.

judleberry said:
Ricster said:
Dunne asked Hughes why he was being sold. Hughes told him City needed the money. Smug twat.


How many times do you people need to be corrected, Dunney even said in the press conference "Hughes wanted me to stay, it was not Hughes decision for me to leave, Cooke said the club needed the money to balance the books"

But yes, if it suits your fucked up agenda to make it look like Hughes has not been treated unfairly then continue to spout this utter shite.
Dunne said it was Hughes, and im sure if you look on the net its quoted.

No need for the tosser part either!
Ricster said:
judleberry said:

How many times do you people need to be corrected, Dunney even said in the press conference "Hughes wanted me to stay, it was not Hughes decision for me to leave, Cooke said the club needed the money to balance the books"

But yes, if it suits your fucked up agenda to make it look like Hughes has not been treated unfairly then continue to spout this utter shite.
Dunne said it was Hughes, and im sure if you look on the net its quoted.

No need for the tosser part either!

Richard Dunne has launched a stinging outburst at Manchester City claiming that their executive chairman Garry Cook broke personal agreements and conspired to sell the defender behind his back.

The former City captain, who joined Aston Villa earlier this week, says that manager Mark Hughes did not want him to go but was told that the money was needed to balance the books. Dunne believes that Cook is only interested in marquee signings, and effectively forced him out of the club.

"Garry Cook has come in and he doesn't really understand football," said Dunne, who was speaking before flying to Cyprus with the Republic of Ireland squad for tomorrow's World Cup qualifier in Nicosia.

"All he wants is big money players. He doesn't understand the core, the loyalty of the club and where it begins. For him, I was probably a bit of a nuisance.

"There were a hell of a lot of things going on throughout the summer and from the day after the Bulgaria game [in June] I was getting phone calls from people saying Garry Cook has been trying to sell me behind my back – two months after me going to him and saying if he has any problems to come and deal with me. I'm not a baby, I'm not going to cry just because the club want to sell me. Just don't do it behind my back.

"They told me they have a certain amount of money that they have to recoup each season to make things look better on the books. I could understand if I was getting sold for £200m – it might make sense."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 81374.html</a>
Eccles Blue said:
If you do send it just don't expect any kind of reply from him or the club. I wrote, when we sold Richard Dunne, in a very polite and concerned vein and am still awaiting any response, even though it says in the customer charter:
"We will respond to any contact, including customer complaints whether by letter, fax or e-mail within a maximum of seven days. If there are justifiable reasons why a query cannot be answered fully within this time, the customer will be sent an acknowledgement indicating how long a full response will take."

The way the club is being run these days is beginning to make me wonder if we weren't better off without all the money!! *gets out the flak jacket and helmet*

fuck off and support bolton then.
judleberry said:
Ricster said:
Dunne said it was Hughes, and im sure if you look on the net its quoted.

No need for the tosser part either!

Richard Dunne has launched a stinging outburst at Manchester City claiming that their executive chairman Garry Cook broke personal agreements and conspired to sell the defender behind his back.

The former City captain, who joined Aston Villa earlier this week, says that manager Mark Hughes did not want him to go but was told that the money was needed to balance the books. Dunne believes that Cook is only interested in marquee signings, and effectively forced him out of the club.

"Garry Cook has come in and he doesn't really understand football," said Dunne, who was speaking before flying to Cyprus with the Republic of Ireland squad for tomorrow's World Cup qualifier in Nicosia.

"All he wants is big money players. He doesn't understand the core, the loyalty of the club and where it begins. For him, I was probably a bit of a nuisance.

"There were a hell of a lot of things going on throughout the summer and from the day after the Bulgaria game [in June] I was getting phone calls from people saying Garry Cook has been trying to sell me behind my back – two months after me going to him and saying if he has any problems to come and deal with me. I'm not a baby, I'm not going to cry just because the club want to sell me. Just don't do it behind my back.

"They told me they have a certain amount of money that they have to recoup each season to make things look better on the books. I could understand if I was getting sold for £200m – it might make sense."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 81374.html</a>

The Citizens manager told Man City's official website: “Richard obviously felt the need to discuss his thoughts on his departure from City, but the decision [to leave] was his. He was the only one to sign on the piece of paper to change from being a City player to being a Villa player.

“It was his decision and it was not as if he was forced out of the club. I have to say that it is a little bit unfair to highlight Garry Cook and his perceived role in the discussions.
Cheesy said:
judleberry said:
Richard Dunne has launched a stinging outburst at Manchester City claiming that their executive chairman Garry Cook broke personal agreements and conspired to sell the defender behind his back.

The former City captain, who joined Aston Villa earlier this week, says that manager Mark Hughes did not want him to go but was told that the money was needed to balance the books. Dunne believes that Cook is only interested in marquee signings, and effectively forced him out of the club.

"Garry Cook has come in and he doesn't really understand football," said Dunne, who was speaking before flying to Cyprus with the Republic of Ireland squad for tomorrow's World Cup qualifier in Nicosia.

"All he wants is big money players. He doesn't understand the core, the loyalty of the club and where it begins. For him, I was probably a bit of a nuisance.

"There were a hell of a lot of things going on throughout the summer and from the day after the Bulgaria game [in June] I was getting phone calls from people saying Garry Cook has been trying to sell me behind my back – two months after me going to him and saying if he has any problems to come and deal with me. I'm not a baby, I'm not going to cry just because the club want to sell me. Just don't do it behind my back.

"They told me they have a certain amount of money that they have to recoup each season to make things look better on the books. I could understand if I was getting sold for £200m – it might make sense."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 81374.html</a>

The Citizens manager told Man City's official website: “Richard obviously felt the need to discuss his thoughts on his departure from City, but the decision [to leave] was his. He was the only one to sign on the piece of paper to change from being a City player to being a Villa player.

“It was his decision and it was not as if he was forced out of the club. I have to say that it is a little bit unfair to highlight Garry Cook and his perceived role in the discussions.

Yet another example of Hughes being loyal to MCFC. Despite Dunney clearly saying that it was Garry C who had said all that to him, Hughes defends Cook. If only Cook could have afforded the same respect to Hughes rather than kicking him out the door, mid match, with Mancini's fancy shoe, and without prior warning.

No part of what you have just quoted does Mark say that Dunney is wrong. Just that he doesn't think that it is fair to lay the blame soley with GC, as it was Dunne who signed the Villa paper.

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