An open letter to Garry Cook......

I think you've got your views spot on, but your directing it at the wrong person.

I very much doubt Cook had much say in the matter. It was Khaldoon and Sheikh Mansour. He is just their puppet.
markblackford said:
FFS move on ! He gone and took those incompetant welsh so called coaches with him

Yep the Tafia gone to be replaced by the Mafia!!

Who doesnt surround themselves with coaches etc they know and trust!!
My initial reaction on the manner of the sacking was that it was grossly unfair.

However, on reflection well it is deeply unfair on Mark Hughes, the job of the people that run the club is to act in the best interests of MCFC.

Now once the decision was made, they could have done the decent thing and sacked him immediately. Then set about searching for a replacement. The press then get in a frenzy linking this name and that, people distance themselves from the job and we end up going through the busy xmas period with a 'caretaker' manager. Now we've been in that situation a few times and quite frankly its shit. How long did we have the nice but completely out of his depth Phil Neal in charge for?

So have the board acted in the best interests of Mark Hughes - no but the compensation will soften the blow for him.

Have they acted in the best interests of MCFC - yes
Completely agree with your sentiments. I think Hughes has been treated unfairly and im personally disappointed at not only his dismissal but the manner in which it occurred.

Hughes obviously gave the job his best shot and did so with a dignity most PL managers could learn alot from.

I've a feeling that now he has gone, we will start to have a squad made up of alot of cliques. I just hope that Mancini is big enough to tackle these problems head on and manage to overcome these problems as Hughes did at the outset.

The owners gave Hughes the squad he wanted but failed to give him enough time for that squad to realise its obvious potential.

Good luck Mancini, i think you will need it.
To paraphrase an earlier poster, there are a lot of drama queens mouthing what the media tells them.

Cook may be the scum of the earth but he's not in a popularity contest. I've no idea if he's any good at his job or not, but the bosses seem to think so. As 'a boss', I would have sacked MH long ago. It's just a shame that yesterday became such a pantomime whereas MH behaved with complete dignity, good man that he is. Cook may be responsible for that but I just don't know.

All I do know is that, particularly in the current climate of the league, top four should be attained this season. Anything else is failure, in my view, and clearly that's view of ADUG. Fellow citizens can settle for less but, personally, after 40 years on the Kippax/East stand, I've had enough of that. It's time to achieve rather than just slag the club off. If RM is not up to it, he should also be sacked. So what?
I agree with the original post in so far as I'm upset with how the club has gone about the change. However, I blame the club not cook specifically. How do we even know it was cook leading the decision to sack hughes or the approach to announcing it? It could've been marwood or khaldoon that's led this?

Just not sure that cook has to be the figurehead for the anger around this.
I have held off posting about the sacking until now.
Was it the correct desission? - Most definately yes.
Should the club have a new manager ready to take over - Most definately Yes again.

Then we come to the timing. If, as stated, his card was marked after the Hull game. (Which was the same time that I decided he had to go by the way) Then why wait until a match day?
Surely the time to do it was last Thursday morning after the horror show at Spurs. There would have been little wailing and gnashing of teeth if he had been sacked after that!!!

I am sorry the way things worked out. I wanted Mark Hughes to be a success. I wanted us to win the league and some cups with a British manager. But we don't always get what we want in life and CITY will always be bigger and more important than any manager, player or supporter. City as a club will march on, sod the media, sod the two faced managers who can't stand Hughes bleeting on about how sad they are (liars) We move on with a new man at the helm, Welcome Mr Mancini and the very best of luck to you. I hope you bring with you something special that will lift this proud club to the heights it deserves.
Lets all put this weekend behind us, get behind the new boss and the boys who pull on the blue shirt. Onwards and upwards fellow blues, bring on the rags!!!!!!
People are saying Cook didn't even break the news to Mark Hughes?

Can I just ask how do we know this?
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
ChesterRdBlue said:
If I came in and that happened with the boss turning round and saying not to worry though you will be compensated by x amount, I'd probably make a mess of my trousers and waddle out of there looking forward to Christmas.

Well, if your objective when you took the job was to cream as much money out of the company as you possibly could and the compensation package allowed you to achieve that sooner rather than later then I'm sure you would be particularly pleased. But if your company had presented you with the opportunity to potentially achieve greatness and something worthy of global recognition, as well as cement an entry into your company's and industry's history books then you will see it as a huge disappointment. Still, you can always look at your bank account and remind yourself how rich you became for achieving nothing.

I certainly wouldn't want people sending a letter to the boss to express their disgust at my removal as I had failed to do my job to his satisfaction. The manner of my sacking would not be my concern, but the fact I had given them the chance to sack me and I had ultimately failed in my job. I would then grow a pair and move on, sufficiently compensated for my efforts. I'm sure Mr Hughes will be alright and I wish him all the best for the future, but he just wasn't the right man for us.

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