An open letter to Garry Cook......

judleberry said:

Yet another example of Hughes being loyal to MCFC. Despite Dunney clearly saying that it was Garry C who had said all that to him, Hughes defends Cook. If only Cook could have afforded the same respect to Hughes rather than kicking him out the door, mid match, with Mancini's fancy shoe, and without prior warning.

No part of what you have just quoted does Mark say that Dunney is wrong. Just that he doesn't think that it is fair to lay the blame soley with GC, as it was Dunne who signed the Villa paper.

No part of it? What about this part...

It was his decision
Why do some of you have a problem with the fact that we had a new manager lined up? You must have short memories? Franny thought he had George Graham in the bag but didn't get it sorted and we ended up with alan ball and the start of the lowest point in our history. Of course you get it all sorted before you sack someone. Ok the timing was a bit naff but once the media got hold of it (Talk Sh*te broadcast it about 2pm) the club had to act quickly or look really stupid.
Cheesy said:
judleberry said:
Yet another example of Hughes being loyal to MCFC. Despite Dunney clearly saying that it was Garry C who had said all that to him, Hughes defends Cook. If only Cook could have afforded the same respect to Hughes rather than kicking him out the door, mid match, with Mancini's fancy shoe, and without prior warning.

No part of what you have just quoted does Mark say that Dunney is wrong. Just that he doesn't think that it is fair to lay the blame soley with GC, as it was Dunne who signed the Villa paper.

No part of it? What about this part...

It was his decision

Yea I'm still not getting what bit of that makes you think it was Hughes decision for Dunne to go? Which was the original point I made all those hours ago...
This is absurd.

granted, it does look suspicious that Mancini was appointed straight away after sacking Hughes, but I'd rather have someone set in place rather than have a caretaker. I dont think Mancini is the right replacement, but i agree that Hughes wasnt getting us anywhere.

The owners had invested £200m+ in the squad and Mark Hughes (a manager that they didnt appoint) and gave him the opportunity to see what he could do. And the nail in the coffin was the defensive buys that havent performed and cost us valuable wins.

Bridge, Toure, Lescott do not look settled, organised or comfortable. And forcing Dunne out has proved to be a mistake. I doubt Mancini will be able to sort these guys out.

The owners are businessmen, not footballers and this is rightly a business decision. But they must understand that marquee signings like Robinho arent always the best for a club. They might be good on the eye from a business sense, but no substance where it really counts. They felt Hughes was fading, and in the last few performances, it looked it. So with the January window coming, i wouldnt have wasted money on a manager i dont think is doing the job.

Hughes did a good job installing more discipline in the squad from the Eriksson era, but tactically he was inept, the Spurs game was clear evidence. Maybe Mancini can progress from what Hughes has built and make the team perform as we hope they will.

But i'll happily pat Mr Cook and the board on the back for doing what is best for Manchester City and not being emotional about it all.
ChesterRdBlue said:
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Well, if your objective when you took the job was to cream as much money out of the company as you possibly could and the compensation package allowed you to achieve that sooner rather than later then I'm sure you would be particularly pleased. But if your company had presented you with the opportunity to potentially achieve greatness and something worthy of global recognition, as well as cement an entry into your company's and industry's history books then you will see it as a huge disappointment. Still, you can always look at your bank account and remind yourself how rich you became for achieving nothing.

I certainly wouldn't want people sending a letter to the boss to express their disgust at my removal as I had failed to do my job to his satisfaction. The manner of my sacking would not be my concern, but the fact I had given them the chance to sack me and I had ultimately failed in my job. I would then grow a pair and move on, sufficiently compensated for my efforts. I'm sure Mr Hughes will be alright and I wish him all the best for the future, but he just wasn't the right man for us.

I dont believe Hughes was only about the money, time will tell of course but it seems obvious to me. Proffesionalism personified.
Tueartssocktags said:
Dear Mr Cook,
I am writing to express my feelings further to the events of yesterday as a loyal seasoncard holder and Manchester City supporter for over 40 years.
It is my personal view that Mark Hughes was making good and steady progress for our club following the breathtaking and overwhelming support we have received from our new owners.
However, if the consencus of the profesional people who own and run our club is that Roberto Mancini can develop the club more effectively than Mr.Hughes then I for one am more than willing to support and back that judgement.
What rankles with me, and I suspect a great many City fans, is the terrible and disrespectful manner in which the club have handled this decision.
Since the takeover we have been villified extremely unfairly in almost every quarter of the media, overnight we went from 'loveable little City with the great fans' to a club determined to 'ruin football' with delusions of grandeur above it's station.
As supporters we have been slowly but surely coming to terms with this and learning to live with daily dross written about our beloved club. Throughout all of this time Mark Hughes handled himself with incredible dignity and fought our corner in an admirable, determined manner clearly with the clubs best interests at heart.
Unfortunately Mr Cook I cannot say the same for you.
To be issuing statements relating to Mr Hughes' future whilst a game is in progress and to clearly have been in discussions with his successor well in advance of his demise is utterly despicable and has heaped damage on our club's reputation, giving the gutter press yet more ammunition.
Additionally by handling matters in this way you have massively increased the pressure on Mr. Mancini to succeed whilst doubtless alienating the vast majority of our squad from him.
For someone with your obvious integrity and experience in business I am staggered and quite frankly appalled at the way you have handled this matter and feel strongly that you owe Mr. Hughes and indeed all of us supporters a full and frank explanation of the events.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Billings, seasoncard holder block 228.

calm it let them get on with it its better than thaksin they could leave any day leave us with millions of debt so id be a bit nicer to khaldoon even if you think there wrong
Tueartssocktags said:
Dear Mr Cook,
I am writing to express my feelings further to the events of yesterday as a loyal seasoncard holder and Manchester City supporter for over 40 years.
It is my personal view that Mark Hughes was making good and steady progress for our club following the breathtaking and overwhelming support we have received from our new owners.
However, if the consencus of the profesional people who own and run our club is that Roberto Mancini can develop the club more effectively than Mr.Hughes then I for one am more than willing to support and back that judgement.
What rankles with me, and I suspect a great many City fans, is the terrible and disrespectful manner in which the club have handled this decision.
Since the takeover we have been villified extremely unfairly in almost every quarter of the media, overnight we went from 'loveable little City with the great fans' to a club determined to 'ruin football' with delusions of grandeur above it's station.
As supporters we have been slowly but surely coming to terms with this and learning to live with daily dross written about our beloved club. Throughout all of this time Mark Hughes handled himself with incredible dignity and fought our corner in an admirable, determined manner clearly with the clubs best interests at heart.
Unfortunately Mr Cook I cannot say the same for you.
To be issuing statements relating to Mr Hughes' future whilst a game is in progress and to clearly have been in discussions with his successor well in advance of his demise is utterly despicable and has heaped damage on our club's reputation, giving the gutter press yet more ammunition.
Additionally by handling matters in this way you have massively increased the pressure on Mr. Mancini to succeed whilst doubtless alienating the vast majority of our squad from him.
For someone with your obvious integrity and experience in business I am staggered and quite frankly appalled at the way you have handled this matter and feel strongly that you owe Mr. Hughes and indeed all of us supporters a full and frank explanation of the events.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Billings, seasoncard holder block 228.
Absolutely brilliant letter, and just what the majority of the 40,000+ there yesterday were thinking, really couldn't have put it better myself.
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
Tueartssocktags said:
Dear Mr Cook,
I am writing to express my feelings further to the events of yesterday as a loyal seasoncard holder and Manchester City supporter for over 40 years.
It is my personal view that Mark Hughes was making good and steady progress for our club following the breathtaking and overwhelming support we have received from our new owners.
However, if the consencus of the profesional people who own and run our club is that Roberto Mancini can develop the club more effectively than Mr.Hughes then I for one am more than willing to support and back that judgement.
What rankles with me, and I suspect a great many City fans, is the terrible and disrespectful manner in which the club have handled this decision.
Since the takeover we have been villified extremely unfairly in almost every quarter of the media, overnight we went from 'loveable little City with the great fans' to a club determined to 'ruin football' with delusions of grandeur above it's station.
As supporters we have been slowly but surely coming to terms with this and learning to live with daily dross written about our beloved club. Throughout all of this time Mark Hughes handled himself with incredible dignity and fought our corner in an admirable, determined manner clearly with the clubs best interests at heart.
Unfortunately Mr Cook I cannot say the same for you.
To be issuing statements relating to Mr Hughes' future whilst a game is in progress and to clearly have been in discussions with his successor well in advance of his demise is utterly despicable and has heaped damage on our club's reputation, giving the gutter press yet more ammunition.
Additionally by handling matters in this way you have massively increased the pressure on Mr. Mancini to succeed whilst doubtless alienating the vast majority of our squad from him.
For someone with your obvious integrity and experience in business I am staggered and quite frankly appalled at the way you have handled this matter and feel strongly that you owe Mr. Hughes and indeed all of us supporters a full and frank explanation of the events.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Billings, seasoncard holder block 228.
Absolutely brilliant letter, and just what the majority of the 40,000+ there yesterday were thinking, really couldn't have put it better myself.

you have a lot of balls I mean talking on behalf of 40,000 people cz i wasnt thinking like that.

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