An open letter to Garry Cook......

Are any of you posters slagging Cook off the ones who were sticking up for him after the Uwe shambles at the Hall of Fame 'do'? Myself and a few others pointed out that Cook was a bumbling incompetent who should be replaced for his ever increasing number of gaffs. We were shouted down and told he was doing a great job. He isn't though is he? It seems lots of you have been seduced by his 'man of the people' routine.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm delighted with yesterday's decision. It was the right decision and it is indeed fit and proper that Mancini should be lined up and in place before the sacking is formalised. What do you want? Hughes sacked and then we have a managerial vacuum? Get real. However, the whole day was surreal even by our standards and something wasn't right about it.

If Cook is to blame, which is debatable, how many more cock ups is he going to be allowed? Personally, I believe that Cook's replacement will be being lined up as I type. I posted the other day that once Hughes had gone Cook would be out the door close behind him and I believe that still to be the case. I envisage more movement behind the scenes in the not too distant future.
moonies lovechild said:
City Soul Boy said:
How would you have done it? Just curious[/quote
Not behind is back for a start mancini was virtually sat in his chair before hughes was told !

But surely having Mancini in place already makes good sense. We have 3 games coming up in quick succession and we couldn't have gone into them with a Caretaker Manager. Once the decision to get rid of Hughes had been made City had to make sure a replacement was lined up. Or we could have gone through the charade of saying we have no lined up with every man and his dog knowing it was going to be Mancini and then a week later he arrives
It does make good sense to have a manager in place, it was just the way it was handled that was wrong ,they could have told hughes after the spurs match or even a few weeks back . The timing of it straight after the sunderland match was harsh and did not do our club any favours when the media and his dog are out to tarnish our image and have been since the arabs took over .
I don't agree with much of the original post at all, which after all is only one person's opinion.

Whilst the writer is entitled to express his ideas, which some people may agree with, and send whatever communications he feels like to the club, they are by no means necessarily representative of how anyone else feels; neither do I expect anyone (at the club) to take any notice of them.

It's rather like commenting on whether apples taste better than oranges in my opinion, but the way the club's owners have conducted themselves (bar the initial takeover week and that temporary mouthpiece who soon was moved on) is more than professional in my eyes, and I fully respect the way they have managed both themselves and the club.

Even if I felt the way the poster did, I wouldn't waste my time writing about it to the club - and I wouldn't be disrespectful to Garry Cook either.
sput the wonder pig said:
Drama queen. Move on

Pig by name and probably pig by nature.

The behaviour, method, and general demeanour of Garry Cook is that of any CEO in any organisation. I find the whole package unsurprising. The exterior hail-fellow-well-met contrasts rather sharply with my preferred view that they are all duplicitous gentlemen who never knew their fathers.
Agree completely with the OP. Only a few times heard people slagging off Hughes, everything about this leaves a very bad taste in the mouth.

All of this has put immense pressure on Mancini thats for sure.
m27 said:
Are any of you posters slagging Cook off the ones who were sticking up for him after the Uwe shambles at the Hall of Fame 'do'? Myself and a few others pointed out that Cook was a bumbling incompetent who should be replaced for his ever increasing number of gaffs. We were shouted down and told he was doing a great job. He isn't though is he? It seems lots of you have been seduced by his 'man of the people' routine.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm delighted with yesterday's decision. It was the right decision and it is indeed fit and proper that Mancini should be lined up and in place before the sacking is formalised. What do you want? Hughes sacked and then we have a managerial vacuum? Get real. However, the whole day was surreal even by our standards and something wasn't right about it.

If Cook is to blame, which is debatable, how many more cock ups is he going to be allowed? Personally, I believe that Cook's replacement will be being lined up as I type. I posted the other day that once Hughes had gone Cook would be out the door close behind him and I believe that still to be the case. I envisage more movement behind the scenes in the not too distant future.

Agree with alot of what you say mate. Although I think the club could have announced Hughes' dismissal yesterday and waited till Monday before announcing Mancini. Personally I wanted Hughes to stay but thats beside the point.

Agree completely about Cook, however, seeing as he's meant to be fronting the Press Conference tomorrow wouldn't that indicate he wont be leaving any time soon? Presumably tomorrow he'll be waffling on about how Mancini is the man to lead City forward etc, surely if City were going to get rid of Cook they'd have announced it when they sacked Hughes and the coaching staff? Unfortunately I think Garry may have his feet well under the table so we'll have to put up with some more cock ups from the speciality king.
great letter...

i approve the dismisal yet the manner in which it was handled was totally innapropriate;
Agree with the sentiments in your letter.

Re Cook, he was in on the appointment of Hughes, albeit when we were looking for a manager who could do a job on limited resources. If he'd vehemently disagreed with the decision to get rid, he could have quit himself. I think it's a fairly safe bet that he agreed with it, whether he was the instigator of the move to oust Hughes or that came from higher up is hard to say.
However, the spineless way in which he apparently didn't tell all the players about the axing and his failure to make himself available for questions, as the most senior member of the club around yesterday, instead opting to hide behind the chairman's statement on the website, as the shambles unfolded was pathetic. This lack of balls coupled with some of the fiascos he's been involved with in his time in post makes me agree with Stirlingblue that it's time to ship Cook out

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