And so it begins...

I am sorry but he announced Isco like the coming of the Messiah and he was the messenger and it would happen on the fourth day. That is the real issue I have, the hype he builds around his tit bits. I cannot recall anything he has proclaimed as early stages who knows what will happen its all proclaimer songs and breaking news. If you build your status up then you have to take responsibility.

Does it really matter what he proclaims and how he presents it, if you don't believe it and you think he is over egging the pudding be critical of the information he supplies and argue against, that but IMO there is no need to bring his personality into the equation. Everyone posts in this forum all sorts of crap from twitter, you know most of it is from WUMs and argue against the information supplied either by looking at whether a fake account or not, you make a judgement whether you think the source is reliable or not but there is not need to be personal about it. Like I say just my opinion.
de niro said:
Love Bites and Everything said:
As a relative newcomer to the board the reaction to Tomlie is interesting to observe.

Why all the abuse for those who question him and why are they asked to keep their opinions to themselves and refrain from posting if they are not a 'believer'??

What is wrong with people saying that they think he's full of shit and knows sweet FA??

I have no strong views either way, just an interested observer. It does seem a bit North Korea, though.

to me i have one issue. posters shouldn't come on the thread to have a pop at the op. contribute or not but keep the negatives against the op out of it. it adds nothing.

I have an issue with that and particularly FBlokes mega pop at those allegedly having a 'pop' at TH, it is hypocritical.

Posters should be freely allowed to express their doubts and disappointments and warn others (without posting personal abuse) like I am hopefully doing. Believers when let down express quite rightly their scorn at TH. Mocking them and telling them to 'evaluate their relationship with the internet is simply a pop at the vulnerable not the one who mislead them; that seemingly is acceptable and not to be commented upon.

What is to be expected when posters are lead up the garden path time and time again with a triumphalist fanfare announcement that turn out to have dubious substance and credibility at best.
Rammyblues said:
I am sorry but he announced Isco like the coming of the Messiah and he was the messenger and it would happen on the fourth day. That is the real issue I have, the hype he builds around his tit bits. I cannot recall anything he has proclaimed as early stages who knows what will happen its all proclaimer songs and breaking news. If you build your status up then you have to take responsibility.

Does it really matter what he proclaims and how he presents it, if you don't believe it and you think he is over egging the pudding be critical of the information he supplies and argue against, that but IMO there is no need to bring his personality into the equation. Everyone posts in this forum all sorts of crap from twitter, you know most of it is from WUMs and argue against the information supplied either by looking at whether a fake account or not, you make a judgement whether you think the source is reliable or not but there is not need to be personal about it. Like I say just my opinion.

I agree but as said this must apply to the followers criticism and response to the doubters and disappointed; no personal criticism. Unfortunately that seems to be overlooked.
I agree with Rammy and others on this, god its the same every window. I love reading all the speculation and discussion, but it is at best boring and and worst aggressive when people start with the personal stuff. If it makes you angry or you feel the need to question someone's authenticity then sack it off everyone will be happier. Anyone can see that these transfer deals now are multi million pound deals , and that players are human with relationships, personalities and personal preferences that mean even the most talked about transfers can be off at a moments notice. I am sure that a lot of people get to hear stuff , most will never post it because of the crap that is slung almost immediately, it is childish and provocative . I assume everything is posted in good faith and either will or wont come to pass .. whatever. I hope tolmie and others don't stop posting because the summer in particular will drag on even more without them..
I go away on hols tomorrow, so my last post for a couple weeks, anyhow.

Plenty seem to have nothing better to do than discuss my mental make-up, vices and negative impact on the wider internet, in general, judging by the number of pages these last few days?

I do feel it is best, however, that I don't instigate one of these threads, in future, just post as and where I feel it might be relevant or of interest?

It would reduce the amount of in-fighting, and not be a one-stop shop for putting myself out there, and all that may entail, good and bad.

Faceless internet or not, it is sometimes taken to heart, but that's just the guy I am. Can't change that and perhaps it is because I do have faith in what I am posting that it becomes a little personal for me.

Lampard's signing should perhaps be a decent illustration of just how quickly things can move in this game, even if Soriano had stated there would be no more after Mangala?

cheers for now.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I go away on hols tomorrow, so my last post for a couple weeks, anyhow.

Plenty seem to have nothing better to do than discuss my mental make-up, vices and negative impact on the wider internet, in general, judging by the number of pages these last few days?

I do feel it is best, however, that I don't instigate one of these threads, in future, just post as and where I feel it might be relevant or of interest?

It would reduce the amount of in-fighting, and not be a one-stop shop for putting myself out there, and all that may entail, good and bad.

Faceless internet or not, it is sometimes taken to heart, but that's just the guy I am. Can't change that and perhaps it is because I do have faith in what I am posting that it becomes a little personal for me.

Lampard's signing should perhaps be a decent illustration of just how quickly things can move in this game, even if Soriano had stated there would be no more after Mangala?

cheers for now.
So thre are some users that get upset/uptight over another poster that posts what they think may be it doesn't turn out they are blasted from all sides.such sad people.
Have a good one TH it's going to be pretty boring on the transfer threads the next 2 weeks.

Any news From yourself always gets people talking and guessing and long may it continue.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I go away on hols tomorrow, so my last post for a couple weeks, anyhow.

Plenty seem to have nothing better to do than discuss my mental make-up, vices and negative impact on the wider internet, in general, judging by the number of pages these last few days?

I do feel it is best, however, that I don't instigate one of these threads, in future, just post as and where I feel it might be relevant or of interest?

It would reduce the amount of in-fighting, and not be a one-stop shop for putting myself out there, and all that may entail, good and bad.

Faceless internet or not, it is sometimes taken to heart, but that's just the guy I am. Can't change that and perhaps it is because I do have faith in what I am posting that it becomes a little personal for me.

Lampard's signing should perhaps be a decent illustration of just how quickly things can move in this game, even if Soriano had stated there would be no more after Mangala?

cheers for now.
I understand your point mate, but if you go back through the thread there was far more posters wishing a happy birthday than has ever criticised you, the minority is just that and I wouldn't let the annual morons wind you up. Enjoy the holiday mate and I look forward to your posts in the future.

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