Annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...apology {merged}

Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

SWP's back said:
Dr Mick said:
SWP's back said:
I won't apologise, you're fairly thick trying to make out Dzeko is as much a culprit as Tevez.
As for bback, you carry no credibility with your Dzeko obsession.

I never said he is as much a culprit as Tevez. What i am saying is that i don't believe Tevez would have done what he did if Dzeko hadn't behaved like he did. Tevez is the culprit. Dzeko is the accessory.

Thanks for calling me thick by the way. I'd quite like to have DR MICK on the back of my City shirt but its because of agressive people like you that I wouldn't for fear of being accosted during my pre match pint.
That and the fact you have "Gerrard" on it?!?

Mr nail meet Mr head
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

moomba said:
Whats the problem if Mancini did tell Tevez to fuck off back to Argentina, and Dzeko to fuck off back to Bosnia.

I'm sure that both have heard much worse in the heat of the moment on the football field.

I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry, Trigger.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

bback said:
moomba said:
Whats the problem if Mancini did tell Tevez to fuck off back to Argentina, and Dzeko to fuck off back to Bosnia.

I'm sure that both have heard much worse in the heat of the moment on the football field.

I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry.
No please do, I'm sure there's the odd person on here with the basic literacy skills and brain capacity for logic
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

What I believe the issue is with the fans here is that people have become way to spoiled. When players are having a good game, the praise does not stop and players are being compare to Jesus, love letters are written and men are requesting to have children with these players. As soon as it's not going the way we like, everyone wants to find a scapegoat, and everyone becomes shite in our eyes.

The only noteworthy guy on the pitch yesterday was Hart, not a single person else. The first goal was the defense fault (okay it happens, we fix it and move on), the second goal was an unlucky bounce off Harts leg into the goal (what can you do, shite happens). As a collective we did not perform well after the first 30 minutes and that is it. It was the teams fault, with a bit of bad luck.

Now for the incident with Dzeko and Tevez, I certainly do not approve of it. You can be Messi/Pele/Zidane or whatever but you do need to know who your boss is and respect the man. Even though I do not agree with some of his decisions, he is the manager, I am just a fan with an opinion. The Tevez issue hopefully gets cleared and he can go to another club if he wishes. As for Dzeko I believe that it was misunderstood and that he was more mad at himself than Mancini. Still as a professional he could have behaved better.

To summarize, we just need to stop talking shite about our players (exception for Tevez as he clearly doesn't want to be here), because at the end of the day they are OUR PLAYERS.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

squirtyflower said:
bback said:
moomba said:
Whats the problem if Mancini did tell Tevez to fuck off back to Argentina, and Dzeko to fuck off back to Bosnia.

I'm sure that both have heard much worse in the heat of the moment on the football field.

I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry.
No please do, I'm sure there's the odd person on here with the basic literacy skills and brain capacity for logic

OK, I'll tell you as soon as one agrees with you and the other lemmings.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

bback said:
moomba said:
Whats the problem if Mancini did tell Tevez to fuck off back to Argentina, and Dzeko to fuck off back to Bosnia.

I'm sure that both have heard much worse in the heat of the moment on the football field.

I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry, Trigger.

Go on then Einstein, give it a shot and see how much my disfunctional brain can take in.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

bback said:
moomba said:
Whats the problem if Mancini did tell Tevez to fuck off back to Argentina, and Dzeko to fuck off back to Bosnia.

I'm sure that both have heard much worse in the heat of the moment on the football field.

I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry, Trigger.
You're making lots of friends aren't you.

One trick pony, offended by proxy and without doubt, likely to last less than a week.

Who do you support?<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:05 pm --<br /><br />
bback said:
squirtyflower said:
bback said:
I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry.
No please do, I'm sure there's the odd person on here with the basic literacy skills and brain capacity for logic

OK, I'll tell you as soon as one agrees with you and the other lemmings.
Irony again seeing as you'd follow your bum boy anywhere.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

moomba said:
bback said:
moomba said:
Whats the problem if Mancini did tell Tevez to fuck off back to Argentina, and Dzeko to fuck off back to Bosnia.

I'm sure that both have heard much worse in the heat of the moment on the football field.

I would try explaining it to you, but the act of actually understanding anything requires a functional brain. Sorry, Trigger.

Go on then Einstein, give it a shot and see how much my disfunctional brain can take in.
Personally I think he's here to take the piss
He's been asked reasonably and without the name-calling he stoops to, although he thinks he's being eloquent, to explain what he expects us to understand

Either he hasn't the intellectual capacity to back up his unreasoned arguments or he's a troll

Make up your own mind
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

bback said:
I'm sure if three or more lemmings without a chance of getting a life and with 10k+ posts jump on me without saying anything of substance that your favourite moderator whom you tend to blow will intervene and make you inbreds proud. For once in your sorry, loser lives, you'll "win", even though only in the cyberspace. So, keep it going.

In the meantime, and in real life, you'll still be gutless losers just following the crowd around, and I'll be laughing my arse off again while I watch you stuff your toothless, ugly, fat faces with overpriced pies wondering how the hell your heroes, Tevez, then Mancini went from hero to zero before you even managed to digest it into your beer bellies, let alone comprehend why.

In the meantime, let me repeat what I said: Dzeko should be pissed off with Mancini, not the other way around. Mancini, if allowed to keep his Machiavellian, cowardly act going will not win even the FA Cup again, as there won't be much of a team left to do it this time around, as it was won despite him rather than thanks to him last year.

Mmmmm pie.

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