Annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...apology {merged}

Footballfan1 said:
I am annoyed by the fact that Dzeko apologized... Mancini is the one who should apologize for criticizing him at all... He was the most dangerous man up from in the game.... Dzeko did more in 15 min during the second half then Aguero did during the whole game.

I really hope Dzeko leaves Man City over the next transfer window, because it is def not good for him and his carrier to play for a team where he gets blamed for every game you guys loose.

i am a Dzeko fan, not City, i have my own local club i follow... i wish the best to Dzeko and the currant club he is in, but that about it... Its funny that some Bosnians on here are proclaiming them self as City fans when they never even watch the team play live...

Well go to a Dzeko fan club then you idiot this incase you didn't notice is a Man City board, you obviously have no idea of the nuances and dynamics of the game anyway.

In 1 post you posted as much bollocks as i read in a week, congrats.

Other Bosnians may be Dzeko fans but appreciate the game and the style of play we have, its not for you to worry about.
Footballfan1 said:
I am annoyed by the fact that Dzeko apologized... Mancini is the one who should apologize for criticizing him at all... He was the most dangerous man up from in the game.... Dzeko did more in 15 min during the second half then Aguero did during the whole game.

I really hope Dzeko leaves Man City over the next transfer window, because it is def not good for him and his carrier to play for a team where he gets blamed for every game you guys loose.

i am a Dzeko fan, not City, i have my own local club i follow... i wish the best to Dzeko and the currant club he is in, but that about it... Its funny that some Bosnians on here are proclaiming them self as City fans when they never even watch the team play live...

Can moderator remove the post if it is dumb? Please let's make an option to vote for dump posts and keep the count of the votes as well as total number of dumb votes for the author. At the end of the month we will have a ceremony and the winner 's picture will be beside player of the month picture.<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:48 pm --<br /><br />
TCIB said:
Footballfan1 said:
I am annoyed by the fact that Dzeko apologized... Mancini is the one who should apologize for criticizing him at all... He was the most dangerous man up from in the game.... Dzeko did more in 15 min during the second half then Aguero did during the whole game.

I really hope Dzeko leaves Man City over the next transfer window, because it is def not good for him and his carrier to play for a team where he gets blamed for every game you guys loose.

i am a Dzeko fan, not City, i have my own local club i follow... i wish the best to Dzeko and the currant club he is in, but that about it... Its funny that some Bosnians on here are proclaiming them self as City fans when they never even watch the team play live...

Well go to a Dzeko fan club then you idiot this incase you didn't notice is a Man City board, you obviously have no idea of the nuances and dynamics of the game anyway.

In 1 post you posted as much bollocks as i read in a week, congrats.

Other Bosnians may be Dzeko fans but appreciate the game and the style of play we have, its not for you to worry about.

I honestly think that this dummy is not a Bosnian to begin with. Not that we don't have dumb people but this looks like something else to me.
i am a Dzeko fan, not City, i have my own local club i follow... i wish the best to Dzeko and the currant club he is in, but that about it... Its funny that some Bosnians on here are proclaiming them self as City fans when they never even watch the team play live...

yea sure,im gona fly to manchester from usa every week to watch em ,i can do it on the tv ...look,i dont root for my local clubs coz im not there,besides thats destroyed and will never be what it used to,all the good players go abroad and thats what it is.still,its funny that you registered on this forum only to say how much u like dzeko and dont care(but wish) luck to the club...thats nonsense man
pezlington said:
I dont know about you guys, but I was more annoyed with Dzeko's reaction in Munich that Tevez.

I know that sounds strange given the vast difference in seriousness of their actions. But I consider Dzeko to be a quality player, mostly a real nice guy and pretty much the future of this club...I would hate to see him take the same path as Carlos.

Sort it out Edin!

Edin took so much stick in Germany(moneygrabber)wanted to prove himself, don't forget we were chasing him for over ayear before we got him! Unusual reaction for a normally very nice guy but can be understood!(i remember being subbed against my old team at sunday league level, and i walked from the ground all the way home in my kit) lol
You've got to go with Mancini on this....Dzeko was poor last Tuesday (..along with a few others') and his reaction wasn't good. Obviously no player will feel happy about being substituted in such cirumstances but thers' a fine line between disappointment & petulance and for me Dzeko crossed it. I actually thought it was a strange decision myself to take off a striker off when we were 2 nil down but that doesn't excuse Dzeko's subsequent unprofessionalism, which only serves to publicly undermine Mancini's authority and add more fuel to the media's negativity that Mancini cannot control his players'. It wouldn't happen @ Utd and we have to accept that Mancini is getting right more often the not. Anyway; its been dealt with...Dzeko has apologized, was subsequently dropped and I think Mancini bringing him on for the last 3 minutes @ 4 nil up was perhaps a combined forgivness/don't do it again warning to Dzeko and anyone else wishing to challenge the Manager's authority again. I have to say Balotelli took his chance well and has to start in the next game.
lol why is it nonsense?? i think that is offending to every real City fan to call urself a fan if you live 1000 miles away and never ever watch any live games... i know it would be offending to me if someone from England said they love my local club as much as i love it... cmon lets get reasonable here.

so the sheik who owns the club doesn't watch live games very often does he?

that's offending ? and im not some guy hanging city scarfs and everything sky blue in my room all of a sudden ,i just like the team dude,thats all,ever before dzeko even came there,when he did that made me like em even one is saying i love the club as much as ppl born there,u just picking an argument with yourself there ,go and cheer on for whatever team u rooting for and leave people be,or as we here say chill the f out
cleavers said:
didactic said:
Footballfan1, you are not Bosnian.
This is probably true, I suspect this is someone here just stirring things with the bosnians, especially when they post from somewhere a long way from bosnia. A likely troll.
Go on....

Where's the local area of the IP?

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