Annoying media buzz words.

Starting to have problems with the phrase 'The Project' in relation to us. Loads of peeps use it including the players. Makes us sound like an experiment or some school coursework.
When a ball goes narrowly wide and the commentator goes "Millimeters from going in" or something like that, he does know there is a post there too that the ball would have hit if it was "millimeters away"? Probably just me but i hate that. :)
Kinky Dribbler said:
'They asked a lot of questions of us.'
F*CK OFF! They didn't stand there asking questions like Chris bastarding Tarrant, they posed problems for your defence.

Oh god this one! This one all bloody day long! I have this one, and hughes uses it all the time:
"it's good going up against the big 4 as they ask questions of you"
"well they came here and asked questions of us and unfortunately we didn't have the answers today"

Every god damn game's press conference he has used this phrase.
And "obviously"

Love the guy though!
Phuk Tifano said:
Didsbury Dave said:
By jove, you're right again NL.

I never made the link between the two before but it is definitely there.

I reckon there are conversations going on in Spar shops on grotty estates all over Merseyside:

"At de end of de day I want a tin of soup"
"at de end of de day that's 90p mate" etc.

Like yours, one which the players now do regularly is "yeah, no" at the beginning of every answer.

Interviewer "You looked to be enjoying it out there, Jermaine"
Player, laughs a bit, "Yeah, no, I always give 110%"

Can I add the ubiquitious "like I said.." to the list, especially when Player X hasn't said it previously?

Barry, Bridge, SWP and micah are all prone to doing this too much for my liking.

Nedum doesn't though cuz he's dead smart him :-)
Swoop...that does my fucking head in...
Every bloody transfer is a swoop..even lescott and it's taken 3 months!

"quick garry swoop for kaka"

"I swooped but they bottled it!"

"swoop for lescott then!"

"I'm swooping mark I'm swooping!"

that and "ace"...who actually calls anyone an ace in everyday talk...
Yet in football gelson is a man city ace...ffs
Alright, I'll bite. What is wrong with "EPL"? I really don't have the context of you lot, as a born and raised Canuck, but English Premiere League seems pretty accurate and respectful to me. What's the issue?

(Not the first time I've seen this complaint on here, so I'm honestly curious)

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