Another shooting in america

mcmanus said:
Lucky13 said:
Spot the difference.

26 people killed in school massacre.

Gunman killed on school steps, no injuries reported.

Which do you prefer?

You reckon someone who by choice has trained to teach children will be able to shoot dead a crazed loon hell bent on murdering others.

I kinda think your reasoning needs to be looked at.

The first victim a teacher , owned the guns , try again.
Blue Hefner said:
Lucky13 said:
Spot the difference.

26 people killed in school massacre.

Gunman killed on school steps, no injuries reported.

Which do you prefer?

Or, armed teacher has breakdown........

Or, the one I prefer. Mentally ill kid has breakdown but with no guns in the house or street for that matter a massacre is avoided

The latter is the ideal scenario, however in reality you try to take guns off people and you'll leave a load of criminals with guns.

If someone wants to massacre innocents they don't need a gun. And if they really wanted one they could get one.
mcmanus said:
Barcon said:
I don't think the armed guards will be teaching the kids.

What? You seriously think every school in the states can afford to have someone sat there armed to the teeth from 7 till 4. You do don't ya?

Plenty of US soldiers pointing guns in foreign Countries right now , bring them home, Obamas crocodile tears will not be wasted.
Lucky13 said:
mcmanus said:
Barcon said:
I don't think the armed guards will be teaching the kids.

What? You seriously think every school in the states can afford to have someone sat there armed to the teeth from 7 till 4. You do don't ya?

Plenty of US soldiers pointing guns in foreign Countries right now , bring them home, Obamas crocodile tears will not be wasted.

Are you serious extolling the 'virtues' of arming security guards in school grounds?? It's almost as idiotic as the Loon speaking for the NRA that says why isn't there a national database of mentally ill people??!!

I was at work when I heard that. I was stunned. Utter stunned that this Klown would blame every other facet of society except the ability to access guns.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Blue Hefner said:
Lucky13 said:
Spot the difference.

26 people killed in school massacre.

Gunman killed on school steps, no injuries reported.

Which do you prefer?

Or, armed teacher has breakdown........

Or, the one I prefer. Mentally ill kid has breakdown but with no guns in the house or street for that matter a massacre is avoided

The latter is the ideal scenario, however in reality you try to take guns off people and you'll leave a load of criminals with guns.

If someone wants to massacre innocents they don't need a gun. And if they really wanted one they could get one.

Criminals have guns anyway, they have them in this country yet we don't have armed gangs terrorising the unarmed

Also the 'he could get one argument' only goes so far with me. I'd have like to see an unstable millionaire from the suburbs try his luck in 'the hood' and try and buy one, never-mind several assault rifles

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