Another shooting in america

SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
Blue Hefner said:
In 2011 there were 12,664 murders in the US. Of those, 8,583 were caused by firearms.

That stat would suggest people are being gunned down every day

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-us-state</a>

Yes, there are shootings every day but that wasn't my point.

I'm talking about mass shootings which seems to be the only thing that people get worked up about. They're rare and barely make up a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

There are much bigger and much more solvable problems in the US. Some of which contribute heavily towards their homicide statistics.
Interesting definition of the term "rare" that you have.

A fraction of a percent is -by definition- rare, you moron
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
Yes, there are shootings every day but that wasn't my point.

I'm talking about mass shootings which seems to be the only thing that people get worked up about. They're rare and barely make up a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

There are much bigger and much more solvable problems in the US. Some of which contribute heavily towards their homicide statistics.
Interesting definition of the term "rare" that you have.

A fraction of a percent is -by definition- rare, you moron
No. Rare is something that doesn't happen often you thick twunt. (Which a degree in irony given your last word).

1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in this region.

You think one a month infrequent? Don't try and twist definitions to suit your agenda.
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
Interesting definition of the term "rare" that you have.

A fraction of a percent is -by definition- rare, you moron
No. Rare is something that doesn't happen often you thick fuck.

1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in this region.

You think one a month infrequent? Don't try and twist definitions to suit your agenda.

Rare means little without context.

Around 350million people live in the US. Looking at the statistics, the chances of you being murdered is tiny. The chances of you being involved in a mass shooting is even smaller.

Secondly, there is not a mass shooting every month. Don't make shit up
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
A fraction of a percent is -by definition- rare, you moron
No. Rare is something that doesn't happen often you thick fuck.

1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in this region.

You think one a month infrequent? Don't try and twist definitions to suit your agenda.

Rare means little without context.

Around 350million people live in the US. Looking at the statistics, the chances of you being murdered is tiny. The chances of you being involved in a mass shooting is even smaller.

Secondly, there is not a mass shooting every month. Don't make shit up
Why not when you make up your own definitions (and your own stats on population , you're out by 35 million - or over half of a Great Britain's total)

Either way, by any (real) definition, mass shootings are not rare.

But thick cunts will be thick cunts and believe they are safer in a country with no gun control.
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
No. Rare is something that doesn't happen often you thick fuck.

1. Infrequently occurring; uncommon: a rare event; a plant that is rare in this region.

You think one a month infrequent? Don't try and twist definitions to suit your agenda.

Rare means little without context.

Around 350million people live in the US. Looking at the statistics, the chances of you being murdered is tiny. The chances of you being involved in a mass shooting is even smaller.

Secondly, there is not a mass shooting every month. Don't make shit up
Why not when you make up your own definitions (and your own stats on population , you're out by 35 million - or over half of a Great Britain's total)

Either way, by any (real) definition, mass shootings are not rare.

But thick cunts will be thick cunts and believe they are safer in a country with no gun control.

They are statistically rare. I'm not even going to argue with you about this.
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
Rare means little without context.

Around 350million people live in the US. Looking at the statistics, the chances of you being murdered is tiny. The chances of you being involved in a mass shooting is even smaller.

Secondly, there is not a mass shooting every month. Don't make shit up
Why not when you make up your own definitions (and your own stats on population , you're out by 35 million - or over half of a Great Britain's total)

Either way, by any (real) definition, mass shootings are not rare.

But thick cunts will be thick cunts and believe they are safer in a country with no gun control.

They are statistically rare. I'm not even going to argue with you about this.
No, I wouldn't if I were you either.

7 mass shootings in America in 2012, with 140 casualties and 68 killed (not including the gun men) and 70 since 1982.

This year has seen a doubling on any previous year.

If you want to try and be an apologist for the NRA based on semantics then be my guest. You only make yourself look a fool.
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
Why not when you make up your own definitions (and your own stats on population , you're out by 35 million - or over half of a Great Britain's total)

Either way, by any (real) definition, mass shootings are not rare.

But thick cunts will be thick cunts and believe they are safer in a country with no gun control.

They are statistically rare. I'm not even going to argue with you about this.
No, I wouldn't if I were you either.

7 mass shootings in America in 2012, with 140 casualties and 68 killed (not including the gun men) and 70 since 1982.

This year has seen a doubling on any previous year.

If you want to try and be an apologist for the NRA based on semantics then be my guest. You only make yourself look a fool.

Everyone looks like a fool in your eyes. That's your problem.
ElanJo said:
SWP's back said:
ElanJo said:
They are statistically rare. I'm not even going to argue with you about this.
No, I wouldn't if I were you either.

7 mass shootings in America in 2012, with 140 casualties and 68 killed (not including the gun men) and 70 since 1982.

This year has seen a doubling on any previous year.

If you want to try and be an apologist for the NRA based on semantics then be my guest. You only make yourself look a fool.

Everyone looks like a fool in your eyes. That's your problem.
No. Just the fools and it is their problem. I couldn't give a fuck as it doesn't affect me.

Nice change of discussion from your made up definitions though. Classic moving of goal posts. Good work.
mcmanus said:
Thing is ElanoJo these 'rare' mass shootings scare the fuck out of Yanks leading to more guns being bought and nutjobs wanting bloody teachers armed in classrooms. More objects designed to kill isn't the answer to people getting killed.

They've got the FEAR.

Yea, it's perception. Other than the obvious reasons, I suspect many buy guns and ammo after a high profile shooting just in case strict gun laws are brought in.

I'm not a gun nut, I'd rather there be less guns about in general and I probably wouldn't own one even if I could (simply because there'd be little need to) but I don't think gun control is the answer to reducing violence and deaths. As I said, there are better and more politically viable things which can be done without restricting people's rights. Indeed, enhancing the rights of Americans is the better answer.

Both sides, not just the NRA style pro gun lot who get all the flak, make really bad arguments.

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