Another smoking ban thread

Berkovic_blue said:
RyanShaw said:
Berkovic_blue said:
I'm a smoker myself but fortunately I'm blessed with the willpower to be able to last 90 mins without a cig. Quite easily done really.
We all have the willpower. I can go for days without a cigarette. That's not the point. This is our hobby, not our work, so we should enjoy every second of it. We pay enough for it, after all.

You make it sound like following football is a chore. It shouldn't be.

Football is my release from the harsh realities of work, and real life. I'm not demanding they let me out at half time for a cigarette, but I would love it if they did.

Huh? If you can go for days without a cig then how is it a chore to go 90 mins? I really don't understand your point.

At the end of the day it's well documented that it's against the law to smoke in the stadium and the club can get in trouble if people are doing it. Everyone knows the score so you have absolutely no grounds to complain about it on here or to the club. Try writing to your local MP or start a campaign to get the law changed if it bothers you that much.

And that is the fundamental issue. It's against the Law. What I want to know is how folk go on at work not smoking doing a full 8 hour shift? My lad smokes, I always warn him he'll get caught one day and thrown out. He always has my spare set of car keys, and I always have his season card.
alibee73 said:
it was the first thing that came in to my mind when i read that load of shite, ban blues for a season!! are you seriousl? for havin a cig??

and as for lack of concern i take it you are talking aboult the myth that is passive smoking. Tell me one person who has "passive smoking" on their death cert. dont give me all that roy castle bollox, it didnt seem to do Berhard Manning any harm. And if its just the smell you dont like, well i dont like it when someone brings a balti pie back to their seat after HT coz it feckin stinks.

I'm yet to see someone drinking beer within view of the pitch yet smokers seem to think they are above the law. It's only at football, too. I haven't seen this at gigs, Clubs, trains etc.

I would openly back the Club on imposing a "3 strikes and you're out" rule on smokers continuing to make the toilets unusable for the vast majority of supporters. I also concede that City aren't doing enough to deal with the problem.
Berkovic_blue said:
RyanShaw said:
Berkovic_blue said:
I'm a smoker myself but fortunately I'm blessed with the willpower to be able to last 90 mins without a cig. Quite easily done really.
We all have the willpower. I can go for days without a cigarette. That's not the point. This is our hobby, not our work, so we should enjoy every second of it. We pay enough for it, after all.

You make it sound like following football is a chore. It shouldn't be.

Football is my release from the harsh realities of work, and real life. I'm not demanding they let me out at half time for a cigarette, but I would love it if they did.

Huh? If you can go for days without a cig then how is it a chore to go 90 mins? I really don't understand your point.

At the end of the day it's well documented that it's against the law to smoke in the stadium and the club can get in trouble if people are doing it. Everyone knows the score so you have absolutely no grounds to complain about it on here or to the club. Try writing to your local MP or start a campaign to get the law changed if it bothers you that much.
That's the thing, they don't have to. They can all smoke at half time as it is.<br /><br />-- Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:57 am --<br /><br />
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
And that is the fundamental issue. It's against the Law.
You ever broken a law Mr Ed?
How many people have to be banned, before the club realise they are not accomodating for a large proportion of supporters. The rule of no smoking is there,yes,but its going to get broken,if there is no alternative. The situation is ridiculous. what do the club gain from banning people? nothing,loss of beer/food sales if anything. It may cause some initial problems to have outside smoking areas,the cost of setting them up,stewarding them etc. but it has to be better than the problems caused at the moment.Ive heard that you cant smoke on the forecourt,but how is that policed? It cant be,so perhaps this rule should be changed!! Its not rocket science to get this situation sorted,and it would be beneficial to smoking supporters/non smoking supporters/and also the club.
peoffrey said:
I'm yet to see someone drinking beer within view of the pitch yet smokers seem to think they are above the law. It's only at football, too. I haven't seen this at gigs, Clubs, trains etc.

I would openly back the Club on imposing a "3 strikes and you're out" rule on smokers continuing to make the toilets unusable for the vast majority of supporters. I also concede that City aren't doing enough to deal with the problem.
Pretty noticeable holding a pint is and would be hard to get past stewards at the top of the stairs to be honest. Easier to spot than a crafty fag in the stands even. People aren't trying to get themselves chucked out you know. However, what I've seen plenty of times is people drinking alcohol from flasks or pouring the contents of a hip flask into a bottle of coke. If you think there's no drinking going on in the stands, give your head a wobble, and that's a fucking dumb law too. Kudos to people who consider themselves above dumb laws. They must have belief in their own intelligence and common sense.

What puzzles me is why they adopt a liberal attitude to smoking at Summerbee Bar.
Never saw the stewards going to the Aris fans in the stands last year either, it always seems to me that the stewards choose easy targets, I'm not condoning it btw.
Blue Maverick said:
Never saw the stewards going to the Aris fans in the stands last year either, it always seems to me that the stewards choose easy targets, I'm not condoning it btw.

Because away fans are only here for one game.
The cookie monster said:
peoffrey said:
I would openly back the Club on imposing a "3 strikes and you're out"

Why 3 and your gone for me!

I'm easy going in my thinking. People should be given a warning and a chance to prove everyone wrong. We all make mistakes in life and, after the second warning, then I feel a long term ban is perfect. It's inexcusable.
peoffrey said:
The cookie monster said:
peoffrey said:
I would openly back the Club on imposing a "3 strikes and you're out"

Why 3 and your gone for me!

I'm easy going in my thinking. People should be given a warning and a chance to prove everyone wrong. We all make mistakes in life and, after the second warning, then I feel a long term ban is perfect. It's inexcusable.
Doesn't seem to stop people smoking. And how many have even had a temporary ban? When you compare that with the number smoking at half time each game.

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