Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

That’s pretty much my story after three doses decided against a fourth but hand washing and cleanliness are very important I think, the old advert coughs and sneezes spread disease’s is alway’s valid

My concern is the damage done to children because of lockdowns I’m worried about the isolation aspect and so much time spent on the internet, TV, on social development it wasn’t easy for parents.
I've had four jabs since COVID started and 3 COVID infections in the last year. The fourth jab will be my last because they just don't seem to work for these variants. My fourth was the bivalent vaccine and I caught Omicron just 3 months after the jab.

I had COVID for the first time in August 22 and then I had my fourth jab in November 22. I then caught COVID again in February 23 and again last month. At this rate I'd need to be jabbed 4 or 5 times a year to stop being infected! Clearly for me the jab or protection from infection lasts for around 3 months and then I'm back at square one.

The only thing that I think really worked is the primer that the jabs give for the symptoms of the first infection. My first infection wasn't that bad but it was worse than the others I've had so who knows if it could of been worse?
I've had four jabs since COVID started and 3 COVID infections in the last year. The fourth jab will be my last because they just don't seem to work for these variants. My fourth was the bivalent vaccine and I caught Omicron just 3 months after the jab.

I had COVID for the first time in August 22 and then I had my fourth jab in November 22. I then caught COVID again in February 23 and again last month. At this rate I'd need to be jabbed 4 or 5 times a year to stop being infected! Clearly for me the jab or protection from infection lasts for around 3 months and then I'm back at square one.

The only thing that I think really worked is the primer that the jabs give for the symptoms of the first infection. My first infection wasn't that bad but it was worse than the others I've had so who knows if it could of been worse?

I know what you mean, but I suppose its with any jab, still have the chance to pick up what you are trying to avoid.

I've had 3 jabs, won't be doing the 4th like yourself.

I definitely have long covid, now linked to arthritis throughout my body, it's slowly creeping back in as pain all across my body which is frustrating. Clearly need to go on a higher dose of tablets.
I've had four jabs since COVID started and 3 COVID infections in the last year. The fourth jab will be my last because they just don't seem to work for these variants. My fourth was the bivalent vaccine and I caught Omicron just 3 months after the jab.

I had COVID for the first time in August 22 and then I had my fourth jab in November 22. I then caught COVID again in February 23 and again last month. At this rate I'd need to be jabbed 4 or 5 times a year to stop being infected! Clearly for me the jab or protection from infection lasts for around 3 months and then I'm back at square one.

The only thing that I think really worked is the primer that the jabs give for the symptoms of the first infection. My first infection wasn't that bad but it was worse than the others I've had so who knows if it could have been worse?
That’s the thing Mr KB has had 4 Covid 2 Pneumonia 1 flu and one Shingles, if they offer something different he will put himself forward again.
I’ve never had a flu vaccine but 3 Covid jabs neither of us had the Covid infection itself.
Has to be a strong immune system at play or something else.
Beware of door handles and wash hands :) your immune system may need a boost of vitamins I think someone said Vit D helps

Just to say I’m not a doctor so vitamins may not be suitable if you have all the jabs and still keep getting covid might be worth a trip to the Doc. before you take them
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That’s pretty much my story after three doses decided against a fourth but hand washing and cleanliness are very important I think, the old advert coughs and sneezes spread disease’s is alway’s valid

My concern is the damage done to children because of lockdowns I’m worried about the isolation aspect and so much time spent on the internet, TV, on social development it wasn’t easy for parents.
In a small unscientific sample of around a couple of dozen friends of mine, there’s a definite correlation between the number of multiple boosters and multiple covid infections…the more they have the more times they catch it. I’m by no means anti-vax or a conspiracy theorist, but the manufacturers have made vast sums of money with unnecessary multiple vaccinations of children and fit and healthy adults. In the USA it’s been especially scandalous. Covid has frankly somewhat shaken my confidence in public health advice and I’ll be more wary in the future.
I’m by no means anti-vax or a conspiracy theorist, but the manufacturers have made vast sums of money with unnecessary multiple vaccinations of children and fit and healthy adults.
That sounds like your suggesting a conspiracy by the manufacturers, saying unnecessary. What medical evidence do you have to pronounce it unnecessary ?
I don't think the Gov would be paying all this money for something unnecessary.
The worlds experts on contagious bugs are telling/advising the Govmts that this is necessary.

The Government is giving us free vax to protect us and society, no different that the annual Flu jab. Covid is still alive and kicking and the Gov want it to be suppressed. People die from Flu as well that's why they want to suppress Flu. People take time off work with Flu, they pass it on to their family etc etc.

Children are classed as super spreaders of bugs, they touch everything, wipe their noses, eat dried snot from their noses, don't wash their hands (unless made too) that's why they get vaccinated, to keep covid suppressed in society.

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