Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

I don't have it, but there's a Youtuber who got it and has basically been bed-bound for months. Diana Cowern who runs the channel Physics Girl, but her Instagram is now being run by her husband and is basically just about the illness and asking for patreon donations because her entire source of income has disappeared. I've heard of people getting it, but she's the worst I've seen it.

I just had covid once when I came back to the UK for 2 weeks. 3 years in Asia without getting it. 2 weeks in the UK and get it almost instantly.
My brain feels like it's not quite tuned in. Like it's picking up HTV Wales. In 1981.
My birthday today and I'm pretty much done. I can hardly move today, it's so bad. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like I helped somebody move house yesterday! Or I ran a marathon. I can just about talk.
Happy Birthday. I’m sorry you’re not feeling 100%. It’s the pits not being well on your special day.
Stay safe, take care. :-)
Happy Birthday. I’m sorry you’re not feeling 100%. It’s the pits not being well on your special day.
Stay safe, take care. :-)
Thanks Eccles. I've got some nice prezzies of my kids, anyway:)) I'm starting to feel a bit better. It varies through the day.
My sense of smell is almost all back but still not quite what it was. I also get a weird taste when I eat cucumber now, for a while I had it with a few things ,wine,soft fruit etc, now it's only cucumber I can't eat.
I kind of know what you mean but can’t actually describe the taste I get at the back of my throat sometimes, which I associate with a smell I can’t pin down either.
That sounds like your suggesting a conspiracy by the manufacturers, saying unnecessary. What medical evidence do you have to pronounce it unnecessary ?
I don't think the Gov would be paying all this money for something unnecessary.
The worlds experts on contagious bugs are telling/advising the Govmts that this is necessary.

The Government is giving us free vax to protect us and society, no different that the annual Flu jab. Covid is still alive and kicking and the Gov want it to be suppressed. People die from Flu as well that's why they want to suppress Flu. People take time off work with Flu, they pass it on to their family etc etc.

Children are classed as super spreaders of bugs, they touch everything, wipe their noses, eat dried snot from their noses, don't wash their hands (unless made too) that's why they get vaccinated, to keep covid suppressed in society.
Your faith in Government is touching, you obviously don’t have our Govt !
Let’s be honest, The annual flu jab always is a bit of a shot in the dark and not especially effective. I’m surprised that you think Moderna and Pfizer are so altruistic they would walk away from billions of dollars worth of revenue. As for Govt, just read the Hancock papers for what really was going on, and the views of the scientific advisers. In the UK JVT who approved the purchases now works for Moderna.
Bill - don’t tell me you actually dispute manufacturers have made vast sums of money ! There’s no such thing as free vax either - we taxpayers are paying for it - look at the state of the post covid economy - my grandchildren’s children will be paying for this shambles. I’m not going mining for evidence but I’ll go with what I see and what I believe I know. Basically covid NOW has the same fatality rate ( in fact slightly less) than seasonal flu. These vaccines are very very expensive (and hugely profitable) and the USA in particular seems obsessed with giving them to those not at personal risk like infants and healthy young people. More “thoughtful” Countries all over Europe have stopped this including Denmark who was a world leader in handling covid. Conspiracy ? Perhaps ? Who knows. The good old revolving door might just have something to do with it.
People should be more challenging about what happened with covid or we will never learn the lessons and will repeat our mistakes.
Kate garraways husband derek is the longest sufferer of covid , he still needs round the clock care , dont believe the nutters that it was all a made up thing
Anyone who thinks covid was made up is a complete idiot.
all over body aches?
Yeah....muscles and joints. Like I've feel's like i ran a marathon yesterday. My brain feels fuzzy and spaced out. Hard to concentrate. Even wiping my arse is a struggle. Gonna order a bidet beeday...B day?

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