Any Long Covid sufferers on here?

Yep i got ME from flu back in the early nineties , still have it , you do get used to it and know what you can and cant do , it is pants but i have tried absolutely everything , i endorse calcium with magnesium and also vit d , aside from that nothing , rest v activity and i have learnt the balance to function. the pain from fibro is much worse to deal with , that is more the worst of the two no doubt
And it's NOT caused by the vaccine, as some people try and make out. In fact, the UNvaccinated have a higher rate of developing 'long COVID' after a bout of the virus.
Just before anyone tries that shit again...
So sorry you are no better mate. Its really hellish that nobody seems to be doing enough to research and cure this horrible condition. It has taken a great deal out of him physically and mentally his doctor has prescribed anti depressants and he seems to be coping just about but the difference this has made to his life is profound. His partner seems quite passive about the condition as well and I think would prefer to just get on living her own life. He is fortunate with work as his boss lets him work from home and that is all he does now. Works a few hours and then sleeps. Exercise is out of the question and he is losing muscle cure an alarming rate. Its hard to grasp that in this day and age there is nothing that can be done medically. He is drinking more and that seems to relax the symptoms slightly so you cant blame him but I suppose like weed its not a good path. Best wishes to you mate. I hope there is some kind of improvement soon.
..another thing I've found; On good days, you tend to overcompensate. You try and do as much work as possible. Get it done while you can. DON'T! I always pay for it afterwards.
Just do a few minutes and then rest. Everything must be done at a slow pace.
..another thing I've found; On good days, you tend to overcompensate. You try and do as much work as possible. Get it done while you can. DON'T! I always pay for it afterwards.
Just do a few minutes and then rest. Everything must be done at a slow pace.
This, stop before you feel you need to , it is the only way to go foward , over do it at your peril
..another thing I've found; On good days, you tend to overcompensate. You try and do as much work as possible. Get it done while you can. DON'T! I always pay for it afterwards.
Just do a few minutes and then rest. Everything must be done at a slow pace.
Yes he has worked that out. Do you suffer when the barometer is low? You can almost forecast the weather by how he feels. :-(
3 people i know have got it. one bed bound. she's in her 20's.

doesn't seem much mentioned mainstream though.

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