Anybody expecting A level results tomorrow?

I got 2 U's. So after retaking both exams and revising my arse off (compared to the first time where I did none) I still only get 1 or 2 more marks than I did before. Pile of wank.

For those of you who think you have to wait till 2 or when ever, they might be on your college website. Mine were on my colleges student information system.
I think I have got my place at Staffs uni next year. I got one B and two C's so looks to be good enough.
Im starting in September at Chester Uni - Warrington campus, having took two years out. Im a 'mature student' - yeah right.
What's with this noon for results business? You could find out if you'd got into uni on the UCAS site at 6am this morning.
well done to you all, i was in the same position this time last year

if anyone is coming to one of the universities in Leeds, then pm me if you would like any advice. I study at leeds met and it is one of the best city's to study in
Congratulations and well done to everyone who got the results they wanted/needed.
I got into Manchester with ABB! I get to see every City Home game and cannot wait, GET IN!!!!!
thanks for all the good luck messages and I hope everybody else gets what they want:)

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