Anybody lose a parent young ?

My wife lost her mum when she was 13. A sudden death at home. It has had a very profound impact on her and her siblings lives. My dad walked out on the family when I was 17 and we never saw him again. The impact was nowhere near the same scale. My heart really does go out to those that lose parents in childhood.
Lost my Mam when I was 7. Eldest of 5 my youngest sister was 2 months old. My aunt stepped in and looked after us with my dad. She was not the same as a mam. Didn't realise how much I had missed until we had children of our own and saw how much a mother mattered. I am 69 and miss her.
Lost my Dad at 21. Cancer. He was my world. Still is in a way.

It was hard for a few years but life moves on.

I still look up if something happens to me that he'd find funny. No idea why.
Mum committed suicide when I was 8, I don't really remember her that much but it did screw up my oldest brother. Dad brought 3 lads up on his own with some help from my Nanna (who in my eyes is the greatest Nanna you could ever ask for)
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Lost my mum suddenly a week after I turned 18. No father in the picture and very little family. The family I did have seemingly forget about me soon after. I went well off the rails, drinking far too much and being a dick with friends. A few years later I met the love of my life and she helped me get sorted. Nearly 18 years on and it’s just me her and our kids. Still have days when I feel down and shed a tear, Christmas Day mrs got me so air pods tried them out making dinner and drugs don’t work cane on and couldn’t help crying.
Not me, but my Sister died young leaving 2 kids motherless before they were 12. Their loss had a devastating effect but luckily we are a big family and the kids got more than enough support from us all. They came through the other side and now are both successful and loving life.
However, when we have a family do there's always a tear or 2 shed.
Lost my mum in 1977 , I was 18 still miss her like anything, she brought 6 of us up had 2 jobs and was always there for us .

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