Anyone disappointed?

blueyorkie said:
Clearly a lot of people haven't taken notice of the failed policy of the last 35 years. Sacking managers does not guarantee success. Personally think sacking Hughes would be a major set back given the upheaval that would inevitably follow. he should be given plenty of time to see his plans come to fruition, I would be happy if he was still at the helm in 5 years.
He strikes me as a hard working manager , with a steely determination and a good eye for a player. Tactically he is improving, ask messers Wenger and Ancellotti.

Have any of his signings been unknowns or all quite pricey established players...
tolmie's hairdoo said:
BillyShears said:
I think you missed the point somewhat. I could NEVER go into a match thinking about anything but a win, and I suspect 99% of City fans would feel the same. My question is, in hindsight, are there any supporters who are disappointed that Hughes has enhanced his reputation this week...

Didn't miss the point, Billy. I didn't say I wanted us to lose, only that I thought about a scenario should we have come up short against Arsenal.

I am honest enough to admit there have been exceptional times down the years watching City where I have been non-plussed about us winning a match.

Remember a large section of supporters celebrating at Villa Park when they were up against United for the title in the run-in, and we gave them a needless penalty.

I don't believe Hughes has enchanced his reputation to a major extent on the back of the two results, albeit for those fickle enough to change opinion at the occurence of a great result here or there.

Many of Hughes' supporters have argued the owners do not formulate an opinion on a whim and a few bad results. The flip side of the coin, is exactly the same.

Yes, they will have been delighted by putting Arsenal and Chelsea, away, but for anyone to suggest the pressure is off Hughes for the foreseeable future is naive.

I am impressed by the fact that you have a knowledge of the owners thoughts because as far as I'm aware they have backed him to the hilt and have not shown any desire to look elsewhere for a manager.
Thank God they don't behave like school kids based on week by week results.
moomba said:
blueyorkie said:
Clearly a lot of people haven't taken notice of the failed policy of the last 35 years. Sacking managers does not guarantee success.

The last 35 years is irrelevant, we are in a totally different situation. And while sacking managers is no guarantee of success, neither is persisting with the wrong one (not saying we're in that boat yet).

that's correct and is the reason why this "We need stability" argument doesn't stack up.

For most of the last 35 years we have been in financial meltdown with a constantly changing, infighting and bitching board.

Year dot for us was August 31st 2008. Everything changed. Completely.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
BillyShears said:
I think you missed the point somewhat. I could NEVER go into a match thinking about anything but a win, and I suspect 99% of City fans would feel the same. My question is, in hindsight, are there any supporters who are disappointed that Hughes has enhanced his reputation this week...

Didn't miss the point, Billy. I didn't say I wanted us to lose, only that I thought about a scenario should we have come up short against Arsenal.

I am honest enough to admit there have been exceptional times down the years watching City where I have been non-plussed about us winning a match.

Remember a large section of supporters celebrating at Villa Park when they were up against United for the title in the run-in, and we gave them a needless penalty.

I don't believe Hughes has enchanced his reputation to a major extent on the back of the two results, albeit for those fickle enough to change opinion at the occurence of a great result here or there.

Many of Hughes' supporters have argued the owners do not formulate an opinion on a whim and a few bad results. The flip side of the coin, is exactly the same.

Yes, they will have been delighted by putting Arsenal and Chelsea, away, but for anyone to suggest the pressure is off Hughes for the foreseeable future is naive.

Whether anyone likes it or not Hughes is City's fate. You cannot have one with the other whilst he is boss. They were plenty who wanted City to lose, so he could be sacked. In my eyes, they are not blues.
Consistency will always be the key, but the fella deserves a breather from idiotic, knee-jerk, reaction fans.
Knee jerk reaction fans are those that now think MH has turned the corner because of the last 2 results..!!
blueyorkie said:
I am impressed by the fact that you have a knowledge of the owners thoughts because as far as I'm aware they have backed him to the hilt and have not shown any desire to look elsewhere for a manager.
Thank God they don't behave like school kids based on week by week results.

What, you mean like large numbers of those on here who, after a week of good results, decided overwhelmingly to vote "Hughes In" on the Poll Thread?

Leave it long enough and the "week by week results" are all that matter, we've had 60odd week by week results and that's what I've based my current position on, Hughes isn't the right man for the job. The owners are obviously sticking with him at present so we'll see if that's the right thing to do or not.
BillyShears said:
I think it was widely acknowledged that poor results against Arsenal and Chelsea would have rendered Hughes' position close to untenable. So I'm curious, anyone disappointed that he's managed to turn the tide in a week?

To be clear, I'm not asking if your disappointed in the results themselves, but disappointed in what they mean for our manager...

sadly, I think there are more than a few on here.
de niro said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm delighted about the results, really happy.

It hasn't changed my opinion about Hughes.

He needs to get us in the top 4 by the end of the season or he's failed.

But I would love us to have a successful season, regardless of whos at the helm.

We could end up in a scenario where we've finished 4th and Jose wants the job. What would the owners do then?
all of this.

So our expectations have risen higher than that of the owners...Hughes agenda was to finish top 6 this season. It says something about the progress we've made that we expect more of the manager than his remit. It also suggests the notion that Hughes (and the team of course) has us thinking that more is possible...wouldnt that be an indication of the team exceeding expectations and ...shock horror....actually giving us the chance to dream?

Im sure you've all heard the George best story when he was in a hotel with Miss World in bed and having champagne delivered to the door when the porter asked him where it had all gone wrong? I have a feeling that after this season is over and we finally have some silverware after all these years, there will be City fans asking the exact same question to MH.
vonksbignose said:
I think you underestimate the importance our owners put on doing things the right way Rammy!

We're not owned by an Abramovic or a Mike Ashley you know! These are decent, honourable men, & from the way they've conducted themselves so far, I think its fair to assume that having given the man a target to achieve, were he to do so, he could expect their continued backing!
I'm not slagging off our owners here, they're great. But they are from the stock that borrows billions of pounds from British banks and fails to pay it back, allowing government-backed entities to go to the wall and screwing British businesses out of billions.

I find all this "decent, honourable Arabian gentlemen who do things the right way" nonsense a bit tiresome, to be honest. Like I say, I'm not badmouthing them, I'm just pointing out that they are exactly the same as all other businessmen anywhere in the world: ruthless.

If Jose Mourinho wanted the job, only the league title itself would prevent him from getting it.
Matty said:
BillyShears said:
I think it was widely acknowledged that poor results against Arsenal and Chelsea would have rendered Hughes' position close to untenable. So I'm curious, anyone disappointed that he's managed to turn the tide in a week?

To be clear, I'm not asking if your disappointed in the results themselves, but disappointed in what they mean for our manager...

I think he's only turned the tide with fickle clueless "fans". Those who understand football realise that he's has 2 very good results but those are essentially meaningless if he doesn't continue to pick up good results over the next couple of months as well.

Those who understand football
Where are they?

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