Or they live in families where swearing and that kind of atmosphere is normal. Anyway, I do agree pretty much, football matches are generally not for kids of that age and in most cases, they're better to watch them on TV, but if there's family stand, thought about just to give that matchday experience for kids and families, then I'm sorry, if you're about to act as lunatic, go to some other stand.
I am 42, I go to football matches and obviously don't get scared to cry like borther's lad, but I'd probably go to much more matches if it wasn't to some of the language around me when I'm there. We're "blessed" here with such a big spectre of swearing, I am OK with fuck off, shit etc.. but when I hear someone screaming to the player or ref "I fuck your dead mother", "i fuck your kid", I don't feel comfortable at all. It's not part of football thing, it's plain savagery and I find myself asking why the fuck I am doing this to myself to stand there with people like that, I wouldn't want to link myself with such profile in any other form of daily life.