Anyone met a famous celebrity and worth a post?

I was at a NW Sports Personality of the Year do at the Piccadilly Hotel in the 80s.
Expensive tickets all for charity, we had a table from work.
You could get autographs at the top table. I got Jimmy Frizzell, Eddie Large, Bernard Manning and then i waltzed past Ferguson. He tapped me on the shoulder and said " do you not want mine son" to which i politely replied "no thanks".
"blue are you" he asked to which i said yes. The FA Cup was on the table, he said " touch that son, it's the closest you'll ever fucking get to it". Quite amusing but it was great to prove him wrong in 2011.

Fucking old ****. Him not you.
I met Mike Tyson in January 2000, he was in England for the first time and was staying at the Grosvenor hotel London
I was staying there for a couple of days at the same time. I was working for KPMG at the time and we'd travelled down for our divisional conference. A few of us got a taxi there from Euston and as we pulled into the hotel entrance, there were loads of cameramen and photographers peering in the taxi. We wondered why they were so interested in KPMG's Financial Services Division's conference. I checked in and went to the lift. As I got there, it opened and Mike Tyson, plus numerous members of his entourage, got out. Then I realised the people outside weren't really interested in us.
Perhaps that's where me and you differ. (See my post te Buchan) absolutely no way would I have allowed the drunken skunk to say that to me unanswered...... and my answer would not have been polite and it wouldn't have been clever but the piss soaked cretin would not be smiling.
To be fair, I was a young salesman at the time in my 1st job. Later on in the evening Paul McGraths minders had to stop him coming for me when i offered to put in for his whipround following Manning taking the piss out of him big time in his act. I'd had a few more drinks by then.
When I was early teens, one of our neighbours was Alan Rothwell, a regular on Coronation Street who played Ken Barlow's brother, David. He was a smashing guy and we got to meet quite a few of the Corrie cast, as he'd take us to Granada Studios for rehearsal. Through Alan, I got to have a cup of tea with Alan Price, in the VIP tent at Oldham Carnival. And after that had finished, the Ivy League (if anyone remembers them) ended up in our house having a cuppa.

I remember meeting Violet Carson in her full Ena Sharples costume, who was absolutely lovely and had a beaming smile. Had tea with Ken (Bill Roache) and his (real life) missus and chatted to Eileen Derbyshire (Ollie Holt's mum). Met Elsie Tanner (Pat Phoenix) who was very glamorous and quite unlike her slightly dowdy screen image. Bet Lynch (Julie Goodyear) wasn't a neighbour but lived not far away and she was exactly like her on-screen character.

Met Stan and Hilda Ogden under different circumstances. I was in a sub post-office stood behind Jean Alexander, chatting to her, and had no idea as she looked and sounded completely different off-screen. It was only when she got served and went out that the woman behind the counter told me who it was. Bernard Youens was actually a client of the accountancy firm I worked for so you'd often see him in the office.

A mate of mine used to have a kiosk by the old Granada Studios and was working near there one day so went chatting to him. While we were chatting Kate Ford (Tracy Barlow) came along to buy something and we all had a chat. She was lovely and nothing like the evil Tracy.

The best though was when my mum and dad downsized and moved to a nice flat in Whitefield. One of their neighbours was Vera Duckworth, whose real name was actually Sylvia, rather than Liz which was her stage name. Even funnier, it turned out that she knew my aunty quite well as they both used to chat when picking up their respective grandkids from school in York. Often used to see and chat to her.

Got on the train at Euston one Friday afternoon to travel back to Manchester and was sat opposite her screen husband Bill Tarmey. It was the week after he'd "died" in Corrie so we had a laugh about that but he clearly wasn't a well man. And when I was working down in London, the legend that is Curly Watts (Kevin Kennedy) used to arrange his nights off from We Will Rock You around City's Europa League games and join us in the pub. He was brilliant.
Did you ever go to Big Hands? Very popular with bands after they’ve played the Academies, though I’ve never seen a musician in there.
Yes. I DJ’d there a few times too. Writing has replaced music as my creative outlet these days but that early 20’s period was a huge part of my life.
Done work at the houses of;

Mario ballotelli. Crazy fella. Very polite
James milner. Miserable as fuck. His mrs stood and made a brew for her self and never offered me one , the ultimate sin.
SWP. Top fella but tried to chip me £50 as ‘he didnt have it on him’
Craig Bellamy. Ok, as youd expect, bit offish but polite enough.
Shay given. Utter twat. Did something that ill never ‘unlike’ him for. I bristle when i see him on the tv.

And the best .. PABLO!!! I was told he wouldnt be in, as i was letting myself in, he opened the door and was just leaving. I did a little girly giggle, tried to speak, nothing came out. He was brill, he knew, he patted me on the shoulder and smiled and walked away.
Shay Given? Come on, what did he do?
Chesney Hawkes many years ago in Mauritius. I was walking on the beach with my GF at the time and spotted him. Started telling her how much I hated the song of his and how he was probably a twat. 6 beers later and I'm arms round him belting out the song together much to the disgust of my GF (she was 10 years older than me at the time and not much of a people person). Anyway, turns out he was a nice chap after all, had a few more beers with him and his family. Asked us to go out with them on a boat next day with them but didn't want him to start getting too matey so just left it at that.
Roy Paul a few times, he was my best mates uncle when I was a nipper.
Clive Thomas the ref. His mother lived directly opposite me in the seventies. He was a very arrogant bloke. Paul Whitehouse on a train. Tom Baker (dr Who) Alf from Home and Away. Prince Charles in Germany (army) Will Carling, JPR Williams who told me that RL is better than Union and Barry John who's always having a swig in the Borough pub in Cardiff.
My daughter works at the Vale resort outside Cardiff and reported the presence of what she described as a creepy old man loitering in the carpark. Manuel Pellegrini the morning before the 3-2 defeat to Cardiff.
Vale Resort as in Hensol ?
Saw John Toshack in there once upon a time.

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